Research Problem The Strength of Language Experience Approach

305 high linguistic intelligence will speak fluently, good and complete and he is easy to develop knowledge and linguistic intelligence .. The observation at kindergarten age children are able to speak properly, not shy, confident, but there are still some children who do not want to talk at all, either with his friend and fellow teacher, because shy and not confident. Therefore, there should be a method that can change the attitude would not talk, because if this is allowed to drag on it will be detrimental to the child, and not according to the language development of children aged 4-5 years. For teaching the teacher has actually been no attempt to improve linguistic intelligence. But the teacher is not optimal to exercise it, as in selecting determining the method of learning is still centered on the teacher teacher centered, in developing the theme of learning does not include all aspects of child development more are required to read and write, in selecting tools media, the type of and lack of teacher enthusiasm to innovate, assess the learning activities in kindergarten. Though professionalism in carrying out the task, the teacher is obliged to plan learning, implementing quality pembelajara process, as well as assess and evaluate learning outcomes. Linguistic intelligence in children occurs through a variety of activities that do, hear the language and imitate the sounds of language. Through these activities children discover that spoken language has rules, particularly with respect to phonology, or sound, or syntak grammar and semantics or meaning of the word. If educators understand the above, do not need to worry about the development of verbal linguistic intelligence of the child who is not in accordance with the developmental age children, if applying the method of storytelling in learning in kindergarten. Based on these problems, it is alleged there is a problem that needs to be studied and researched. The problem is how to improve the linguistic learning kindergarten age group of 4-5 years through storytelling methods and whether an increase in linguistic intelligence after the action.

B. Research Problem

Based on the above research focus, then the problem is formulated in this study are as follows: 1 Is linguistic intelligence can be enhanced through storytelling in kindergarten children 4-5 years of age? 2 How is the implementation of storytelling in improving linguistic kindergarten children aged 4-5 years? THEORETICAL STUDIES 1. Linguistic Intelligence Itself Early Childhood One view is widely recognized that the development of language assumes that children learn language only when they learn something else, with the repetition of behaviors that can deliver positive results. Children make a sound, the parents smiled and replied, son says BBB when no adult male nearby and parents say yes, it papa or the child says mam. When children learn to say it repeatedly bring joy to parents and children add new words by imitating what they hear and develop the use of language when getting the response from the adults around him. Gardner provides a means of mapping the various capabilities of the human with the ability to group them into categories pollowing eigh comprehensive or Intelligence: Linguistic: The ability to use words effectively, both orally eg, as a storyteller, orator, or politician or in writing for example, as a poet, playwright, journalist editor, or. 306 Intelligence includes the ability to manipulate Syntac or language structure, phonology or sounds of language, semantics or meaning of language, and pragmatic dimensions or practical use of language. Some of these uses include rhetoric the use of language to persuade others to take a specific course of action, mnemonics using language to remember infarmation, ekplanation using language to inform, and metalanguage using language to talk about himself People who have linguistic intelligence capable of dazzling others with his ability, for example, leaders can meyaakinkan his followers to follow his train of thought, the poet who uses the power of his verse lyrics to arouse emotions in the reader or listener, presenter of a TV or radio to be able to pronounce the sentence or word clearly and smoothly, the comedian who is able to outwit the audience to laugh bias and many more areas that can be facilitated through language intelligence Application to the theory of the childs ability is gained recognition from all sides, but one important question remains. Basically what drives the child to make an over all things. Is baby trying to make the sounds made adults. Research shows that many of the earliest expressions of the child is a genuine original. It is the things that the children never heard before. And they may not be praised for not true. According Chomsy language can only be controlled by humans, animals may not be able to master the human languages. This opinion is based on assumptions. First, language behavior is something inherited genetic: patterns of language development is the same in all sorts of languages and cultures something that is universal; and the environment has only a small role in the maturation process of the language. Second, the language can be mastered in a short time, four-year-old boy was able to speak like an adult. Third, the childs language environment can not provide data sufficient for mastery of complex grammar of an adult, according to Chomsky further equipped with a child born with a tool of language acquisition language acquisition device. During the period from two years to five years, gradually increasing his vocabulary and improved construction of a sentence until he can participate in simple conversations and express their needs and develop their ideas. Then the children continuously improve their ability to express and understand complex sentences. But they still have trouble with certain language asfek-asfek all time pre-school and early elementary school. It seems that the environment will continue to develop the childs language, through adaptation and interaction with peers maaupun adults who always shows how the language that never stops in the childs hearing. They were given long sentences and complicated to follow at the beginning-the beginning and the children identify and say simply that subsequently change their language a little more advanced and then encourage the development of new understanding. Be a question mark whether the native language can help children learn language? The learning conditions seem abs. Adults simplify the complexity of the language to make young language solved the issue, the question of repetition may encourage interaction, practice and eventually be learning. Tone was exaggerated dank eras will help children focus attention mmereka to understand the meaning of words and sentences. Be a question mark whether the native language can help children learn language? The learning conditions seem abs. Adults simplify the complexity of the language to make young language solved the issue, the question of repetition may encourage interaction, practice and finally be learning. Tone was exaggerated dank eras will help children focus attention mmereka to understand the meaning of words and sentences. 307 It seems a lot of factors that play a role in the development of language. Humans may be born with the capacity for language. However, children develop language at the time they develop other cognitive abilities. In particular, children 4-5 years of age most children master the basics of the original language of the previous development of children using irregular forms, but some tife certain constructions such as passive expression remains difficult at this age. Several other experiments indicate the possibility that children at this age have here a difference in the ability of language to develop even more so if the child is less given the opportunity to interact more with other friends her own age. According to Piaget 1962-1993, egocentric children are not able to recognize the other persons perspective and therefore can not communicate meaningfully. Which means children are more self-centered talk that talk alone to yourself. But at the end of the preoperational period, the cognitive maturity and social experince, the children are not too self-centered and more able to perform symbolic thinking, and thus eliminating speak for themselves. Most children in any culture began to learn the language of his mother at the age of 4 years, but demikia, according to Piaget, spoken language is learned and not just happen. Explained that the motivation to learn a language is the value of adaptation to make it and, therefore, between language and social interaction can not be separated. Language will evolve and grow if there interksi, the opposite interaction occurs and runs smoothly only through language. Children communicate more effectively with parents and personal needs are met. As a result the child wants understand the words of others in order to more closely adapt to the environment in which he lives. In this sense, the spoken language for children has a value which is very beneficial in the association, so it is difficult to forget the language that has opened his mouth and moving his tongue as small as when he started learning to speak. In the same discussion Piaget argued, children learn spoken language just as if studying other ilmum, namely shaping and constructing language. Children form the rules of the language of experience. With the use of one language, and are justified by his parents, a child build language kemampunya. In general, it seems agreed that the first key to the development of childrens language is by encouraging them to use their own language in a way to talk, listen. And on reaching 5 years of age they begin to develop an awareness metaliguistik. This means that their understanding of language and how it is becoming apparent. They are ready to learn and expand the rules of the language beyond the knowledge implicit interaction with a lifelong process.


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