Hypothesis of the research Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian Time And Place Of The Research Method Of The Research Population And Sample The technique data collection


C. Framework of Theoretic

1. The influence of self academic concept toward the result of study Math

The students with a positive self concept have a good result in study Math.

2. The influence of attitude in study Math toward the result of study Math

Mathematics represent subject which necessary for student. But on the contrary mathematics become inconvenience subject to student because several things. Student assume that Mathematics is difficult and this matter make student have negative attitude toward Mathematics subject.

3. Influence of self concept academic and attitude in study math toward result of

study math According to the opinion of reading materials and expert anticipated that there are influence between self concept of academic attitude and learn mathematics to result learn mathematics of students in the class three of Elementary School.

D. Hypothesis of the research

The hypothesis are bellow: 1. There is a significant effect of self concept academic toward the result of study math in third grade of elementary school. 2. There is a significant effect of attitude in study math toward the result of study math in third grade in the elementary school. 3. There is a significant influence between self concept academic and attitude toward study math toward the result of study math in Elementary School. METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH A. The Purpose Of The Research 1. The result of study math, self concept academic and attitude toward the math subject. 2. Influence between self concept academic x1 toward the result of study math y, influence of attitude toward math subject x2 toward the result of study math in the third grade of elementary school y and the influence of self concept toward math subject x2 toward the result of study math y.

A. Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kelurahan Pondok Kopi, Kecamatan Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur.Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan pada awal Maret 2012 sampai Mei 2012.

B. Time And Place Of The Research

This research have been done in State Elementary School at Pondok Kopi sub-district, Duren Sawit district, Jakarta Timur. The research was done at early March 2012 until May 2012.

C. Method Of The Research

The method of the this research is quantitative associative with the correlation approach. 661 20 15 10 5

D. Population And Sample

The population of this research are all of students in the third grade of elementary school in Duren Sawit district Jakarta Timur. The technique sample collection that used in this research is two stage random sampling.

E. The technique data collection

The variable of this research consist of: 1. Predictor variable covering self concept academic X1 and attitude toward math subject X2. 2. Respond variable is the result of study math y.

F. Technique of data analysis

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