2.2 The Reward Circuit Based Learning Multicultural Early Childhood Education

621 Gb.2.1 The Human Brain Sumber: www.brightfocus.org

b.2.2 The Reward Circuit

Sumber: www.science20.com function in controlling body temperature, thirst, and urinating, controlling food consumption, controlling secretion of anterior hippo physics hormones, producing posterior hippo physics hormones, controlling uterus contraction, coordination center of nerves system, controlling muscles, heart muscles, exoryn, and has a role in behavior and emotion and amiglada which has function in controlling body parts, emotion, attention, and hearing center. 3. Cerebellum hindbrain is located under lobus occipitals cerebrum which has function in coordinating muscles movements which occurred consciously, balance, and body position. If there is negative stimulation, this hindbrain can not do their function so conscious movement can not be occurred. 4. Medulla Oblongata brain stem is located inside the skull or in the bottom of the skull. This medulla oblongata has function to deliver impulses which comes from medulla spinals to the brain. 5. Pons varoli consists of nerves fibers in connecting left hemisphere and right hemisphere of hindbrain; it also connects forebrain and spinal cord. Referring to Yurisaldi 2010:60 study, in the brain parts we can find: a. Reward circuit, inside the brain there is chemical substance which is called as dopamine . In learning activity, dopamine can push children enjoy learning and fond of learning. But this condition depends on how we manage this circuit. b. Papez circuit is a main channel in forebrain and has a function to control emotion. c. Hippocampus area or Memory is a part of the brain which has function in memorizing and navigating or controlling the space. These parts of the brain which are described above can enhance our sight, sense of smell, sense of taste, walking, thinking, long term and short term memory, etc. Nerves connect to different parts of the brain in our body. What we feel, we see or hear are brought to sensation by brain nerves as a message. Message receiver then react their body. Message receiver, react their body which is determined by the brain, through the nerves, message is delivered to the body organ for an action. Brain Three Dimension in Brain Gym Human‘s brain just like hologram, consist of three dimensions with several parts which connect each other. Such three dimensions have specific function. According to Dennison 2008: 1, there are three dimensions terms as follows: 1. Laterality dimension for left and right hemisphere. 2. Focusing dimension for brainstem and frontal lobes. 622 3. Centering dimension for limbic midbrain and forebrain cerebral cortex. According to Dennison, body lateralization is divided in left side and right side. This nature allows domination in one side, for instance, writing with right hand or left hand, and also for integrating both side of the body, namely, to cross in the middle parts of the body to work in the middle part. If this skill has been acquired, you will be able to process linier code, written symbol with both hemisphere of the brain from two directions, left to right or right to left. This is the basic ability for academic success. Disability to cross the middle part can cause learning disability dyslexia. The movement to cross the midbrain is related with positive attitude: listening, seeing and moving. Focus is the ability to cross the midline which separates back part and front part of the body and also occipital and frontal lobe of the brain. Midline of the participant is vertical line in the middle of the body. The incompleteness of reflex development can cause disability in self expression and active participation in learning process, such as, lack of focus, lack of attention, hyperactive, and slow talk Dennison, 2008: 2. The Brain Gym movement which can overcome this hindrance is stretching which related with concentration, attention, and comprehension. Meanwhile centering is ability to cross the line which separates upper part of the body with the lower part of the body and relating function from upper part of the brain with lower part of the brain, it is related with emotional information and abstract thinking, what is learnt should be related with feeling and give meaning. Disability in defending centering is marked with disability to feel and show emotion Dennison, 2008: 3. Brain Gym movements which can overcome this hindrance is ―increasing energy‖ which include: organizing, walking, test and examination. The Role of Brain in Learning Learning process which is experienced by every individual is always related with brain. Brain has various abilities in thinking, deciding, creating, talking, understanding language, calculating, memorizing and introducing. This brain ability can decrease if the brain does not get sufficient stimulus. Without stimulus or exercise, the brain parts which controlling activities will be hampered in their development because the principle of brain work is if the brain is not activated, the brain will lost its function, but if the brain routinely activates or exercises, their function will increase. This brain activity, according to Jensen 2008: 19 is carried out by 100 billion neuron cells, 1000 trillion synapses and 280 quintillion memories. Neuron cells are one of functional cell in the nerves system, which has function in producing action and delivering impulses from one cell to the other cells. This action potency is a way which is conducted by nerves cell in processing information along microscopic space which is called synapses . This action potency is also a way which is conducted by nerves system in implementing control function and body coordination. Neuron cell consists of three different parts, namely, dendrite, body cells, and axon. The process of delivering information which is occurred in brain or dendrite receives information from axon surrounds it. Then, dendrite transmits information which is received toward the body cells. From the body cells, such information moves towards axon and then is communicated to other cells through their dendrite branches. When an axon encounter with a dendrite from other cell surrounds it to deliver information, in that moment, learning in brain occurred Subekti, 2012: 9-10. In this condition, Tanner, 1978 in Santrock, 2007 explained that in human‘s brain is occurred a process which has a role in focusing attention. This process is called myelination , in this process, fat cells layer covering brain cells and nerves 623 system in the brain, so, the speed in delivering information to the brain becomes much faster. In other words, the learning occurred when one cell ―communicates‖ with other cells. If cells tissues in brain are connected, so, the meaning of learning which is gained is much bigger. Yurisaldi, a neurolog 2010: 101 stated that the brain part which is called papetz circuit is related with memorizing process or memory with emotional centers in brain with learning ability. Someone who is in the happy condition, if they learn a topic, they will memorize the topic very well, and also vice versa if someone is in the sad condition, angry, etc, will have difficulties in learning something because condition which is not conducive. Below is brain pictures which experiences emotional changes, physics trauma, and also brain description from scan PET which shows a metabolic changes when someone see a word or listen to a word. This study examined application of Brain Gym method in improving students‘ learning which is seen before and after and also the differences with conventional method. The students‘ listening ability is also influenced by cognitive function. It is stated by Piaget who said that cognitive structure development is related with brain function, dysfunction brain will makes the cognitive structure will not develop. Cognitive structure is a schema, namely, concept system in someone‘s mind as their comprehension towards the objects in their environment. The comprehension about the object can occur through assimilation process relating object with concept in someone‘s mind and accommodation process which use concepts in mind in interpreting the object. Both processes if it is occurred continuously will make old knowledge and new knowledge becomes balance. If brain is not stimulated, so, the potency in the brain will be hampered. The movements in the Brain Gym can stimulate brain function in the left hemisphere and also right hemisphere and it can be the balancer between right hemisphere and left hemisphere of the brain. Brain Gym can open the parts of the brain which is previously closed or hampered so learning activity can use the whole brain Ayinosa, 2009 in Astipuri 2010. METHOD This research method use quasi experimental non equivalent control group design by using two groups, namely, experimental group and control group which is conducted in one week period. The application of Brain Gym method in learning is conducted before, during and after learning. Research is conducted simultaneously just before, during and after learning as one unity so the improvement of students‘ listening ability is influenced by Brain Gym method and not by other factors. This study design is described as follows: Group Pre test Treatment Post test E O1 X O2 C O3 O4 Explanation: E = Experimental group which is administered with Brain Gym method C = Control group which is administered by traditional method O1 and O2 = Pre test and post test of listening ability on experimental group O3 and O4 = Pre test and post test of listening ability on control group X = Listening learning through Brain Gym method The consideration in using quasi experimental design in this study is because experimental group and control group can be chosen randomly, because it is hard to find class which has characteristics which is exactly similar. To obtain data from both groups, they are administered pre test and post test. The differences between the two groups is the treatment for each group in learning process, in which the experimental group is administered with 624 Brain Gym method while the control group is administered by conventional method, namely, lecture and discussion method. DISCUSSION The initial condition of students‘ listening ability in aspect of understanding story content in experimental group and control group are generally weak. It can be seen from average scores which is obtained by experimental group is 5,98, it is equal with 29,87 and the average scores of control group are 4,98 which is equal with 24,87. The initial condition of students‘ listening ability in aspect of retelling the story in experimental group and control group is also not differ with aspect of understanding the story, which is generally weak. It can be seen from average scores which is obtained by experimental group is 14,45 which is equal with 36,13 and average scores of control group is 14,05 which is equal with 35,13. In other wo rds, the condition of students‘ listening ability on experimental group is weak because it is still not given any treatment, namely, the application of Brain gym method. As for the initial ability of control group is also weak. This condition occurred because the control group is also not given any treatment, namely, conventional learning. Pre test score in listening ability understanding the content of the story and retelling the content of the story which is weak is influenced by the lack of stimulus which is given by teacher in developing students‘ listening ability so the real ability in students are not developed well. The students‘ listening ability can develop well if learning process is in the relax condition. It is in line with Rahmat, J 2005: X who stated that effective learning will occur in enjoyable condition which involves learning modality, emotional role, unconscious influences, introduction and development of intelligence, and involvement of both right hemisphere and left hemisphere of the brain. So, students will not experience boring learning, because boredom can cause lack of concentration and motivation which makes listening ability becomes weak. The practice and exercise in listening can run well if students are in good condition whether physically or psychologically. The Final Condition of Listening Ability between Experimental Group and Control Group The final condition of students‘ listening ability in aspect of understanding the content of the story on control group is generally weak. The average scores which is obtained is 8,2 which is equal with 41. With the highest score is 12,5 and the lowest score is 6 from total score which is expected is 20. Meanwhile students‘ listening ability in aspect retelling on control group is in weak category. The average scores which is obtained is 15,75 which is equal with 39,38. With the highest score is 26 and the lowest score is 6 from total score which is expected is 40. It shows that conventional learning not give much changes towards the students‘ learning ability optimally because this learning can not eliminate the boredom in learning process and can not help students in stimulating all part of the brains so potency in students can not be optimal. Besides, learning with conventional method is monotonous so students felt burden in learning. The final condition of listening ability in aspect of understanding the story content on experimental group is on sufficient category. Average scores is 19,70 which is equal with 49,25. With the highest score is 32 and the lowest score is 10 from total score is expected 20. Meanwhile the students‘ listening ability in aspect of retelling the story content on experimental method is on sufficient category. The average scores are 19,70 which is equal with 49,25 with the lowest score is 32 and the lowest score is 16 from total score which is expected is 40. 625 The final condition on experimental group is improving. It shows that learning by applying Brain Gym method give changes towards improvement of students‘ listening ability although it is conducted in the short time. Changes towards improvement of students‘ listening ability can occurred if students in the relax condition physically or unphysical. As stated by Dennison 2008 that Brain Gym method is one of the method that can help in conditioning students to be more prepared and concentrate in learning. It is also stated by Gunawan 2006: 271 that Brain Gym method is effective in helping students towards mental condition which is optimal towards learning. Analysis of Students’ Listening Ability Level Differences in Experimental Group and Control Group Based on t-test calculation result, data independent of pre test on experimental group and control group is obtained insignificant result whether thoroughly or in every aspect because they have score 0,05. It shows that in the pre test, whether in experimental group and control group there is no differences in listening ability level whether from aspect of understanding story content or retelling story content. Then through t test, data independent of post test on experimental group and control group shows significant differences between listening ability level towards learning by using conventional method with listening ability level towards learning by using Brain Gym method by third grade students. It is strengthened with post test score on experimental group which apply Brain Gym method is 11,20 for aspect in understanding story content and 19,70 for aspect of retelling story content, this score is higher compared with average scores of post test on control group which applies conventional method is 8,13 for aspect of understanding story content and 15,70 for aspect of retelling story content. The learning result shows that the application of Brain Gym method can improve students‘ listening ability. It shows that listening learning by using Brain Gym method can create enjoyable atmosphere so students feel relax. In the field, researcher found that Brain Gym movements are very easy to be followed by students if it is harmonized by music so students become more enthusiastic, it is caused music for human has been a part of their life Rachmawati, 2005: 3. This condition is strengthened by study which was conducted by Miller 2008 which examined about music theory pedagogy: melding dalcroze eurythmics with brain gym which stated that music and Brain Gym can establish richer learning environment. The series of Brain Gym movement which is studied in this research has each function. To overcome energy problem which is not flow well to the brain so it can be overcome by drinking water, to overcome emotional stress and increasing concentration can be overcome by doing relaxation, for focusing attention, distinguish sound, overcome hearing centering, understanding, and learning motivation, it can be overcome by doing crossing movement, to control mind can be overcome by using words and self expression and relaxing all bodies can be overcome by doing stretching, to activate short term memory and long term memory can be overcome by doing owl movement, to memorize in sequence can be overcome by doing elephant movement. Such Brain Gym movements is in line with study result which shows that children from lower class economy with age 8-9 years old can improve their short term memory after doing Brain Gym 3 times a week for two months Putranto, 2009. Besides that, from study of Astuti et al 2009 shows that Brain Gym is proved effective in influencing children potency development or overcoming various learning problems on students, among others, concentration, focus, communication and motivation. 626 Based on observation, learning by using Brain Gym method can improve activation and motivation during learning process, creating learning atmosphere to be more enjoyable, increasing togetherness, exercising communication ability, and optimizing potency on students. From such explanation, it is concluded that Brain Gym method can improve students‘ listening ability and students do not feel bored. Generally, this study result shows that Brain Gym method is able to improve students‘ listening ability, and able to accommodate factors which can push development of students‘ listening ability. In other words, the using of Brain Gym method can give significant influence towards listening ability level towards third grade students at Cisomang 2 Elementary School. CONCLUSION Based on study result about the influence of Brain Gym method towards students‘ listening ability, it can be concluded as follows: First , Initial condition of students‘ listening ability level in aspect of understanding story content on experimental group and control group during pre test is in weak category with average scores 5,98 in which equal with 29,87 for experimental group and 4,98 in which equal with 24,87 for control group. As for with students‘ listening ability in aspect of retelling story content on experimental group in which equal with control group during pre test is on weak category with average scores are 14,45 in which equal with 36,13 for experimental group and 14,05 in which equal with 35,13 for control group. Second , Final condition of students‘ listening ability level in aspect of retelling story content on experimental group and control group during post test is improved which is on sufficient category with average scores 10,2 in which equal with 51 for experimental group and 8,2 in which equal with 41 for control group. Although post test result on the ability in understanding story content on control group equal with experimental group, namely, in sufficient category, nevertheless sufficient category on control group is relatively weak with score 41 in which approaching 40. Third , There is significant differences between students‘ listening ability on experimental group which is given treatment that is Brain Gym method with students‘ listening ability at control group in which given treatment that is conventional method. It can be seen on average scores on experimental group is higher than control group, namely, average score on aspect of understanding story content on experimental group is 11,20 and on control group is 8,13 and average scores on aspect of ability in retelling the story content on experimental group is 19,70 and on control group is 15,75. It shows that the application of Brain Gym method in one week period can improves students‘ listening ability. REFERENCES Dennison, P. E, and Dennison, G. E. 2008. Brain Gym . Jakarta: PT Grasindo Ibrahim, M 2011. Terampil Mendengarkan . Jakarta: Zaman Jensen, E 2008. Brain-Based Learning . Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Jensen, E. 2010. Guru Super dan Super Teaching . Jakarta: PT Indeks Miller, P. 2008. 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Kosasih Djahiri 1992 , is considered superior to affective learning because ; The first , is able to develop and personify values and morals ; The second , is able to clarify and reveal the message content of the material presented ; The third is able to clarify and assess the quality of the students moral values and moral values in real life ; fourth , able to invite , engage , nurture and develop the potential of the students , especially the potential afektualnya ; fifth , able to provide a learning experience in a variety of life ; sixth , was able to counteract , negate , intervened and naive moral values that exist in the system and moral values that exist in a person ; seventh , to lead and motivate a decent living and high moral . Principal research can be formulated as follows : Is the learning model with VCT through the pilot study method Civics have a significant influence to improve the students affective intelligence ?. Based on the research problem has been formulated , it is the purpose of this study was to determine differences in affective intelligence first graders performed at the time after learning civics with VCT models through pilot method . What is meant by engineering clarify the value value clarification technique in this study can be interpreted as teaching techniques to assist students in finding and determining a value that is considered good in the face of a problem through a process of analyzing the existing value and embedded in students through a pilot method . The research method used is the experimental method . With a sample size of 10 people boys and girls 1st grade Green School International Sumedang . The result , after experiments on learning civics through VCT models through pilot this method is through the story of Si Badu A herder turns to the childs understanding of the good things , the bad , and the true evil can easily be clarified child of the story . There is a significant increase .

A. Background

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