Application the value of leadership through Teacher-Centered learning.

434 warning will be given in two times, and after that the third warning children are welcome to calm down off with a breakaway. Miss Aisyah : Muhammad the prophet loves the children who can lead themselves. Field notes, 9 September 2013 Miss Aisyah was also in his role as a teacher is always reminding the children to be able to lead themselves as a leader must be able to organize themselves web, 2013. Leadership value applied by the teacher never misses in daily activities including in the time of prayer. Although every values are sourced by the teacher. The children are not conducive when it is a prayer time, so Miss Aisyah gave expression of disappointed to the children while if they are going to pray, they should always reminded. Miss Aisyah remembering children that if they want to pray, they need to lead themselves to pray so the devils leave. Miss Aisyah : Allah said that everyone is a leader. That‟s why devil doesn‟t like. “ Are u want to accompanied by devils, children? “If you don‟t want to, then pray seriously”. Field notes, 23 september 2013 Another incident of concern to researchers is when the children pray always accompanied by teacher so when the teacher can not accompanied the children, sometimes they are confused with the order of what prayers should they read. After back from tilawati reading Quran class, children get ready to eat snack. The children lined up on the carpet accordance to their group. And then one child who is on duty will be picked to be a leader while they do a pray. Although everyday they do a same routine of pray, but oftentimes children forget the order of prayers that should they read so when they read the pray that must be a teacher who guide them to tell what kind of pray should they read and how is the order. Otherwise, the children will be confused about what prayer to say. It is shown up the negative side from the teacher-centered learning. Where children are habitually waited for teacher‟s direction and feel insecure to pray by themselves. Sometimes when she gives a new rote prayer or gives direction to the children for praying, she did it with a fast intonation. Thus, in practice it sounds less meaning. Even thought it written in school‟s document. Pemimpin kindergarten claimed student-centered learning. But in its practice Pemimpin Kindergarten more doing teacher- centered learning, likes what it shown in some excerpts above. Including the source into the values of leadership is religion.

B. Application the value of leadership through Teacher-Centered learning.

Pemimpin Kindergarten has got seven values of leadership which it be its foundation, those values are understanding self, communication, getting along with others, learning to learn, decision making, managing, working with group. Those seven values are integrated in all materials of learning in Pemimpin Kindergarten. As researcher explained before, about how is leadership integrated with religion values. Every step of learning that teacher and children do is aim to raise abilities of children in leadership thing. 435 But in implementation of those values, it still feels strong dominance of the teacher. Although as institutionally Pemimpin kindergarten reveal that in their learning activity that Pemimpin kindergarten did is more focus on children as a learner while teacher stand as a motivator and facilitator who gave stages Web, 2013. As illustrated in the following excerpts, it shown that teacher is trying to involve children in making a decision of who will be a leader. After the relaxation are done, a teacher give a change to the children who is on duty today to lead a pray with asking who else are on duty today. Children call the names that are on duty one by one. But also the teacher who decided and called a child to lead a pray. Akbar : “ Are you ready friends?” Children : “Yes, we are” and the children are started to pray. Filed Notes, 09 September 2014 Even thought teacher asking children‟s opinion about who will become a leader, but then the teacher is also very unfortunate that decides whos a leader. In fact, the leadership will grow and thrive on the opportunities given to children Loh, n.d.. As a matter of fact in Pemimpin Kindergarten, how a leader should be act also implemented by the teacher through the transfer of information. That a leader should be patient, if leaders do something he will do it quickly. A leader loves their parent; the leader can lead his limbs. As illustrated below: ―The good leader will learn” said miss Aisyah to the children who was fall and cry. Field notes, 30 September 2013 Pemimpin kindergarten also understands that a leader should be a good listener. Pemimpin kindergarten also believed it is also a part of the capabilities that are expected to emerge in the child. Teacher often give a strong doctrine to practice children‟s ability of being a good listener. A doctrine that the leader should be a good listener is reflected in the notes field below. Before they start the main activities, Miss ana is doing conditioning focus child. While children are noisy, Miss ana wi ll say, “Sorry, it looks like there is not yet a good listener”. Field notes, 11 September Although on occasion the teacher say the word sorry, but this sorry perceived as a form of control teachers on childrens behavior. That control intended to create an atmosphere more conducive to learning. Even so Dewey Tzuo, 2007 agree that a teacher still have to control the class even it is a child-centered learning class. That controls are intended to guide and help children improve existing potential in him. Dewey Tzuo, 2007 also magnify that there would be no intellectual growth without various reconstruction, some impulses and desires in the form of the first kids show. Direction control that conducted by the teacher is to train a freedom of thinking rather than border it. A meaningful learning for children is a learning that built on experiences that are directly hands-on experiences Solehuddin, 1997. Piaget Tzuo, 2007 argued that a child will build his self beyond on prior knowledge and new experiences. So it is important for a child to have diverse experiences. Vygotsky Tzuo, 2007 also reveal that interactive and constructive activities, which both are goods those are communication and individual play an important role in learning. Based on the observation that researchers do for about 2 months shows that an activity that children do at Pemimpin Kindergarten are more doing worksheets activities. Even when 436 it is in the center of which was supposed to be filled with hands-on experience of activities, Pemimpin kindergarten tend to rely on the worksheet for learning activities. When learning that emphasizes paper and pencil activities considered practice that is not adapted on stage of development for children Santrock, 2007. Nevertheless, most of which rely on the worksheet activities are revealed by the teacher as limited time that teacher have on school hours child. The reason why we did worksheet that because a lot of things those kid must do, miss, but the time was limited. We do all the things beyond an order from our leader. We feel sorry for children because of it. This is also largely due to the demand of parents who want many materials. And so the children are full, we often overwhelmed because so many things we have to do. Otherwise we have not finish another job yet. Outpouring of the teacher can be understood as a lack of empowerment of teachers to a running system. It is understood Adriany 2013 as a powerless teacher. Because this is happen not only what teacher want to, but also there are many conflicts that is inevitable that one of them is the ratio of children. By looking at the size of the class, the teacher positioned himself as helpless and ultimately be subject to the structure, the size of the class, school and classroom regulations Adriany, 2013. So in this stage the teacher experienced a dilemma in itself. This is also can lead to conflict within the teacher. Teacher actually understands that a good learning is a child centered learning. Where children become an active learners, but the demands from institution to the teacher also number of learning activities while the time is limit often make this things happen. Ratio of children and teachers are also become one of the obstacles. In one class with 28 children are not easy things to facilitate children‟s development one by one. Although the rules of the class will be accompanied by three teachers, but in practice often happens one person versus 28 children. It would be very difficult for teachers to facilitate the needs of children one by one. Even though many experts say the ideal number in a class of no more than 20 children with two teachers who work together to effectively assist children Bredekamp, 1987; Solehuddin, 1997. Similarly, it was understood by the government as policy maker, they states that a maximum of one class consists of 20 children with 2 assistant teachers Permen government regulation 58 Year 2009. However in researcher observation in the field, that count of numbers will be through significant difficulties if the learning adopts child-centered learning method. Where of course in child- centered learning system which children as centered, every children should be facilitated as individual. Child-centered learning method oftentimes become problem when it depends on ratio between teacher and children. Adriany 2013 revealed numbers of children in one class would be affecting how the teacher treats children one by one. Teachers are become helpless when it should facilitate a number of children in a same time with another list to do. The teacher‟s behavior can be a result of the control exerted by the school and also institution to the teacher and children Francais Mills, 2011; Adriany, 2013. Control is about what the rights and obligations of the child is also a teacher in the field. So at the same time the teacher should facilitate children and settle claims in the administrative class who would be quite time-consuming. When talking about the presence of the teacher in the learning system that is centered on the child, on the other hand the teacher has a responsibility for the sustainability of the learning in the classroom. Therefore, it is often become the reason why in the end often centered learning to the teacher even though in the settings to the child-centered learning. It is 437 also believed by Brugman 2008; Tzuo, 2007; Adriany, 2013 as a form of responsibility of teacher in children‟s learning process. This responsibility is closely to the task of teacher as a manager of learning which capacity to ensure the learning process is going well. Dewey 1998; Tzuo, 2007 recognizes that the existence of teacher control in the child-centered learning is also still needed, the teachers role to sustain the class and help support the development of children by providing guidance to the child. But still, according to Dewey 1997; Tzuo, 2007 the important thing for teacher does not only understand the children a whole class, but also has bonding personally to every children. Accordingly to an education system that embrace child-centered learning, probably consider the ratio between teacher and children. So the quality of learning that can be created, this of course will be very beneficial for the teachers and children as well as the main character. It is important for the government as policy makers to rethink the regulations on the number of teachers and children in one class. However, this of course needs to be accompanied by policies to increase the amount of labor teachers. As the role of the teacher which is very crucial to facilitate childhood development, Such Vygotsky Tzuo, 2007 says that teacher help and give the children opportunity that related to the growth and development of children. So if in implemented at the field is more teacher centered dominant, teacher is not the only one who can be blame, even though teachers are the main actors in learning process. For Pongtuluran Rahardjo nd the whole system of education is to be responsible. Adriany 2013 is also adding that teacher in case with learning practice in field regarded as victim that just received orders to carry out their duties without being able to do much. The policyholder is often demanding more things from teachers in a learning process with no regard for teachers. There are times when the benefits received by the teacher with what the teacher do is not required to conform. Instead the government should focus emphasizes learning to children, in a same time government is also make policy that one class is for 20 children with a teacher DEPDIKNAS, 2009. Judging from another point in a child-centered learning. Sometimes teacher‟s power as educators need for helping children rise their potential to provide guidance to children as a teacher Dewey, 1998; Tzuo, 2007. Dewey Tzuo, 2007 also believe that a freedom of a child should be built because it is not freedom solely as a willingness to be free. But the major of education is to establish the freedom of the child in thinking. It becomes impossible to help children get their goal from education without any direction from teacher Buzzeli Johnston, 2002; Tzuo, 2007. The role of the teacher is still needed in the learning activity, because the teacher should give some guidance to children to build their knowledge as well as to help children thrive on positive track Tzuo, 2007. And so what Estesvag has revealed Lopes Santos, 2013 that teachers are not only expected to remedy teach things related to science like mathematics, but also to teach children about social skills so that children can become good citizens. Similarly expressed by Fox 2009 that in early childhood programs, every child will need direction from adult and instruction about how to express their feelings with appropriate, play cooperatively with friends and use strategies in the face of social problems. Because if we compare with children, teachers have a higher sensitivity than the children how an individual should behave Chall, 2000; Stevenson Stigler, 1992, Stigler Hiebert, 1999; Lopes Santos, 2013. In relation to leadership, the teacher is also a person who can help the child discover his talent Covey, 2008. The teacher role is to remind children when children are out of 438 control when emotions to his friend. Teacher is also can give spirit when children feel shy and down while their face the problem. Other roles, the teacher can also be an example of how to be a leader. That because teacher is become dominate figure in the children everyday life at school. So the actions of the teacher would be recorded in the memory of children.

C. Effect of Leadership Practice In Children at Pemimpin Kindergarten

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