Basic Concepts of Multicultural

593 MULTICULTURAL BASED LEARNING FOR CHILDREN EDUCATION EARLY AGE by: SERLI MARLINA, M.Pd STATE UNIVERSITY OF PADANG Email: Multicultural based learning for early childhood education aims to develop multicultural education for early childhood education. Early childhood will grow into a human inter- cultural and multicultural society expects verbal behavior or behavior that is internalized in his actions. Multicultural based learning helps students to not be deprived of its own roots as a result of cultural encounters-cultur outside the entrance along the trajectories of globalization and can appreciate other cultures that are different from culture. This can be done by the teacher to integrate multicultural education into every aspect of development is developed in children, with analysis of existing curriculum and develop the indicators. After formulating the Action Plan Monthly, Weekly Activity Plan and Activity Plan Daily. Key word: early childhood, Multicultural, learning.

A. Basic Concepts of Multicultural

Choirul Mahfud 2010: 75 outlines the etymological root of the word multicultural formed from the multi and culture . John W. Santrock 2010: 170 177 cites the opinion Chun, Organizta, Marin, 2002: Thomas, 2000 describes culture is a pattern of behavior, beliefs, and all the products of a certain group of people who passed down from one generation to another. The word ethnic comes from the Greek meaning nation. Ethnicity etnicity is a common pattern characteristics such as cultural heritage, nationality, race, religion, and language. According Yadi Ruyadi 2008: 58 means multicultural beliefs, attitudes, or policies that respect cultural pluralism as something that must be nurtured and grown, and is considered the cultural repertoire. If inferred simply means multicultural diverse cultures or cultural diversity. Psychologist Donald Campbell and his colleagues Brewer Campbell, 1976; Campbell LeVine, 1968 presented by John W. Santrock 2010: 170, they found that people in all cultures tend to: 1 Believe that what is happening in their culture is something that is natural and right and what is happening in the other culture is unnatural and not true; 2 Assume that the habits of their culture are universally valid; 3 Behave in a manner appropriate to their cultural group; and 4 Hostile towards other cultures. Triandis, 2000, 2001 cited by John W. Santrock 2010: 170, the difference in culture is described by two terms namely individualism and collectivism. Individualism is a set of values that give priority to personal goals over group goals. Collectivism is a set of values that support group. Based on the above it can be concluded that in general its a different culture would assume that their culture is better than another culture. In general, there is a culture of individualism and collectivism which often lead to conflict with each other. 594

B. Multicultural Education

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