Early Childhood Learning Marking of Affective Non-Aptitude


B. Multicultural Education

Ki Hajar Dewantara explained that education has a meaning as a guide in the growth of childrens lives, education means everything that leads the power of nature is on the children in order for them as human beings and as members of the public safety and happiness it can be reached as high Hasbullah, 2009. Sudjana in Ruyadi Yadi 2008: 59 uses the term to refer to a variety of cultural education, multicultural education or cross-cultural education. According Sudjana diverse cultural education that is part of human relationships education human relations education, which is related to the integrity of the development of human culture and its interaction with the environment. John W. Santrock 2010: 184 explains that multicultural education is education that respects diversity and accommodate the diverse perspectives of multicultural groups on the basis of a regular basis. Another opinion expressed Multicultural education is a human being with a unique dalammemandang attitude regardless of race, culture, gender, sex, physical condition or economic status of a person Skeel in Dasim Budimansyah. Dasim added Multicultural Education multicultural education is an educational strategy that utilizes the diversity of the cultural backgrounds of the learners as one of the power to form a multicultural attitude. James Banks 1993: 3 in Choirul Mahfud 2010: 175 defines multicultural education as education for people of color. That is, you want to explore the differences of multicultural education a necessity the grace of god sunatullah. We can conclude multicultural education is an education that is given to students, which is in the process of learning and its application look unique human regardless of race, culture, gender, sex, physical condition or economic status, and make the difference as a gift that could complement each other as well as the lack of concern would have understood each other.

C. Early Childhood Learning

Learning activities in early childhood, according to Sujiono 2009: 138, is essentially a curriculum development plan in a concrete form that contains a set of learning experiences through play is given in early childhood based on potential and developmental tasks that must be mastered in order to achieve competency to be owned by the child. On the basis of the above opinion can be stated that early childhood learning to have the following characteristics: 1 Learn, play, and sing Learning to use the principles of early childhood learning, playing, and singing Slamet Suyanto, 2005: 133. Early childhood learning to be realized in a way that can make children active, happy, free to choose. Children learn through interaction with tools and equipment as well as human game. Children learn by playing in a pleasant atmosphere. The results of the childs learning becomes better if the learning activities carried out by their peers. In the study, childrens use of the entire tool senses. 2 Learning-oriented development Learning-oriented development refers to three important things, namely: oriented at the right age, the right-oriented individual, and oriented socio-cultural context Masitoh et al., 2005: 3.12. Learning-oriented development should be appropriate to the age level of the child, it means learning to be in demand, the ability can be achieved, as well as the challenging learning activities for children do at that age. Individual human beings. Individual differences should also be widened consideration of teachers in designing, implementing, evaluating activities, interact, and meet the expectations of the child. In addition to age and individual-oriented right, learning-oriented development should 595 consider the childs socio-cultural context. To be able to develop meaningful learning programs, teachers should see the child in the context of family, community, cultural factors surrounding it. Several methods are commonly used in early childhood learning, the method is generally used; a Play Playing a variety of activities that provide satisfaction in children who are nonserius, flexible, and materials contained in toys and activities are imaginatively transformed commensurate with the adult world. Frank and Theresa in Moeslichatoen, 2004: 24-25 suggests there are sixteen play value for children: 1 Play helps the growth of the child, 2 Play is a voluntary activity, 3 Play gives children the freedom to act, 4 gives the imaginary play that can be mastered, 5 Play the adventure has elements in it, 6 Playing laid the foundation of language development, 7 Play has a unique influence in the formation of interpersonal relationships, 8 Playing members the opportunity to master the physical self, 9 Playing broaden interest and concentration of attention, 10 Play is the way children to investigate something, 11 Play is how children learn adult roles, 12 Play is a dynamic way to learn, 13 Playing considerations clarify the child, 14 can be structured Playing academically, 15 Playing a force life, and 16 Play is something that is essential for the survival of humankind. For multicultural education play has the values: 1 Playing helps children to share life 2 Playing helps children to appreciate life differences 3 Play is a means to implement democratic values. Because of so great value play in a childs life, the use of play activities in the implementation of activities in the kindergarten program is an absolute requirement that can‘t be ignored altogether. b Field Hildebrand in Moeslichatoen, 2004: 24 for the early childhood field means the opportunity to observe, obtain information, or reviewing everything directly. Field has important significance for the development of children because it can arouse the childs interest to something, expand the acquisition of information. Hildebrand in Moeslichatoen, 2004 describes the method through a field there are some benefits that can be obtained child. First, the child field can be used to stimulate their interest in something, expand the information that has been obtained in the classroom, providing the experience of the fact that there is, and can add insight child. The information obtained through the work wiasata child can also be used as a springboard for other activities in the learning process. Second, the field can foster interest about something, such as to develop an interest about the world of animals, children can be brought to the zoo. They had the opportunity to observe the behavior of animals. The interest impetus for further information such as about his life, his home, feeding, breeding way, how to take care of his son, and others. Third, the field is rich in educational value, because it is through these activities can increase the development of social skills, attitudes, and values of the community in children. If well designed field trip activities can help develop a childs social development aspects, such as the ability of working 596 together in group activities. Fourth, field trips can also develop civic values, such as: the attitude of love the environment of human life, animals, plants, and other objects. c Singing Children do not fit just introduced on the values of kindness through a lecture or question and answer it. Therefore, singing is one of the appropriate methods to develop multicultural education to be given to early childhood. Sing if used as one of the methods in the development of multicultural education can be done through the insertion of meaning in poetry or sentences contained in the song. The song is good for the child must consider the following criteria: 1 poem sentence is not too long 2 Easy memorized by children 3 There is a mission education 4 In accordance with the character and the world of children 5 tone easily controlled child taught d Conversing Conversing means mutually communicate thoughts and feelings verbally Hildebrand, in Moeslichatoen 2004: 26 or realize the receptive language skills and expressive language. Conversing can improve their communication skills with others, improve skills in conducting joint activities. Developing multicultural education through conversation, could portray respect and democratic attitudes that are useful for children in the age and in the future. e Project Methods project is one of the methods used to train the childs ability to solve problems experienced by children in everyday life. This method can also move the child to cooperate wholeheartedly. Cooperation is implemented in an integrated manner to achieve a common goal. f Storytelling Storytelling can be used as a method to convey the values prevailing in society Otib Satibi Hidayat, 2005: 4:12 in the Sulaiman Zein 2008. In the story or fairy tale can be implanted various kinds of moral values, religious values, social values, cultural values, and so on. Some things that can be used to select a story when developing multicultural education, including: 1 Select a story that contains good and bad attitude clear 2 Make sure that the good and the bad attitude that is at the limit the reach of a childs life 3 Avoid stories that squeeze the childs feelings, physical scare In telling a teacher can also use props to overcome the limitations of children who have not been able to think abstractly. Props that can be used among other things, dolls, plants, mock objects, and others. In addition, teachers can also utilize dimiliknya vocal ability to make the story more vivid, thus more attractive for students. As for the storytelling techniques that can be done include: 1 Reading straight from a story book or fairy tale 2 Using the illustrations from the book 3 Using the flannel board 4 Using the doll media 5 Using audio-visual media 6 Children playing Beran or sociodrama. 597 g Rhyme Psychologically kindergarten children are very thirsty with the encouragement of curiosity, want to try everything, and wanted to do something that has never been experienced or done. Through rhyme method teachers can infuse multicultural education to children. This poem is a method which also makes the child feel happy, excited and happy.Through the nursery rhyme can be brought into the wonderful atmosphere, refined, and appreciate the meaning of an art. Besides, children can also be brought to appreciate the meaning of a string of sentences in the poem. h Clarification Value The values clarification approach, the teacher does not directly communicate to children about right and wrong, good bad, but students are given the opportunity to deliver and express the values in its own way. Children are invited to reveal why this is true or bad deeds.

D. Based Learning Multicultural Early Childhood Education

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