Problem Formulation Research Objectives Study Library

234 COUNSELING MODEL-BASED COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL CULTURE STUDENT PGPAUD FKIP UNINUS BANDUNG Dr Hj. Euis Karwati, M.Pd. S.Kom ABSTRACT Less successful implementation of counseling in London Uninus FKIP PGPUD counseling due to lack of implementation based on the socio-cultural environment of the counselee. Therefore, the model-based collaborative counseling socio-cultural environment should be implemented immediately. The target of this research is the completion of the implementation of the results of the model. Subjects were counselors and students. Techniques of data collection using questionnaire, interview and observation. The results show that most students PGPAUD FKIP Uninus Bandung still has shortcomings in terms of: mutual aid, develop skills, apply concepts, improve the quality of tasks, manage time, learn the conceptual, advancing alma mater, utilizing the abilities of others, traditions and events. In addition, counselors are lacking to build collaborative relationships, clarify complaints, problems, objectives and expected results, changing perspective, how to act, and the atmosphere of the counselee and less precise in evaluating and terminating counseling. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Keywords: collaborative counseling, social and cultural environment One indicator of the success of counseling is the counselee is able to solve the problem in the present and future problems and be able to change the views, action and atmosphere counselee. The ability to solve problems is very supportive of the socio-cultural development of students, while the socio-cultural development of students is recognized as one of the goals the college. The results of the observation team of researchers showed that most students PGPAUD FKIP Uninus, still has shortcomings in terms of: 1 implement and maintain good habits during exam time, learning, and task groups; 2 use polite language in interaction; 3 positive activities; 4 sharing of experiences; 4 use of research, 5 develop new ideas; 6 help each other solve problems; and 5 create comfort in interacting with friends. Understanding sociocultural counselee an important effort in carrying out counseling. Implement counseling based on socio-cultural environment will direct students to the noble values, wisdom, creativity, and independence of the counselee. The atmosphere of the counseling support the realization of socio-cultural development of the counselee. Improved social and cultural development of the counselee will be effective, if the counselor uses a model-based counseling molaboratif socio-cultural environment of students, because the model is collaborating with many counselees, counselees attention to values and habits, lifting ability, strength and experience of the counselee, lots of dialogue, tone and emphasis in speech accordance with the conditions of the counselee. On the basis of this, it is necessary to implement the model-based collaborative counseling students in the social and cultural environment Prodi PGPAUD FKIP Uninus Bandung.

B. Problem Formulation

Conditions in the implementation of counseling Prodi PGPAUD FKIP Uninus can be described as follows: 1 the implementation of counseling is not conducted jointly with the counselee; 2 the disparity cooperation expected by the counselee and counselor; 3 less counselor encourages counselees to join together with the counselor in solving the problems of the counselee; 4 less counselor can explore issues, objectives and expected changes 235 counselee; 5 counselors are less able to use the experience, toughness and ability to solve the problem of the counselee; 6 the counselor has not been widely used at the time of the counselee circumstances can change him; 7 does not carry out an assessment counselor when the counseling process and after counseling is completed; 8 lack of linking counselor counselee problem shared with his future. To provide a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-cultural counselee, the collaborative counseling needs to be implemented. Based on this, the formulation of the problem in this study is how the implementation of a collaborative model of counseling based socio-cultural environment of students.

C. Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is the completion of the implementation of the results-based collaborative model of counseling student socio-cultural environment in Prodi PGPAUD FKIP Uninus Bandung.

D. Study Library

1. The concept of Collaborative Counseling Frans Bursuck 1996: 74 says that is a style of collaborative professionals chose to use in order to Accomplish a goal they share. So collaborative is a preferred way for use by professionals in achieving a common goal. Idol Baran Schmidt, 2003: 60 argues that In a collaborative, planning and implementing are joint effort. Collaborative research is carried out by the cooperation with the counselee counselor who focuses on the relationship of partnership, active participation, and the change in them. Counseling is a collaborative service that prioritizes performance patterns respectful, creative, not looking at the problem from one perspective, not force match counselee to one theory, but the emphasis reality. The idea can be generated through conversation and interaction between counselor and counselee. This issue was raised Berger Luckmann Bertolino and O, Hanlon, 2002: 4. Counseling is a collaborative effort of assistance provided to the counselee through collaboration between counselors and students that is based on socio-cultural environment counselee to create change views, actions, and the atmosphere, so that the counselee is able to solve problems in the present and in the future. The concept of collaborative counseling adapted from the opinion Bertolino and OHanlon 2002, among others: the cornerstone philosophy of counseling is based on constructivism and social kontruksionisme, the approach used focused on solving problems at the moment and in the future. Counseling is based on the principle of collaborative involvement of the counselee, improve relationships, change-oriented and future, as well as the prediction of the changes. Dimensions collaborative counseling are: experience, views, actions, and atmosphere. The steps include: building collaborative relationships, clarify complaints, problems, goals, and results are prioritized, creating a shift in perspective, how to act, and the atmosphere of the counselee, evaluation and follow-up. 2. Socio-Cultural Environment Students Culture is the atmosphere of the college campus where college community interaction. H.A.R. Tilaar 2002: 6 argues that ... .the organization must be dynamic, flexible, so it can absorb the rapid changes, among others, due to the development of science and technology, changes in society leads to an increasingly democratic society and respect for human rights , including the number of personnel and their behavior, social interactions every college personnel is influenced by life in society. 236 The system of individual interaction will produce a social climate that will affect the college personnel to interact with other personnel. The college will also give effect to the social institutions beyond. Thus the college with other social institutions have a reciprocal relationship. Discuss the community college as a means to discuss culture, because culture can be defined as the way of life of a society. Society is a group of individuals who interact organized to follow a certain way of life. Society formed by people who are in it, while the culture is the way they behave, the crystallization of the way of thinking, and acting in a community environment. Social and cultural environment will be formed following the human existence. Humans have a special position in the world. This suggests that human behavior has a purpose and is always associated with other human beings. Culture is a resource for the communitys personality, one of the elements is a system of knowledge that directly shape perspective, action, and creativity of the self and its world. Results of human reflexes are not learned as essentially naruli not include culture. The results of creativity, initiative, and a sense of the human can be classified into: ideas, activities, and objects work Koentjaraningrat, 1985: 2. The above description can be concluded that the socio-cultural environment college is the way individuals think, act, and be creative in interacting with its environment that can generate norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors are learned and possessed by every individual. This is in accordance with the opinion of the said Saphier and King 1983 that: ... Culture with norms and expectations that support change and improvement: collegiality, experimentation, high expectations, trust and confidence, tangiblesupport, reaching out to the knowledge base, appreciation and recognition, celebration and humor caring, involvement indecision making, protection of what s important, hones open communication, traditions. Based on the above opinion, socio-cultural college has the following characteristics: 1 kesejawatan, 2 experimentation, 3 high expectations, 4 trust, 5 support, 6 the development of basic capabilities, 7 awards and recognition, 8 caring, celebration, and humor, 9 involvement in decision making, 10 protection, 11 traditions, as well as 12 honesty and open communication.

E. Methods

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