Theory of Study M01357

666 One of the benefits of play for young children is to train the motor skills requires coordination between the muscles of the eye and brain. Early childhood fine motor must be stimulated with either, because of the precise fine motor skills and will prepare mature pre- write children in terms of education as a basis for the preparation of further improving the ability of the cognitive process of creativity works in the creative process and improve the childs independence. Children who have good fine motor skills will be easy to the eye and hand coordination between them. They also can do the job simple job without the help of others, for example, to tie his own shoes, buttoning his own clothes. But the reality today is often found that the development of fine motor is not stimulated by appropriate growth stage. Parents and even teachers at school are often confused to find ways and media to develop fine motor skills when children play clay sometimes confused to find a simple way but favored Bogor Nature School is among the schools that provide the means for young children to develop the aspect of their development including the aspects of fine motor development. Bogor Nature School kindergarten curriculum in particular there are some activities to stimulate fine motor skills among their students using media clay. Activity recognition plays with clay according kindergarten teacher B is given only once in a semester and even then the teacher does not have a regular structure and pattern in applying learning fine motor skills with the media. Learning in the School of Natural more stimulating gross motor skills than fine motor skills of the students, as seen in the curriculum of the School of Natural Bogor physical activity dominates outbound, farming, camping, market day, but fine motor development activities are so few that many children who being undertaken their fine motor developmental delay, especially kindergartners B. It is in by own kindergarten teacher at the interview with the researcher of the 17 children there were 12 children having problems in fine motor skills, such as stationery could not squeeze well and can not hold stationery correctly . Based on the above problems, researchers interested in conducting research in the School of Natural Bogor to improve fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years kindergarten B through constructive play using the of clay. Clay is a material resembling wax containing plastic particles that can be used for a wide variety of arts and crafts activities. Because of its soft texture that children can manipulate clay. Constructive play using clay child will mix the flour into a clay material, which indirectly will train the muscles of their fingers. If the game is clay that has been applied by the kindergarten teachers in school B Natural Bogor is instant clay purchased at the bookstore, in the study of clay which children use is clay concoction of his own children where children will mix with the flour using a finger- their fingers, in addition to the child shall be directed to make the basic shape patterns using their fingers and the end result forms the basis of having been made by a child to be integrated into a work such as fruits, flowers and vegetables.

2. Theory of Study

a. Motor Fine Development

` Each children is able to reach the stage of development of fine motor optimal stimulation precise origin. In each phase, children need stimulation to develop mental abilities and fine motor skills. More and more children are seen and heard, the more they wanted to know. 667 Motor is the translation of the word motor which, according to Gallahue is a basic biology or mechanics that causes a movement. 1 Motor skills are divided into two parts, namely gross motor and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills involve large muscle activity, while fine motor skills involve movements that are more subtle like grasp a toy, using a spoon, or anything that requires fine motor skills demonstrated fingers. 2 Gross motor skills involve large muscle activity, while fine motor skills involve movements that are more subtle like grasp a toy, using a spoon, or anything that requires fine motor skills demonstrated fingers. The same is also presented Gallahue and Ozman that motor development as a process of changes in motor behavior throughout the human life cycle, can be a process or as a result. As can be understood to mean the process of motor development include basic biological processes, environmental and developmental tasks such as motion performance and motion capabilities of each individual from infancy to old age. Furthermore Penney revealed that fine motor skills, which can develop through play activities that involve manipulation of objects, such as toys dough clay. 3 Clay is a medium that can be used as an ingredient in a play that involves finger muscles. For example, when a child squeezed raw materials into clay then indirectly finger muscles working children, when children manipulate objects clay in a round shape for example, the muscles of the fingers they work. From the opinions of the above can be concluded that the fine motor skills were limited movement on the part of the body, especially the hands of manipulative objects that are included in such form, squeezing, moving the fingers and hand-eye coordination that requires precision like putting together the pieces, stop objects, move objects of the hand.

b. Play Concept

Childs world is a world of play, in the lives of children, most of the time is spent in play activity. The philosopher, Plato, was the first to realize and see the importance of the practical value of play. Children will be easier to learn arithmetic through play situations. Play can be used as a medium to enhance certain skills and abilities in children. Playing is a childs most dominant activity and the most desirable children. play closely related to the growth of the capacity to create new ideas, and create a new state. General understanding of the play is an activity or behavior that made the child alone or in groups by using the tool or to achieve certain goals. 4 The benefits of playing by Santrock is a fun activity that is undertaken for the sake of the activity it self. 5 The activity was conducted without coercion and with feelings of pleasure. At the time of playing is no intention to attach it to the child Psychoanalytic theory of play, Freud looked to play the same as fantasy or day dream. Through play or fantasy, one can project the expectations and personal conflicts. 6 Freud can understand that play an important role in social and emotional development of children. With childrens emotions can control the feelings happy or not happy in play. For example, when a child feel disappointed with anything then he would pretend to hit the doll. By repeating the negative experiences through play, causing the child can cope with unpleasant incident 1 David L.Gallahue and John C. Ozmun, Understanding Motor Development : Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Sixth Edition, Singapore : McGraw-Hill Education, 2006. h.48. 2 Santrock, Life-Span Development, 13th ed Jakarta : PT Aksara Pratama,2012, h.147 3 Upton, Psikologi Perkembangan, Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga, 2012, h.169. 4 Soegeng Santoso, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Jakarta : Penerbit Citra Pendidikan, 2004, h.45 5 John Santrock, Life Span Development, edition 5 Perkembangan Masa Hidup jilid 1, Jakarta: Erlangga, 2002 hh. 272-273. 6 Mayke, Bermain, Mainan dan Permainan. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2001, h. 6. 668 because children can share these experiences into small parts that can be mastered. According to Penney psychoanalysis believed that play allows children to have the skills to manipulate objects and social situations to manipulate it in play. 7 Freud did not express the sense of play, but looking to play as the means used to overcome the problem. Freuds view of the play when used as a tool for diagnosis of the child or the childs means of treating mental manifested in the cognitive therapy looked Piaget play strongly associated with the representation, how children express ideas about the world, feelings, thoughts and needs through symbolic. 8 In line with the developmental stages of cognition, activities of playing experience changes of sensory-motor stage, playing imaginary until the social play with groove Piagets theory, playing not only reflect the childs stage of cognitive development, but also contribute to the development of cognition itself. According to Piaget, the process of adaptation and adaptation requires a balance between two complementary processes, namely assimilation and accommodation. 9 According to a psychologist Vygotsky Russian nationals have believed that play a direct role on the cognitive development of a child. According to Vygotsky, children are not able to think abstractly because for them, meaning sense and objects blend into one. As a result, the child can not think of a horse without seeing the actual horse. When children engage in fantasy play and object example use a piece of wood to represent the small objects that horse meaning the meaning begins to separate from the object. Object replacement that piece of wood was used as a separator between the meaning of a horse of horse Vygosky two stages, namely the development of the actual and potential. By ZDP Zone of promixal local development is the distance between the actual and the potential. Often the involvement of children in play activities by itself is progressing in its development. Even playing advancing Z.P.D. Children help them achieve higher levels of the functioning ability. Usually help is needed is a form of support from someone more expert such as friends, parents, teachers, siblings. In creating the child can play independently scafolding either in self-control, the use of language, memory, and cooperation with other friends, for example, a child who cried when told to shower, then he would pretend to cry when it goes into the bathroom. In play children are able to control himself because play frame under the control of a child or done in an imaginary situation. Children can pretend to cry and was able to stop the crying of a sudden. View of Vygotsky about playing exhaustive, in the sense in addition to cognitive development, have also played an important role for social and emotional development of children. Furthermore, played by Gross, kids play to imitate adults what it was like when it becomes an adult. Play also allows the practice gross motor skills and fine such as drawing, coloring, build and make a variety of objects. 10 Based on these studies it can be concluded that the play is very important for young children because it is through play to develop aspects of child development. The aspect is the physical, emotional and social cognition. Playing develop physical aspects motor is through gross and fine motor games, the ability to control the limbs, learn balance, agility, and coordination. 7 Upton, op cit., h.131 8 Judith etc, Play at The Center of the Cirriculum 4th edition. Canada : Person Education, 1993,h.34. 9 Docket and Fleer, Play and Pedagogy Early Chilhood. Australia : Ligare Book Printer, 2003, h.50. 10 Docket, op.cit., h.63. 669

c. Constructive play

Active play is the play activities that give pleasure and satisfaction to the children through activities conducted directly by the child itself. Thus, active play activities will involve the activity of the body. Therefore, children in play activities will be strongly influenced by the condition of the child. There are various kinds of active play activities that can be done by preschool. The active play activities in addition to fun and satisfying the needs of the child, will also provide other benefits. One play is to play a constructive switched on. By the time children play constructive then the child will be actively involved. According to Piaget constructive game involves manipulating physical objects to build or construct. 11 For example, by playing clay, children can establish what the children want to use clay makes a triangle, circle, square or rectangular. In play children engage indirectly. It is also submitted by the Hurlock that constructive play children engage in a constructive creation or a product or a solution to a problem of his own creation. Children play with the use of materials to create something that is not beneficial but rather for the purpose indicated for the joy she got from making it. Through play activities using these objects, children develop the ability to inventive. 12 Furthermore Santrock argued that constructive game is a game that occurs when children engage in a constructive creation or a product or a solution to a problem of his own creation. 13 While Stone cited the opinion Rubin, Fein constructive Vanderberg said that the play is a combination of sensorimotorik functional play and symbolic play. 14 Constructive games include drawing, create a certain shape by using clay, cutting and sticking paper or cloth. Assemble the pieces into a plastic timber or a certain shape. Constructive play is very beneficial for the child, because the child is able to stimulate cereativities and develop social skills when playing with friends more constructive done. Constructive play by manipulating objects give children contributionn to understanding and appreciation of an object to the change and the circumstances of time and space. There are two types of materials according to Wolfgang that constructive play 1 play a constructive material properties of the liquid such as paints, crayons, markers, clay, water. Materials play this more sensorimotor training; 2 a structured means of constructive play materials has been previously established that direct how the child put the ingredients into a masterpiece. Which includes material is structured constructive lego toys,puzzles. 15 In constructive play children can take their own decision to select, define, create, install, dismantle, restore, try and issue an opinion, do thoroughly, in collaboration with a friend to experience a wide range of feelings, such as when children play clay, children can form a simple miniature smiling or being sad, the child may form an apple or orange. Clay is a type of clay that is well used by children to create a wide variety of toys. There are several benefits of childs play clay according to Dorothy: 16 1. Making children impressed. At the time of childs play clay that children can choose what they want to make. 11 Upton, op cit., h. 131. 12 Elizabeth Hurlock, op cit., h.35. 13 Santrock, op cit., h. 219 14 Sandra J. Stone, Playing A Kid,s Curriculum, USA : Good Year Books, 1993, h. 67. 15 Nurlaila Hidayatul Baiti, Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Spasial Melalui Bermain Konstruktif. Tesis UNJ: 2010. hh.55-56 16 Dorothy Einon‘s, Learning Early London : Marshall Publishing, 1999, h.91. 670 2. With the children can learn to play clay that can be hardened soft object when it has been applied. They are also able to understand the three-dimentional works. 3. Children have experience of all kinds of clay that they can use to improve their creativity. Play clay has the goal of improving the ability to think creatively and to train orginalitas in the work. Play Clay or usually called play playdog is opportunities for children to engage in smooth muscle training fingers. Also according to Smilansky constructive play was seen by the age of 3-6 years. In this childrens play activities create something, create a certain building. 17 Children are able to manipulate objects to create or build anything. For example making houses with wood or pieces of lego, drawing, arrange the puzzle pieces and the like. 18 Furthermore, according Mayke that constructive play activities that use various objects to create a particular work. Various benefits can be obtained from these play activities, among others, the childs ability to develop inventive creative train the childs fine motor skills, practice concentration, persistence, endurance. Mayke included in constructive play activities are drawing, creating a particular form of wax or clay toys, cutting, sticking paper or cloth, pieces of wood or plastic to assemble into specific shapes. Based on the above understanding can be understood that the play is constructive play activities manipulate objects to create or build something one of them is to use clay.

3. The Research Method

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