The method of the Study Findings and Discussion

319 body movement which is good in memorizing letters and words that have been learned in a foreign language. It is clear that using rhyme and action are useful in learning English Vocabularies for children. It provides an interactive and motivated learning atmosphere for children. Children enjoy their learning and obtain fun learning activities.

B. The method of the Study

This study used an experimental design. This design was used to answer the question of the research about how effective the use of rhyme and movement toward the students‘ vocabulary mastery. Purposive sampling technique was used to gather the data in this research. The data collected through tests. Then, the data collected was analyzed by using t- test formula. To ensure the test applied was reliable, the product moment formula was used. The formula is as follow:

C. Findings and Discussion

1. Findings

Before conducting the research, the class was given a pre test to know The Result of Pre Test of Experiment class and control class Variabel English vocabulary Experiment class Control class N 16 16 Highest grade 74 71 The lowest grade 46 43 Sum of grade 934 934 Mean 58,39 58,39 SD 7,64 9,09 SD 2 66,29 82,62 From the table above, it can be seen the comparison of the results of introducing English children between the experimental class B1 with a control class B3 where the mean of the experimental class 58.39 by the number of children 16, equal to the mean of the control class 58.39 with the same number of children is 16. Standard deviation and variance of the results of the introduction of English children also differ between the experimental class and control class. The experimental class standard deviation is 7.64, while the control class is 9.09, as well as the standard Deviation in the experimental class 66.29 while the control class 82.62. It is clear that the highest and the lowest score of each class is different. The highest score of the experimental class 74 while the control class 71. It can be Compared that, the lowest score in experimental class is at 46 , it is higher than the control class. After conducted the experiment for 12 meetings the result of experiment class increased significantly. The table below gives the information of the post - test result. The result of the Post- Test introduce English to children in Eksperimen Class B1 and Control class B3

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