Career Guidance Program M01357


B. Problem Formulation

Some phenomena, among others: 1 there is a variety of student needs and career problems, 2 do not have a career guidance program organized in a professional, systematic and comprehensive, 3 necessary to prepare an appropriate career guidance program student career issues. On that basis, the formulation of the problem in this study is a model of how the career guidance program is implemented in the right PGPAUD FKIP Uninus?

C. Research Objectives

In general, this study aims to produce a model of proper career guidance program in Guidance and Counseling PGPAUD Uninus Bandung.

D. Study of Theory

1. Career Guidance Program

The program is a set of activities or steps that are prioritized for the purpose, as proposed by Hunger and Wheelen 1993: 17 is a program ... a statement of activities or steps needed to Accomplish a single use plan. The program consists of several elements, among other objectives, implementing, type of activity, resource, strategy, and execution time. This is in accordance with the opinion of Robins 1978: 160 that .... a program should Contain all the activities Necessary for Achieving the objectives, and clarify WHO should do, what, and when. Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that there should be a program element objectives, operational, type of activity, resource, strategy and implementation time. Semiawan Ikbal, 2010: 40 argues that career guidance is an aid services to the entire population in the realization of his life as a meaningful statement of the quality of life of individuals in the balance of interaction with the community in which he lives is constantly changing. The above opinion, explaining that career guidance should be directed to optimize the potential of the students, so that students feel a meaningful life, and career guidance should be dynamic by considering the changing demands of society and the world of work. Thus meaning that career guidance is the guidance given to students by a professional person in order for the students to recognize, understand, accept and direct potential, and can plan a career, and career decision making, leading to satisfaction, happiness for herself and society. To be an effective career guidance program, let attention to the following factors: 1 to the provision of career guidance program objectives to be achieved; 2 the details of the activities to be undertaken; 3 the officers who have expertise in career guidance, are aware of the function and role, moral, and able to judge yourself, 4 the existence of a positive attitude of management and other personnel for career guidance, 5 the existence of a container that manages the program career guidance; 6 there is good coordination between the staff of career guidance; 7 the existence of a good working system, clear and orderly; 8 the presence of data recording; 9 the existence of tools for collecting data, 10 the existence of sufficient facilities and infrastructure; 11 the existence of an adequate budget for the benefit of career guidance services; and 12 the existence of a cooperative relationship with the personnel inside and outside the PGPAUD. 262

2. Students Career Issues

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