Conclusion Bibliography Marking of Affective Non-Aptitude

632 ability of the teacher read the story so I create a Children interested . Second , provide the opportunity for students to engage in dialogue alone or in respect of New Media Fellow Friends Earlier stimulus, carry out a guided dialogue that question has been compiled posted by associated new media teacher stimulus earlier, good individually and collectively . Fourth , determine the argument or national savings good teacher questions individually and collectively . Fifth , the discussion or proof argument .Sixth inference With the expected pattern of childrens learning over the VCT can apply clarification value in everyday life . In accordance with the opinion of Kosasih Djahiri A. 1992 , is considered superior to affective learning because ; The first , is able to develop and personify values and morals ; The second , is able to clarify and reveal the message content of the material presented ; The third is able to clarify and assess the quality of the students moral values and moral values in real life ; fourth , able to invite , engage , nurture and develop the potential of the students , especially the potential afektualnya ; fifth , able to provide a learning experience in a variety of life ; sixth , was able to counteract , negate intervene and menyubversi various naive moral values that exist in the system and moral values that exist in a person ; seventh , to lead and motivate a decent living and high moral .

H. Conclusion

Once analyzed , it turns out Civics learning using learning model VCT through pilot method is very easy for students to clarify values are positive or negative according to the indicators expected. Because with this VCT models will easily reveal attitudes , values and morals of students to a case presented by the teacher. Of course teachers should be provided with the ability to master the skills and techniques taught by well basis . Democratic attitude, friendly, warm and familiar feel of kinship necessary, so that students dare to argue and differences of opinion with the teacher and with other students . Increased affective intelligence IGS grade 1 students can be seen in terms of : 1. Direction , children are able to clarify the value of good and bad . 2. Volume, in addition to the child is able to clarify the value but also understands that children do good or to do evil to be of no consequence .

I. Recommendations

With the experimental results , namely a learning program through VCT models that can be applied to improve the intelligence of affective low-grade primary school students , so further research is expected to raise again the problem with the method , the media , and different materials . Thus the future can provide and enter new findings in improving students affective intelligence in a low grade .

J. Bibliography

A. Kosasih Djahiri, 1987. Pengajaran Studi SosialIPS, Dasar-dasar metodologi model belajar mengajar ilmu pengetahuan sosial . Bandung: LPPP-Ips IKIP Bandung. A. Kosasih Djahiri ,1985. Strategi Pengajaran Afektif-Nilai-Moral VCT dan Games dalam VCT . Bandung: PMPKN FPIPS IKIP Bandung. Agustin, Mubiar. 2006. Mengenal dan Memahami Dunia Anak . UPI : Bandung. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2009. Dasar – Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan . PT. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta. Gestwicki, Carol. 2007. Developmentally Appropriate Practice . Central Piedmont Community College. Hurlock, E. B., 1999. Perkembangan Anak Jilid 1 Edisi 6. Penerbit Erlangga : Jakarta. 633 Kerlinger. N, Fred. 1973. Foundation of Behavioral Research Second Edition . New York University. Santrock, John. 2007. Perkembangan Anak Jilid 1 dan 2. Penerbit Erlangga. Sugiyono, 2008. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan RD.. CV. Alfabeta. Sumacher, McMillan , 2005. Research in Education . London : Langman. Sa‘ud, Syaefudin Udin 2007. Modul Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar. Bandung SPS UPI. 2009, Inovasi P endidikan , Alfabeta : Bandung. Udin S. Winataputra, dkk. 2006. Materi dan P embelajaran PKn SD . Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.2006. P edoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah . Bandung:UPI. 634 SELF-TRAINING LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE STORYTELLING SKILL OF PGSD STUDENTS IN TEACHING ENGLISH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Charlotte Ambat Harun and Winti Ananthia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia-Kampus Cibiru Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini PGPAUD Jl. Raya Cibiru km 15, Bandung-40393, Indonesia ABSTRACT The teaching of English as a local content subjects in elementary school in Indonesia was not supported by competent and suitable teachers. This lack of human resources is overcome by UPI Kampus Cibiru. English concentration was started in 2008 to prepare English teachers for elementary school. Storytelling is one of the methods learned by PGSD students . This research is trying to find out the skill of PGSD students in teaching English to lower grades of elementary school using storytelling with self- training model in the learning process. Four PGSD students of English concentration were the subjects of this research, trained to analyze their skills in the simulation class and to compare them with the real situation in elementary school. Descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the data collected. The research held in SD Laboratorium UPI Kampus Cibiru, Bandung concludes that the application of self- training learning model is suitable to improve storytelling skill of PGSD students in teaching English to elementary school students especially grade 1-3. Key words: English, elementary school , PGSD, storytelling INTRODUCTION English has become one of the local content subjects in elementary school in Indonesia. It was one of the policies of the government in order to improve the role of Indonesia in international affair. English as a mean of communication in global context has motivated the youth in non- ―English Speaking Countries‖ to master the language for personal as well as professional purposes. They want to speak English well to be able to communicate with others. In Indonesia Retmono found that English learning in Secondary School has been carried out since 1967 Ishanah, 2004. In 1994 the government of Indonesia stated that English should become one of the local content subjects in Elementary School Sutarsyah, 2004. However, teachers and educational institution did not pay a good attention to English learning until it is mention in the curriculum. It was Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pelajaran KTSP. It is mentioned in KTSP that English learning should be started in grade 4 of Elementary School. But in fact English learning was started even earlier in grade 1 especially in those schools located in big cities. Unfortunately, there were also problems of English learning in Elementary School. A lot of schools were not ready to carry out English learning because of the lack of English teachers. This situation has influenced the English learning in Elementary Schools. Some schools decided not to teach English to their students because there were no English teachers, but some pushed themselves to teach English to their students eventhough they had no English teachers. The latter shools had English learning without „qualified‟ English teachers . They ususally came from two different groups: 1 635 teachers with English teaching background but had no experienced in teaching young learners such as Elementary School students, or 2 experienced teachers of Elementary Schools but without English teaching background. Because of this condition, English learning in Elementary School was not meaningful, in artificial context, and far from the purpose of teaching English naturally, as a mean of communication Kismadi, 2004 to emphasize listening and speaking skills Sutarsyah, 2004. However, the KTSP 2006 had revised English learning in elementary school level. Then English learning in elementary school was carefully anticipated by Educational Institutions. One of the institutions was Indonesia University of Education. English for Young Learner EYL, Teaching English to Young LearnersTEYL and some other courses focusing on English learningin elementary School inhad been included to the the curriculum of English department. Meanwhile at PGSD UPI Cibiru campus, an English concentration has been established since 2008 as one of the concentrations. This concentration is provided for the 5th semester of PGSD students as one of the choices among the five concentrations. In this concentration, five courses 15 credits focusing on the teaching English to elementary school students are included in the curriculum. The courses are: 1 English for Elementary School, 2 Listening for Elementary School, 3 Speaking for Elementary School, 4 Writing for Elementary School dan 5 English Teaching Method. In this concentration, the students of PGSD were trained to teach English to the elementary school students in a fun and meaningful way. The teaching of English for elementary students should include the aspects relevant with the characteristics of 6-12 year-old children. In this level, it is recommended that English lesson facilitate the need of playing for the students. Therefore, the teaching of English could be conducted in through fun and meaningful activities, such as playing games, singing, and storytelling. Storytelling is an activity that is suitable to be implemented in the context of language learning, especially for children Brewster, Ellis Girard, 2002; Phillips, 1993; Pinter, 2006. Furthermore, Brewster et al. 2002 argue that storytelling activity could enhance children‟s linguistic ability. Besides, storytelling could also develop children‟s imagination which influence their mental health Davies, 2007; Gadzikowski, 2007; Kuyvenhoven 2009. In this study, the storytelling activities were delivered in English language as the medium of instruction since they were implemented in the context of teaching English to the elementary school students. It was conducted by four PGSD students who were doing their teaching practice. This study tried to identify and unleash the storytelling skill of PGSD students‟ before and after the implementation of self-training model. Through the implementation of the self-training model, it is hoped that PGSD students could develop their teaching skill, especially in the context of teaching English as a foreign language at the elementary school level. Based on the background of the study, this study attempts to identify the PGSD students‟ storytelling skill through the implementation of the self-training model. Specifically, this paper identifies whether or not the self-training model could develop the storytelling skill of the PGSD students in teaching English to elementary school students.

A. Self-Training Model of Teaching

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