The contribution of the students and the institute of education Contribution to the next research



1. Why the result of study math is low in Indonesia? 2. How is the way to improve the result of study math for students in third grade? 3. Is there any effects between self concept academic of students in third grade toward study math? 4. How is the self concept academic of students in third grade in study math?


Self concept of academic such as perception of student about its ability in the field of academic. Attitude to such mathematics subject is tendency do. Comport hereinafter result of learning mathematics is result of maximal effort which have been done or conducted by student in course of study of class mathematic in the third grade of Elementary School.


1. Is there any effects of the self concept academic to the result of study math in the third grade of elementary school? 2. Is the attitude toward the math lesson have any influence toward the result of students study math in the third grade of elementary school? Is the self concept academic and attitude of the students have any influence toward the result of the study math in the third grade of elementary school.


1. The contribution of the students and the institute of education

Upon which in the Elementary School students and teacher in important comprehending of him improve self concept of academic, attitude to mathematics subject which are positive and result of learning student mathematics of elementary school in low class class I, II, III.

2. Contribution to the next research

Could be a reference to the research in the next level. BOOK REVIEW A. CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION 1. The result study of math Mathematic comes from Lateen Manthanein or Mathema it has meaning study or which studied standard competition Elementary School, 79:2004. Then, Crystall 709:1994 mention that mathematics is a systematic body of knowledge built an certain axioms and assumption, principally relating to numbers and spatial relation.

a. Math For Kids

According to NCTM said that math should be master by the children Diane Trister Dodge, 134:2009. 1 Number concept, number concept is the foundation of the math. 2 Form and the correlation, to manage the object regularly, form and number. 3 Geometry and ability of room. 4 Measurement, the focus of measurement activity in the Pra-school is the expansion of understanding toward the principle and the using of measurement. 5 Data collection, organization, and presentation of data. 659

b. Study Math in the Elementary school

Scope study of mathematics in class three elementary school is to operate to count calculate number until three number: using measurement of time, heavy and long in trouble- shooting comprehend simple fraction and its in trouble-shooting, comprehending element and nature of awaking up to level off square and square of length, and also its in trouble-shooting.

c. The purpose of study Math in Elementary school

The purpose of study math as follow Diknas, KTSP 417:2006. 1. Comprehending mathematics concept, explaining related between application and concept conception or algorithm, supply , accurate, efficient, and suitable in trouble- shooting. Using minding at pattern and nature of, doing mathematics manipulation in making generalizing, compiling evidence or explain idea and statement of mathematics. 2. Problem Solving covering ability comprehend problem, planning model mathematics, finishing model and interpret obtained solution. 3. Idea communication with symbol, tables, other media or diagram to clarify problem or situation. 4. Owning attitude esteem usefulness of mathematics in life.

d. The result of study Math

The Result of the learning can be used as a size measure to know how far student can master items which have been studied. According to Bloom Orin W. Anderson, 28;2001 result of learning consist of cognate domain, affective, and psychomotor. Third of the domain have the parts, that is cognate domain consist of knowledge, understanding, applying, analysis, evaluation, creating.

e. The characteristic of cognitive increasing of students in the third grade of Elementary

School Bruner divide cognate growth of someone through three phase. 1. Enactive 2. Iconic 3. Symbolic. Budiningsih, 41:2005. To be able to determine cognate growth of Bruner see at student environment.

2. Attitude toward the study Math

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