Research Instrument Analysis of Pretest, Posttest Scores


5. Research Instrument

On this research will use instrument to evaluate academic achievement of the student, and teacher performance. For students‘ achievement, I use pretest and posttest. For the teacher performance, it will be used the student feedback and peer review feedback.

6. Research Limitation

These study will be held in National Dong Hwa University connected to Indonesia University Education. The teaching online will present about the necessity of multicultural education in Indonesia at social studies courses. In this Class, there are 14 students of Early- Childhood Teacher Education Departement. The duration of the teaching is around 60 minutes; 10 minutes pre test; 40 minutes lecturing; then 10 minutes post test. The results may not generalized to other teaching Due to the limitation number of the participants .

E. Discussion

Teaching Online is implemented on 4th June 2014 at the seminar room C317 Departement of Curriculum Design and Human Potential Departement, National Dong Hwa University. It connected to Indonesia in the Room 306 at Early Childhood Teacher Education Departement, Faculty of Education, Indonesia University of Education. The Class in Taiwan was presented by 11 student and in Indonesia presented by 14 students. The teaching online start on 10.30 AM until 12.00 PM. The class begin with introduction the group member in NDHU and UPI. Furthermore, the teacher offering pretest around 5 minutes, then lecturing, singing together and discussion. At the last, class is closing with posttest.

1. Analysis of Pretest, Posttest Scores

It was extremely interesting that using teaching online still can achieve good improvement, similar to traditional teaching that using ―face to face‖ situation. The distance between Taiwan and Indonesia is not influenced and distraction the learning process. Neither the limitation of media, tools and Internet connection is not a big deal, as long as the teacher prepared well all of stuff material. After implemented teaching online that presenting about the necessity of multicultural education in Indonesia, using Dick and Careys instructional system design, the student be able to enhance their understanding about this phenomenon. This condition was revealed by table 8.1 that showed the increase of students performance score mean from 5.142 become 8.928. Four students able to get posttest score 100 correct, seven students got 90 and two students got 80, and only one student got 60. According to percentage of the average score of posttest the teaching activity by using this approach has succeeded to improve student understanding about multicultual education. In addition, the percentage of each item has increase as well. Figure 8.1. Comparation Pretest and Posttest Score 106 The comparison chart above, has shown that the lowest score on pretest is 2.0 and the highest is 7.0. It dramatically increasing on the posttest score, the weakest score is 6.0, and the tallest is 10. The rising score between 2-6 score, in average the rising point is 3.785 point. So, the teaching online using ISD Dick and Carey model has improve the student peformance.

2. Analysis of Peer Review Form

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