Malay Culture Chairman Ability marking think creatively Aptitude

566 that is expressed through a beautiful rhythmic movements. Indonesia Indah, 1994. All of the movements around us can be a source of dance idea, such as : the h uman‘s movements while working or playing, the plant‘s movements, the animal‘s movements, the human creation‘s movements such as car, machine, and robot. In order to become a dance movements, those movements must be processed due to the aspect of its power, space, and time, so that the result is not only a copy of the real movements. Dyane Lynch Frase opine that a dance which is got from playing is a learning approach that is suitable for the young learners, because it has the interesting characteristics for the young learners, based on their passion to play. By playing, children can expressed themselves completely which come from their mind and body. The movements as a media to express their feelings and world to the other people.

3. Malay Culture

3.1 Culture Culture came from Sanskrit, that is buddhayah, that is plural form of buddhi, which can be interpreted as things related to human‘s mind. In English, culture came from Latin, Colere, that the meaning is to process or to do. It also can be interpreted to cultivate. ‖Culture‖ also is interpreted as ―kultur‖ in Indonesian language. Culture is a way of living that is developed and owned by a group of people and it is inherited from a generation to the next generation. A culture is formed by many complex elements, including the system of religions and politic, tradition, language, apparatus, clothes, building, and art. As same as the culture, a language also is a part of human, so that many people tend to consider that it is inherited genetically. When someone tries to communicate to people with different culture and they try to adjust to the difference, it is a prove that the culture can be learned. 3.2 Melayu Malay came from ―mala‖ beginning and ―yu‖ land. It has been ratified to the word ―ganggayu‖ which has meaning “negeri gangga”. Then the word ―melayu‖ in Tamil means high land or hill, it also means rain. It is suitable to the land of Malay which in the beginning is located on hills, which has stated in Malay history book, Bukit Siguntang Mahameru. Then, in Java language, the word ―Malay‖ means that walk or run quickly. And so, there is a river named ―Sungai Melayu‖. All of the terms can be summarized so that the word ―Malay‖ can be interpreted as a land that has a river, named ―sungai Melayu‖ and is lived by people. UU. Hamidy Lagad Melayu dalam Lintasan Budaya di Riau, 2010: 3-4

4. Creativity

According to Mayesky 1990 : 3, a creativity is a way of thinking and doing or making something coming from himself and has a value to himself or other people. And so, Santrock 2002 : 327 stated that a creativity is an ability to think something with the new ways and unusual so that become a unique solution for problems. Meanwhile, Munandar 1999 : 27 gave a definition that creativity is an ability to create a new combination based on data, information, and elements which are available. Moreover, he added that creativity is important to be developed in every children, because : 1 by creating something, someone can realize himself and the realization is included in the main needs of human, 2 a creativity is an ability to see many possibilities of solutions of a certain problem, it is a way of thinking that until recently is lack of attention in formal education. 3 Make yourself busy creatively is 567 not only useful but also give a satisfaction to an individual, 4 a creativity give a chance for human to improve his quality of life. Mihaly Cstkszentmihaly 1996 : 28-29,give a definition about creativity, that a creativity is every action, idea or product that can change a certain domain or a transformation from an old domain to the new one. And a creative people are those whose action or mind can change a certain domain or create the new one. Meanwhile, Hurlock 1978 : 4, an expert of children developing opined that a creativity is an ability to create any new composition, product, or idea that is unrecognized by its creator. It can be in a form of imaginative activity, or synthetic thinking which the result is not only a summary. It may include formation of a new pattern and the combination of some information which is got from past experience and combination of an old relation to the new situation and may formation of a new correlation. It has to have a certain purpose, not only a fantasy, although it is a complete and perfect creation. It may be formed as an art product, literature, academic product, or may be procedural and methodological. According to Webster dictionary Pamilu, 2007 : 9, creativity is an ability of someone to create which is marked by originality in expressing that is imaginative. Like Salim stated 2000 : 1 about creativity : it is creative if it fulfil some criteria of a creative product, such as : new, different from something before in a good way, and useful for other people. It is not only a thing, but also can be a system, procedure, or way to do something. Semiawan 1997 : 50 explained that based on many research about human‘s brain, so a phenomenon called creativity is related to the main human functions, those are : to think, to feel, to sense, and intuition. Next, he explained that there are three level of creativity, those are : 1 first level, it is recognized by its originality, flexibility, and openness to the problems which is followed by a bravery to take a risk, 2 second level, it is called psychedelic, and 3 third level, it is illuminative. Seniawan, 1997: 169 Related to the characteristics of ability to think creatively, Munandar Munandar, 1999 : 88-89 divide it into two characteristics, aptitude and non-aptitude. Aptitude is a character related to cognitive which is described in five skills : 1 think clearly, 2 think flexible flexibility, 3 think original originality, 4 think elaborative elaboration, 5 think evaluative. Meanwhile, the characteristics of non-aptitude is related to the feelings of : 1 curiosity, imaginative, challenged by complexity,4 take a risk audaciously, 5 appreciative. There are so many people think that a creative people is someone who can create a product in a thing form, whereas a creativity can reflects a smoothness, flexibility, and originality, it also has ability to elaborate to develop, to enrich, to specify an idea. While, a creativity as a personal aspect is an idea stated by the experts of psychology of humanistic, such as Carl Roger and Abraham Maslow Jamaris, 2003 : 56-58, defined the creativity as one of personal aspects related to self-actualization. According to Roger Jamaris, 2003 : 56-58, an expression of creative experience by someone is effected by factors related to : 1 an openness to many experience, followed by flexibility and tolerance to the uncertainty ; 2 a self-satisfaction to what he have done and doesn‘t depend on other people‘s critic; 3 the ability to combine all of concepts and elements meaningfully so that creates a certain idea or creation. All of the aspects above can be done completely if the following conditions are fulfilled : 1 the ability to accept the someone‘s uniqueness as something meaningful. 2 the freedom to express mind or feeling; 3 the willingness to accept other people‘s perspective; 4 the ability to don‘t depend on evaluative result by other people to the feeling and mind‘s expression, for example is the firmness to reach the goal. 568 Based on opinion above, it can be concluded that a creativity is an ability related to : 1 cognitive, reflects the smoothness, flexibility, originality, elaboration to develop, to enrich, to specify an idea, and evaluative, 2 affective, reflects the curiosity, imagination, challenged to complexity, take a risk audaciously, and appreciate, 3 creation.

F. Research Methodology

The methodology used in this research is ―research and development‖, which has a purpose to create a certain product, and also tests the effectiveness of the product. Sugiyono, 2006 : 407. The researcher quoted an opinion of Borg and Gall 1983 : 267-278, ―research and development R D ― is a tool of function that is used in an educational research and then it is explained that the research is chosen especially to connect the discrepancy between the step of the research and practice of education.

G. Organization of the Research

1. Chairman

Name : Nurlita, M.Pd NIP : 197106212010122001 Class Functional position : IIIb Penata Muda Tk 1 Department : PG-PAUD Faculty of Education

2. Members

a. Name : Devi Risma, M.Si, Psi NIP : 197904162008122001 Class functional position : IIIbAsisten Ahli Department : PG-PAUD Faculty of Education b. Name : DR. Daviq Chairilsyah, M.Psi., Psikolog NIP : 197607052009121002 Class functional position : - Department : PG-PAUD Faculty of Education

H. Bibliography

Collin, Gillian, dan Dixon Hazel. 1991. Integrated Learning: Planned Curriculum Unit . Iiinois: IRI Skylight Publishing, Inc. http:duniabaca.comdefinisi-budaya-pengertian-kebudayaan.htmldefinisi accessed on … http:seabass86.wordpress.com20090507pengertian-budayadan-asal-usul-kebudayaan- serta-macam-macam-kebudayaan accessed on … http:www.riauheritage.org201111pengertian-melayu-dan-melayu-riau.html accesed on ... Lynch Fraser, Diane. 1991. Playdancing. Pennington: Princeton Book Compeny, Publishers Mayesky Marry, 1990. Creative Activities for Young Children , New York: Delmor Publisher. Miarso, Yusufhadi. 1989. Teknologi Pendidikan . Jakarta: PAUD-Dirjen Dikti, Depertemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Pamilu Anik, 2007. Mengembangkan Kreativitas dan Kecerdasan Anak, Yogyakarta: Citra Media, Psychoeducational Design . USA: McGraw-Hill,Inc 569 Salim Evita Singgih, Maret 2000. Kreativitas dan Sikap Kreatif dari Siswa Berbakat Akademik , Makalah yang disampaikan dalam Simposium Program Akselarasi dalam Pendidikan Bagi Siswa Berbakat Akademik, Jakarta 2930 Santrock John W. 2002. Live Span Development , Terjemahan Achmad Chusairi, Jakarta: Erlangga, Semiawan Conny.1997. Perspektif Pendidikan Anak Berbakat , Jakarta : Grasindo, Semiawan, Conny.2002. Belajar dan Pembelajaran dalam Taraf Usia Dini: Pendidikan Prasekolah dan Dasar . Jakarta: Prenhalindo. Snelbecker, Glen. 1984. LearningTheory, Instructional Theory, and Soedarsono, dkk. 1996. Indonesia Indah: Tari Tradisional Indonesia Jakarta: Harapan Kita TMIIBP Suriasumantri, Jujun S. Tanpa tahun. Berfikir Sistem : Konsep, Penerapan Teknologi dan Sterategi Implementasi, Jakarta: FPS IKIP Jakarta 570 THE ROLE OF EARLY CHILHOOD EDUCATORS IN DEVELOPING CHILDREN CREATIVITY AT ECD INSTITUTIONS By: Nasriah Abstract Role as early childhood educators have a very important role in facilitating the development of creativity of children, instead of imposing the will of the child. Because the creativity is more personal and privacy, rather than social and public, it requires the growth of a wide range of interactions. Cultivate a positive pattern of interaction between educators with children in school kindergarten through play and fun atmosphere is the best means to stimulate and develop a childs creativity, therefore creativity must be developed from an early age. Keywords: Role of Educators, Creativity Development Introduction Every early childhood educators have always hoped that someday the children will be successful, both in terms of socio-economic and intellectual life. Possible through human creativity can improve their quality of life. Creative people will have a lot of ideas that can be developed so that it has the possibility to obtain better welfare than those who are not creative. Creativity is the foundation of education to prepare children to become scientists, creators, artists, musicians, innovators and problem solvers for the future. Thus creativity has to be developed from an early age. Education doesthe task to be able to develop the creative potential of every child. Children need to receive proper guidance, so enabling them to develop their potential and capabilities optimally. Ultimately capabilities are expected to be useful both for themselves, their families and society in general. As mandated by the Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Chapter I, Article 1, paragraph 14, which states that Early Childhood Education is a development effort aimed at children from birth up to the age of six years are done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of the physical and spiritual readiness of the child to have further education Hamid, 2003: 14. In this case creativity is a talent that is potentially owned by each person, can be identified and nurtured through appropriate education, including the kindergarten as one of a place to hold the Early Childhood Education. Creativity Munandar, 1991 can be viewed in terms of, the personal aspect, booster, process and product. 1 The personal aspect, creativity is the result of personal uniqueness in its interaction with the environment and is a depiction of the various special features in each individual. Characteristics which include curiosity, a strong imagination, interested in new things, have broad interests, willing to take risks, have the initiative and confidence, diligent and tenacious in doing the task of interest and believed. 2 The driving aspect, is a condition that is motivating someone on creative behavior. This creativity booster can be a strong desire on the individual, and may also be the award of others parents, teachers, and the availability of facilities and infrastructure supporting creative attitude. 3 The process aspect, creativity is the result of stage ones experience in performing a job or activity. Creativity in terms of the process as an ability to form new combinations of two or more concepts existing in the mind. 571 4 The product aspect, creativity is the ability to create or produce new products, or a combination of the previously existing ones. Children who are creative is the children which have the ability to think critically, curious, interested in the activities tasks perceived as a challenge, dare to take risks, not easily discouraged, appreciate beauty, unable to do or work, respect their selves and others. In the development of creativity from an early age, the role of the kindergarten teacher educators to foster the development of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, emotional, social and personality of students. According to Abdurrahman 2005: 35, a childs creativity is the ability to generate original ideas, unusual, and very flexible in responding and developing ideas and activities. In early childhood creativity will be obvious when children play, where he created various forms of work, painting or imaginary spontaneity with a toy. The characteristics of natural creativity include: imaginative, like to explore the environment exploring, ask the many question, have a strong curiosity, like doing experiments, open to new stimuli, interested to do all sorts of things, want gain new experiences, and have not been bored Nakita Magazine, 2003: 7 August 2003 edition. Guilford in Hawadi, 2001: 3 with the factor analysis found five traits that characterize creative thinking abilities: first, fluency is the ability to produce many ideas. Second, flexibility is the ability to apply a variety of approaches or the way of problem- solving. Third, the authenticity originality is the ability to give or create original ideas as a result ofhis own thoughts and not cliché. Fourth, the decomposition elaboration is the ability to explain something in detail. Fifth, reformulation redefinition is the ability to review the issue in a way and a different perspective to what is already prevalent. With the development of creativity in children kindergarten: children have the opportunity fully to meet the requirements of expression in its own way good benefits on cognitive development; can be a tool to balance the childs emotions so that a harmonious development of the childs personality is back either on mental health benefits; and the child will acquire the skills to feel, discriminate, appreciate the beauty that will drive and influence the refinement and character both on the development of aesthetic benefits, thus said byMunandar. Creativity Development Goals. S.C. UtamiMunandar. There are five reasons why creativity is important to be raised, nurtured and developed in children following them. First , the child can realize his creative. Self-realization is one of the basic human needs as expressed by an expert, Maslow 1968. One of the 6 basic needs of a human being is the actualization self-realization. Secondly , with the ability to think creatively possible can see the resolution of a wide variety of problems. Express different thoughts of others without being limited by nature will be able to create a wide variety of ideas. Third , implicated themselves creatively as early childhood needs are always busy and want to know will give satisfaction to the individual. It is important to note because the level of achievement of ones satisfaction will influence the development of social emotions. Fourth , to allow human creativity to improve the quality of life. New ideas as a result of creative thinking will be needed to deal with future challenges. For the thinking, attitudes and behavior are very necessary creative raised, nurtured and developed from an early age. Based on the above reasons, the goal of developing a childs creativity in early childhood institutions are as follows. 1. introduces a way to express themselves through the work using techniques mastered. 572 2. introduces the way in finding alternative solutions to solve problems. 3. make the child have an attitude of openness to various levels of experience with the flexibility and high tolerance for uncertainty. 4. make a child has self-satisfaction of what he did and respect for other peoples work. 5. make a creative child, the child who has: a. fluency to express ideas b. flexibility to express a variety of alternative solutions to solve problems c. originality in generating ideas d. elaboration of the idea e. tenacity and patience or persistence to face obstacles and uncertainty situation. The Function of Creativity Development in Early Childhood The development of creativity in children is one of instructional support to develop some aspects of child development. This can be seen in the functions of creativity development in early childhood are as follows: First , the function of creativity development toward childrens cognitive development.Through the development of creativity of children have fully opportunity to meet the requirements of expression in its own way. The fulfillment of that desire is obtained child to create something new. Activities that produce something of this attitude fostered children to continue to be busy themselves with creative activities that will spur the development of cognitive thinking skill. Secondly , the function of the creativity development toward mental health.The creativity development has therapeutic value because in that activities the children can expresstheir feelings that can lead tensions on them, such as feelings of sadness, disappointment, worry, fear, and others who may not be able to say. If these feelings are not distributed then the child will live in the tensions so that his soul would be depressed. This will cause deviations of behavior so that the child will be disturbed emotional balance. Thus, adults can provide creative activities for children, such as drawing, forming, dancing and so on. Such activities can be a tool to balance the childs emotions so that a harmonious development of the childs personality back. Third, the development functions to the aesthetic creativity development. In addition to the activities of its expression, creation, child socialized and trained to appreciate the beauty of such a variety of natural beauty, painting, dance, music and so on. With these activities, the children will continue to absorb the beautiful effect is heard, seen and thought. It means feeling or sense of aesthetic beauty children nurtured and developed. In the end the child will acquire the skills to perceive, discriminate, appreciate the beauty that will deliver and affect fineness attitude. Thus, children are brought near to the beautiful nature and good in human life. Suyoto 2003 states that creativity is an activity aimed at, produce valuable products, services or new ideas and Craft 2003 also mentions creativity as a result of a powerful mind. With the purpose and function of the development of creativity as has been described above, the development of creativity must exist in all areas of development in early childhood. , The development of creativity not only in the field of Art Capacity but also exist in all other Capability Development Division, the Field of Language Development, Cognitive, and Physical and motoric skills. The development of the art includes the ability to express themselves through creative media, such as drawing with charcoal, painting with paint, tear, forming with plasticine and 573 others, the ability to express the motion and make musical instruments and create their own playing with sand, water and role play. The aspect of language development include the ability to develop patterns of thought and skill to express, eg retelling with their own language the stories that have been heard, continue to retell the picture story with their own imagination. The cognitive aspect includes the ability to solve their own problems as well look for alternative solutions, such as a game by using the sense of touch to associate objects, predict something based on presenting symptoms, imagining something that is not possible, and others. In the aspect of physical development motoric skills include the ability to create physical movements freely according to the essay itself. Discussion Some experts assert that creativity reached its peak in the age between 4 to 4.5 years. Preschoolers have a very rich imagination while imagination is the basis of all kinds of creative activities. They have a natural creativity that looks like the behavior is often asked, keen to try everything, and have a strong imagination KakSeto, 2004: 11. Creativity requires EQ emotional intelligence. Golemans EQ expert said, IQ accounted for 20 percent of the success of a person while the other 80 percent is determined by other forces. For example, willingness to work hard, discipline, self-confidence, and including EQ. All of these factors support creativity can be nurtured, trained, and developed from an early age children. Between creativity and intelligence there is a difference. When we refer to the theory of the Guilford Structure of Intellect in Hawadi, 2001: 19, the intelligence is more related to the convergent thinking centered, whereas more creativity with regard to divergent thinking spread. Munandar explained that convergent thinking is giving answers or logical inference reasoning of the information that is used with an emphasis on achieving the single most appropriate answer. The divergent thinking which is also called the creative thinking is the ability to provide a variety of answers based on information provided by an emphasis on diversity, number, and suitability. Developing Creativity In School kindergarten Kindergarten TK is one of the formal institutions holding early childhood education, the implementation is more emphasis on the principle of playing while learning or learning while playing. The role of kindergarten teachers in the implementation of learning more act as mentors and facilitators. Learning in Kindergarten can conducted covering aspects of the development of integrated cognitive, language, social and emotions in an effort to developing a childs creativity early age. Creativity of early childhood development can be pursued through a game designed by a kindergarten teacher, because by the games children can develop and integrate all of its potential, so that they are more creative. The role of teachers in childrens games activities are encouraging, guiding childrens play and helps children develop their potential so that they become creative child. Teachers as one of the neighborhoods that can serve as a model to support creativity, facilitator, mediator, and inspiration for children in an effort to bring creative behavior. For that teachers should have the responsibility and is exemplary in fostering creativity early childhood. There are several things that must be considered by the teacher in developing creativity, namely: 1. Ability to accept the uniqueness of individual 574 2. Willing to accept the childs perspective 3. Ability to provide programs that challenge children to explore. 4. Make use of various thrift 5. Choosing story topics that stimulate children to think 6. Not force the will of the child if the child does not like 7. Stop to use the word ―don‘t‖ and ―not‖ because it will hinder a childs imagination 8. Selecting appropriate learning media 9. Guiding and directing children to dare to bring their creativity 10.membimbing other children to appreciate the work of his friend Table 1. The Supporting Environment and Inhibitingthe Creativity Type involved environment The Supporting Environment The Inhibiting Environment Infrastructure The class Infrastructure physical setting in the classroom is flexible Rigid classroom atmosphere Adults teachers, principals often ask open questions why, how, roughly, what do you think about .... Always apply closed questions Learning program activities presented challenging activities according to age and children characteristics Presented difficult activities, making the child frustrating Adults teachers, principals Serve as a model, facilitator, mediator, inspirator Serve as instructor Adults teachers, principals Encouraging children to learn self-Tend Help and serve Learning program activities Children took a part of the learning not involving children actively Adults teachers, principals Emphasize on the process of learning more concerned Product or learning outcomes Adults teachers, principals Avoiding giving sample and directing tends to give children ideas Give examples and stand in front of the children to give direction Adults teachers, principals As learning partner As a source of learning and be the only one disseminate information Role of Parents and Teachers in the Development of Childrens Creativity Results obtained from various studies, that the attitude of parents who foster childrens creativity, is: - Appreciating the views of the child and encourage him to express - Giving time for children to think, reflect, and delusional - Let the children make their own decisions - Encourage inquisitiveness of children, to explore and question many things - Convincing children that their parents appreciate what want to try to done, and what the resulting - Support and encourage the activities of the child. 575 - Enjoy being with children -Giving genuine compliments to children -Encourage the childs independence in work and -Exercising good cooperation relationship with child The attitudes of parents who do not support the development of creativity of children, is: - Told to the child that he will give a punishment if he done wrong - Do not allow the child to be angry with parents - Do not allow children to question the decision of the parents - Do not allow children to play with children from families who have different views and values of family child - Children should not be noisy - Parents strict to supervise childrens activities - Parents give specific suggestions on task completion - Parents critical of the child and refused children‘s ideas - Parents are impatient with their children - Parents and children fighting power, and - Parents pressuring and forcing the child to complete the task. Closing Kindergarten is one of the institutions of formal education for early childhood implemented in Indonesia. Kindergarten education is a form of preschool education has an important role in developing a childs personality. Kindergarten as an educational institution that organizes educational programs of one or two years, need to be equipped with facilities and infrastructure game that allows children to play while learning and learning while playing. Kindergarten teachers should have creativity in designing the learning environment and childrens games, so it can help children develop their potential and give birth to a child as a creative human resources. Creative child will always thirst with new experiences. Thus children who do not get enough creative learning to gain new experiences. While the most memorable experiences as a child if it can be obtained directly through experiments that he did. Therefore the child to be given a lot of experience through his own experiments provisions either through art, creative drama, and use language to express humor, atmosphere or free personal atmosphere and can be received by the child. Therefore, the growth of childrens creativity should be started since the child is still in an early age. An early childhood is basically like an empty glassesthat ready to be filled by educators or teachers. If a teacher can utilize child development for developing creativity properly, then the future children will have a creative soul. This is where the teachers role in guiding his son was required to be careful and meticulous. Because if we do the wrong in guiding children, so it would be a failed forever for us. REFERENCES Abdurrahman, J. 2005. Tahapan Mendidik Anak . Bandung: Irsyad Baitus Salam Craff, Anna, 2003. Membangun Kreatifitas Anak. Alih Bahasa; M. Chairul Annam. Jakarta Inisiasi Press Hawadi, R. 2001. Kreativitas . Jakarta:Grasindo Munandar, 1999, Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat , Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Montolalu, dkk, 2005, Bermaindan Permainan Anak , Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Universitas Terbuka 576 Moeslichatoen. 1999. Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Munandar, U. 2004. Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Safaria, T. 2005. Creativity Quotient . Jogjakarta: Platinum Seto. 2004. Bermain dan Kreativitas . Jakarta:Papas Sinar Sinanti Sumanto, 2005, Pengembangan Kreativitas Seni Rupa Anak TK , Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Direktorat Pembinaan Tenaga Kependidikandan Ketenagaan Perguruan Tinggi Suyoto, 2003 ,Bahan Pelatihan. Tidak dipublikasikan Supriadi, D. 1997. Kreativitas Kebudayaan dan Perkembangan IPTEK . Bandung: Alfabeta Widayati, C. Sri, dkk. 2002. Reformasi Pendidikan Dasar . Jakarta: Grasindo 577 INFLUENCE OF PROJECT METHOD TOWARD INCREASING OF CHILDREN’S CREATIVITY OF 5-6 YEARS IN LABOR KINDER GARDEN Devi Risma, Yeni Solfiah FKIP UNIVERSITY OF RIAU ABSTRACT This research use experiment method to explain how is the influence of method project toward the increasing of children‘s creativity at 5-6 year old in Labor kinder garden FKIP University of Riau. The Target of this research to know is the project method can improve children‘s creativity 5-6 years in the kinder garden in Labor FKIP University of Riau. The Device of this Research is Pre Test- Post Test Design, which is consist of 24 children. The Experiment conducted by executing method of the project in study that conducting the project of making of Chinese lantern lamp to increase children‘s creativity. The Data analysis of this research by using different test analysis t-test use statistical program series of SPSS 17 windows to know the effectiveness of method of project to increase children‘s creativity. Pre test and post test executed to pass the creativity of the children to drawing freedom and narrating it return what they have drawn. Pretest executed the activity of opener and study of post test conducted in activity cover of study Pursuant to data analysis that obtained by result of T-test equal to - 5,571 p=0,000 and improvement of creativity from before and after experiment equal to 21,62 . Thereby, can be concluded that effectiveness of project method to increase children‘s creativity in 5-6 year in the Labor kinder gander FKIP University of Riau. Keyword : method offis project of, creativity. INTRODUCTION Education of age child early PAUD [is] an construction process grow child flower since age born until age 6 year, [doneconducted] by totally, including all growth aspect by giving stimulation to growth of spirit and bodily to be children‘s grow and expand in an optimal fashion. According to result of research, at first 4 year, half of capacities intelligence of human being have been formed. Its meaning, if in age of child brain do not get maximal excitement, so, the child‘s brain potency will not expand in an optimal fashion. In the middle of progress of technology and science which progressively rapidly grow, society confronted with various demand and challenge to face very tight emulation. With the phenomenon required by creativity and skill to faced problems, in consequence creativity have to be developed since childhood specially in early age of children. The Fact in the field indicate that Indonesian child creativity in this time tend to less grow and expand. Just Academic efficacy do not determine efficacy of someone in experiencing life forwards, therefore creativity require to be stimulated by its growth since childhood, and creativity have to be developed in formal education, informal and also non-formal. Come up with age 4 year a child have reached is a half than its intelligence. Passed to excitement is first phases in its life will give result of biggest in make-up of creative potency of him. Creating environment which is conducive to development of child is very importance, in consequence needed a strategy to create the environment with good arrangement of environment that make child can move peaceful and free, so that child can improve their imagination energy in its creativity. Passed to education, children have to orient in it. Therefore, the teacher of PAUD have to create a good situation that has an 578 important meaning, conducive expanding strengths it had by child and extension of child enthusiasm and also development of responsibility and creativity, either through civil and also group. Study method to develop children‘s creativity selected the method which is able to move child to increase motivate to feel like to know and develop its imagination. Despitefully, study method to develop child creativity, is capable to push children to look for and find its answer, making question assisting to solve the problem, thinking it over, developing again and find new relation. There are various method which is able to develop children‘s creativity among others is Travelling method, Explores method, experiment method, passing game of music, passing masterpiece cubic and project method. Project method representing a method study which is can train the children to accept initiative and responsibility to develop creativity in explaining work becoming part of project completely. Phenomenon that happened in the kinder garden Labor FKIP University of Riau is the teacher only teaching used method giving duty, so that children‘s creativity do not expand and stimulus well. Children less of having an idea to make any differences of masterpiece besides of the examples by their teacher. If result of child duty differ from given from the example of their teacher, children to be unconvinced with themselves. Because of thats researcher wish to compare children‘s creativity after getting study pursuant to the method have given and duty of the project with title Influence of Method Project to the children‘s Creativity Creativity Creativity come from creative which have correlated to create with the meaning creating, yielding or creating positive something and good for themself as well as others. According to Chaplin Creativity represent an idea or idea of human being having the character of innovative, useful and can understand. Creativity in the early age of children represent a materialization of new knowledge and experience which obtained by the children in the form of masterpiece result or idea, both for assumed by new invention or represent result of masterpiece repeat. To be conceived of a creative, it is important to know about characteristic someone which is creative. Utami 2008 formulate ability marking think creative as follows:

1. Ability marking think creatively Aptitude

a. Skill think fluently Ability fluency to trigger many idea, answer, solving of question or problem, giving many way of or suggestion to conduct the matters, and also always can think more than one answer. b. Skill think supply the Flexibility Ability to yield idea, question or answer which vary, can see a problem from the aspect of approach which different each other, and can look for many direction or alternative which is different each other, and also can alter the way of approach or way of idea. c. Skill think rationally Ability in originality to bear unique and new expression, thinking of the way of a typical to lay open them self, can make a typical combinations from parts or elements. d. Skill detail or elaboration Ability in elaboration enrich and develop a product or idea, enhancing or detailing details from an object, and situation or idea so that more interesting. e. Skill assess Ability in evaluation to determine assessment directive alone and determine what is a question of correctness, a healthy plan, or a wise action, can make a decision to open situation that, do not only triggering idea, but also executing them. 579

2. Marking of Affective Non-Aptitude

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