Conceptual Definition Operational Definitions Analysis of Data

314 learning takes place by using the method of storytelling. So the data that is recorded is the process of each action in each cycle has been implemented. The data obtained used for reflection. • Provide the end of each cycle assessment in the form of observations that are used to seeing in the linguistic aspects of verbal ability.

A. Conceptual Definition

Conceptually, linguistic intelligence is the intelligence of word processing and the ability to use words effectively both orally and in writing. Verbally to others, which is characterized by 1 the verbal aspect, includes a clear pronunciation, intonation reasonable, correct kallimat arrangement, and the choice of the right word, spell the word correctly. 2 non-verbal aspects, including courage, fluency and expression gestures in speaking; 3 aspects of content, covering of detail and clarity in the delivery of the content of the conversation.

B. Operational Definitions

Linguistic intelligence is a score that describes the childs ability level linguistic intelligence obtained by the instruments ability when it had engaged in oral storytelling. Levels of linguistic intelligence shows the development of verbal ability children from the simplest to the most complex. Scoring exercise is to look at verbal abilities of children with levels indicated: Develop according to expectations score 3; Developing Good score 2; Not to Grow score 1

C. Analysis of Data

Data obtained from this study includes two types of data, in accordance with the demands of action research, the qualitative and quantitative data. Analysis of the data used are: • Data that are qualitative descriptive implementation of activities learning of given actions and views of the teacher, and then analyzed inductively, with a step of data reduction, data display and data verification. • quantitative data in the form of descriptive analysis. Descriptive techniques to describe the characteristics of the distribution of scores of respondents each study. Descriptive techniques used in the form of a frequency distribution table, percentage, average, and standard deviation, from the initial assessment pre-test, to the first cycle and the second cycle. Calculation ujit-t menggnakan aplikai MS. Excel. • quantitative data and qualitative data are integrated to produce meaningful conclusions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Background Siger Gold is an early childhood education environment that seeks mengopptimalkan potential of children and foster active learning active learning. In Teaching and Learning activities KBM integration of high element of education schools, parents, and community is preferred in order to achieve the level of achievement of the development of age- appropriate child development and qualified for the benefit of mankind and the nation. 315

2. Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations

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