Problem Formulation Research Objectives Benefits Research Operational Definitions

629 VCT learning patterns according to A. Kosasih Djahiri 1992 , is considered superior to affective learning because ; The first , is able to develop and personify values and morals ; The second , is able to clarify and reveal the message content of the material presented ; The third is able to clarify and assess the quality of the students moral values and moral values in real life ; fourth , able to invite , engage , nurture and develop the potential of the students , especially the potential afektualnya ; fifth , able to provide a learning experience in a variety of life ; sixth , was able to counteract , negate , intervened and various naive moral values that exist in the system and moral values that exist in a person ; seventh , to lead and motivate a decent living and high moral . The learning process in the conventional manner in Civics subject in Class 1 Green School International has been getting unsatisfactory results . The results of formative and non- formative tests are very far from the expectations of the teacher . With the above problems the authors are interested in trying to apply the model of VCT Value Clarification Technique through pilot method in class 1 Green School International . And the focus of study in this research is the application of Model VCT Value Clarification Technique through the Learning Civics Pilot Method to Improve Student Affective Intelligence Class 1 Green School International .

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background mentioned above , the basic research that can be formulated as follows : Is the learning model of VCT through the pilot study method Civics have a significant influence to improve the students affective intelligence ?. The formulation of the problem can be broken down as follows : How affective intelligence first graders performed after learning IGS Civics with VCT models through pilot method ?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the research problem has been formulated , the objectives of this study are detailed as follows : To determine the grade 1 student affective intelligence IGS done after learning civics with VCT models through pilot method .

D. Benefits Research

1 Theoretical Benefits From this study generated learning programs through VCT models to develop affective intelligence of children. 2 Practical Benefits Practically, this research beneficial to the following parties : a. teachers Teachers must be able to teach the methods varied to improve the intelligence of children through learning salahsatunya VCT model . b . Curriculum development The model can be applied as an integral VCT in the curriculum so that children can develop affective intelligence . c . Other researchers The results of this study can be used as reference material for further research , in particular in order to develop skills particularly affective intelligence clarify values . 630

E. Operational Definitions

1. Learning model VCT Value Clarification Technique What is meant by engineering clarify the value value clarification technique in this study can be interpreted as teaching techniques to assist students in finding and determining a value that is considered good in the face of a problem through a process of analyzing the existing value and embedded in students through a pilot method . 2. Methods Pilot What is meant by the pilot method in this study can be interpreted teaching techniques that visualize abstract material through concrete examples in the form of images , such as photographs or stories and examples of the action state that contains the values of the contrast according to the topic or theme of learning . 3. Affective Intelligence What is meant by affective intelligence in this study include attitudes , interests , emotions , values and appreciation of life . In this sphere is divided into several sections covering aspects of acceptance to the environment , response or response to the environment , appreciation of the value of the expression in the form of something , organize a variety of values to find a solution , as well as the characteristics of the values are internalized within.

F. Research Methods

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