Research Methods Results Marking of Affective Non-Aptitude


E. Operational Definitions

1. Learning model VCT Value Clarification Technique What is meant by engineering clarify the value value clarification technique in this study can be interpreted as teaching techniques to assist students in finding and determining a value that is considered good in the face of a problem through a process of analyzing the existing value and embedded in students through a pilot method . 2. Methods Pilot What is meant by the pilot method in this study can be interpreted teaching techniques that visualize abstract material through concrete examples in the form of images , such as photographs or stories and examples of the action state that contains the values of the contrast according to the topic or theme of learning . 3. Affective Intelligence What is meant by affective intelligence in this study include attitudes , interests , emotions , values and appreciation of life . In this sphere is divided into several sections covering aspects of acceptance to the environment , response or response to the environment , appreciation of the value of the expression in the form of something , organize a variety of values to find a solution , as well as the characteristics of the values are internalized within.

F. Research Methods

The research method used in this study is an experimental method using the Pre- Experimental Design nondesign . This design is not yet a truly experimental . Because there are external variables that take effect on the formation of the dependent variable . So the experimental results that the dependent variable was not solely influenced by the independent variables . This happens because there is no control variables , and the sample was not randomly selected . Experimental research paradigm in this model can be described as follows : X = treatment given the independent variable O = Observation dependent variable . Sugiyono , 2008: 74 . Paradigm that can be read as follows : there is a group given treatment treatment , and then observed the results . Treatment is as independent variables , and the results are as dependent variable .

G. Results

International GreenSchool Sumedang is Character-Based Elementary School and Technology . This school was founded in 2010, originated from The Green Dream because the principal wanted to have a school that can be used as a place to play and be able to optimize learning with no restrictions and express freely . This green dream about parental disappointment about elementary education so that established the International GreenSchool for alternative schools in Sumedang . This is a natural GreenSchool school fun , fair , and can accept all walks of life. International GreenSchool located in Kp . Cigasari Ds . Rancamulya district. North sumedang Kab . Sumedang . This school stands with the aim to integrate various functions into school education and digital learning . Green School also integrate information systems academic , academic 631 social networking , and e-learning within a unified system intergrated. Under the leadership of the School is uncle Soni familiar called IGS has developed into a school that has a learning system that is different from the others, does not require that students purchase textbooks and worksheet LKS . So , from that , of course, the operational costs of education also claimed to be more efficient . All digital devices supplied by the student or parents . Even the students were required to have a good gadget that netbook , notebook , tablet , or smart phone . They also must have a modem for internet facility network availability . Learning approach used is an integrated thematic. Including Civics subjects have been integrated in other subjects . In this experiment used learning model VCT Value Clarification Technique with the pilot method teaching techniques to visualize abstract material through concrete examples in the form of drawings , photographs or stories and examples in the form of actions circumstances that contains the values of the contrast according to the topic or learning theme . In this experiment used a story entitled The Badu . The story is packed with inside loaded with cargo and moral values with examples of good and bad deeds . So that children can clarify the value after the story is told . One characteristic of the new paradigm of learning Civics is no longer on the teaching of Civics , but more oriented membelajarkan Civics or attempts to air- Civics teacher . Therefore, in teaching civics , students nurtured to familiarize or diving Civics message content material . In order for the goal to run well then as Civics teacher should be an example in air- Civics by showing examples of behavior that is expected to be replicated and implemented student in school life and daily life in the community . Hermi Yanzi , 2011 . In relation to the use of various kinds of learning civics learning model is available, of course, must be adapted to the characteristics of the learning objectives, the characteristics of the material, the situation and the students learning environment, level of development and students learning abilities, and needs time to learn for the students themselves. Civics are known in a model of learning that is, VCT . According Kosasih Djahiri A. 1985 learning model VCT include; methods of demonstration ; value analysis ; listmatrix ; confidence cards ; interview, jurisprudence and values of inquiry techniques. In addition, the method is also known to play a role . Methods and models above are considered very suitable to be applied in teaching Civics, Civics because subjects mission to foster values , morals, attitudes and behavior of students, in addition to fostering intelligence knowledge students . Civics learning experiments using these VCT models are made to male and female students in grade 1 Green School International with 10 students after observed was considered significant. Because after listening to a story about a child Badu The shepherd who likes to help and because the school did not have to help her mother , finally getting the help of a grandfather who was helping and Badu could be a good school to school free of spp . Children listen well and after the completion of the story the teacher asks the questions relating to the story and the kids can reenact what he heard at the same time can tell which people behave bad and good behavior , which is a bad thing and it is both . Step the Learning is performed as follows : 1. Teacher how to create a stimulus in the form of an example image media state load deeds Notes-contrast : Which New Article adapted from op or theme of learning objectives. Requirement should be able to stimulate, engage and develop potential afektual Students , Affordable New Article Student level thinking. That New Articles packing Learning Civics, Indonesian, IPA and IPS in a story The Badu . 2. Learning Activity Nuvifone , teachers stimulus catapult new article how to readdisplay the stories , activities can be done alone posted teacher . And the highlighted here is the 632 ability of the teacher read the story so I create a Children interested . Second , provide the opportunity for students to engage in dialogue alone or in respect of New Media Fellow Friends Earlier stimulus, carry out a guided dialogue that question has been compiled posted by associated new media teacher stimulus earlier, good individually and collectively . Fourth , determine the argument or national savings good teacher questions individually and collectively . Fifth , the discussion or proof argument .Sixth inference With the expected pattern of childrens learning over the VCT can apply clarification value in everyday life . In accordance with the opinion of Kosasih Djahiri A. 1992 , is considered superior to affective learning because ; The first , is able to develop and personify values and morals ; The second , is able to clarify and reveal the message content of the material presented ; The third is able to clarify and assess the quality of the students moral values and moral values in real life ; fourth , able to invite , engage , nurture and develop the potential of the students , especially the potential afektualnya ; fifth , able to provide a learning experience in a variety of life ; sixth , was able to counteract , negate intervene and menyubversi various naive moral values that exist in the system and moral values that exist in a person ; seventh , to lead and motivate a decent living and high moral .

H. Conclusion

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