Data Collecting Data Processing and Analysis

642 instrument. The assessment was based on the use of learning media as well as teacher‟s skill in managing the classroom interaction. 2. Questionnaire Questionnaire was used to get data on respondens‟ understanding about using storytelling in teaching English at elementary school. 3. Video Recording Video Recording was used to record the whole teaching and learning process. The record was then discussed to evaluate the strong and weak points of the teaching and learning process. 4. Photo Camera Photo Camera was used to record the teaching and learning process. The record was then discussed to evaluate the strong and weak points of the teaching and learning process. It was also used as a document of the respondens file i.e. Lesson Plan, Students Work Sheet, and some other media used for the teaching and learning.

C. Data Collecting

Research data were collected through the following techniques: 1 teaching simulation, data was collected using IPKG; 2 respondens perception about teaching English at elementary school through storytelling, data was collected using questionaire; and 3 documental study, through photo camera and video recorder.

D. Data Processing and Analysis

Mixed Method of explorative type was used in this study, so there were two kinds of data analysis: 1. Quantitative Data Quantitative Data was analysed using descriptive statistical method, finding the Mean, Standard Deviation, and Z scores. The formula was used to see the differences of respondens‟ skill in using storytelling before the application of self- training teaching model and after the application of the model in English teaching at elementary school. Creswell, 2009; Lichtman, 2010; McMillan Schumacher, 2010; Neuman, 2006. 2. Qualitative Data Qualitative data was analysed based on stages from Miles dan Huberman Sugiyono, 2011, by reducing and presenting the data to draw the conclusion. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Result Respondens‟ storytelling skills were observed and assessed by four assessors. The respondens were the four PGSD students, while the assessors were an expert in English Teaching for Young Learners, an English teacher at elementary school, and two lecturers of UPI Kampus Cibiru the researchers. The scores shown in table 3.1 and table 3.2 were the accumulation of seven aspects of English teaching through storytelling assessed and recorded in IPKG. Observation and assessment toward 643 respondens‟ storytelling skills were carried out before as well as after the application of self-training teaching model. a. Respondens‟ Storytelling Skills before the Application of Self-training Teaching Model Tabel 3.1 shows the respondens‟ storytelling skill measured by the score they got. The scores were recorded before the application of self-training teaching model. Respondens‟ Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Average Score Sinta 3.75 4.00 3.70 3.86 3.83 Hani 3.38 4.00 2.66 3.54 3.40 Deni 3.29 3.29 3.00 3.00 3.14 Tuti 1.96 3.54 2.49 2.96 2.74 Tabel 3.1 Storytelling scores before the application of self-training teaching model Score 1 were given by the first assessor; score 2 were given by the second assessor, score 3 were given by the third assessor; and score 4 were given by the fourth assessor. The last column shows the average score of the four scores. b. Respondens‟ Storytelling Skills After the Application of Self-training Teaching Model Table 3.2 shows the respondens‟ storytelling skill measured by the score they got. The scores were recorded after the application of self-training teaching model. Respondens‟ Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Average Score Sinta 4.64 4.01 4.98 4.36 4.50 Hani 4.38 4.00 3.64 4.10 4.03 Deni 3.65 3.46 3.19 3.60 3.48 Tuti 3.96 3.56 3.33 3.50 3.52 Tabel 3.2 Storytelling scores after the application of self-training teaching model Score 1 were given by the first assessor; score 2 were given by the second assessor, score 3 were given by the third assessor; and score 4 were given by the fourth assessor. The last column shows the average score of the four scores.

B. Discussion

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