There Effect of Interaction Between Storytelling Learning Method With The


3. There Effect of Interaction Between Storytelling Learning Method With The

Parenting Style Covering the Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive Indulgent, and Permissive Indifferent AXB Based on the calculation above table Anova two paths to a source of variance interaction between the columns and rows of F AXB obtained at F hitung 5.17 and F tabel of 2.91 at the significance level α of 0.05 is seen that of F hitung is greater than F tabel F h F t this means that the null hypothesis H o is rejected and the alternative hypothesis H 1 is accepted. Concluded that there are significant interaction between learning method of storytelling and parenting style to a childs emotional intelligence. This means that there is a significant interaction effect between storytelling learning methods and parenting style to a childs emotional intelligence. The influence of these interactions can be visualized by the following graph. Figure 1. Interaction between storytelling and parenting style to emotional intelligence of children Based on the figuret above shows the positive influence of storytelling is storytelling using hand puppets and storytelling methods of using books with parenting style to the childs emotional intelligence. The results of analysis of variance ANOVA two lines, reflecting the differences in each treatment group study, so that the analysis can be continued by Dunnets t-test to compare the benefits of a treatment group with the other treatment groups corresponding hypothesis. Recapitulation of the Dunnet t-test calculations are presented in the following table. Table 3. Summary of Results of Calculation Dunnets t-test at level significance of α = 0.05 No Uji t- Dunnet The level difference Treatment t hitung Sign t tabel 1 A1B1 : A2B1 2,18 2,042 Signifikan 2 A1B2 : A2B2 2,22 2,042 Signifikan 3 A1B3 : A2B3 5,01 2,042 Signifikan 4 A1B4 : A2B4 4,32 2,042 Signifikan Authoritative Authoritarian Permissiv e Indulgent Permissive Indifferent 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 Hand Puppet Book Storytelling T h e A v e ra g e o f E m o ti o n a l I n te ll ig e n ce 508 Based on test results obtained Dunnet t-superiority comparison between treatment groups as follows:

1. Differences in Emotional Intelligence Among Children Awarded Conduct Behavior

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