Purposes of Research Theory Review

482 playground : 1. Nature Space, 2. Hide Out, 3. Street Space, 4. Anarchy Space, 5. Open Space and 6. Play Structure Space . It is important to look into about condition and ideal analysis about that spaces in every segment of housing : 1. Low income housing, 2. Middle income housing and in 3. Real estate housing more luxurious housing. Between the two must be balanced, between school and education at home. The balance between early childhood education at school and at home requires facilities that are also balanced and mutually support each other. But his condition is not as easy as theory, this requires further review, especially those that occur in large cities, where condition of land is increasingly limited. Early childhood should ideally require a place to play outside playground and in school requires a pula play area. However, in the current conditions of urban land relative is getting crowded. Housing developers to build housing trend shifted to cluster and apartments. If it were still possible rebuilding of public facilities are adequate, but this time for living area is already limited. Similarly with schools, often the schools experienced a reshuffle with the expansion of the development. Such conditions above require further research, in addition to the play activities of early childhood learning and changing, the condition of the facility also experienced changes is becoming increasingly narrow both in school and in the home environment. Thus it imposes to the occurrence of a pattern change in the utilization of open space overall global. The land the city as a whole, especially in open spaces and public facilities will undergo changes due to the limited land in the immediate environment for early childhood children can play and learn to play while learning, more appropriate for children including early childhood. The difference between the past and present condition of children: children are now closer to the technology. Children are now more critical or more verbally intelligent because there has been a change in terms of the media and also the pattern of education which parents also influenced political system. Children are now more Venezuelan families are small 2-3 children who have more individualist tendency the purpose of the research. Tens of years that have elapsed have created urban land which require further studies for the sustainability of the early childhood that generation can still quality for the community, nation and religion in the future.

2. Purposes of Research

Thus the purpose of this research was: 1. Know the changes of land use in the vicinity of the current housing environment to play and learn activities of early childhood. 2. Know the changes of land use around the school where early childhood activity occurs. 3. Examine matters what happens that interferes with the development of early childhood education of the 2 conditions above. 4. Provide evaluation of educational facilities for early childhood development in both the school environment as well as in residential neighborhoods.

3. Theory Review

Of the mandate and responsibilities of the greatest Allah Taala to mankind will be loaded in this case older people including teachers, teacher or caregiver is providing the right education to children. Such is the application of the word of God: o people of faith, keep yourself and your family from fire of hell Qs. At-Tahrim: 6 as well as in the Hadith expressed that: the best amongst you is the favor was. H.R. Bukhori According to the Sisdiknas No. 202003 paragraph 1, early childhood is children who are in the range of 0-6 years. While according to scientific studies and held PER family in some countries, PER executed from the age of 0-8 years the gold. 483 As for the scope of early childhood education consists of Infant from 0 to 1 year Toddler 2-3 years the PreschoolKindergarten children 3-6 years Early Primary School Elementary School Class Early 6-8 in the meantime, according to the theory of Jean Piaget 1952 accrued that there is a difference between adults and children, childrens education process thus through the process of play, they would require the development of cognitive psychological development than others. Early childhood is a time of remarkable physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Infants enter the world with a limited range of skills and abilities. Watching a child develop new motor, cognitive, language and social skills is a source of wonder for parents and caregivers. The study of human development is a rich and varied subject. We all have personal experience with development, but it is sometimes difficult to understand exactly how and why people grow, learn and change. To get reach early childhood education concepts is required so that the accomplishments are more directional, one of the important concepts in early childhood education one is about the education of character. Mac 2006 described based on site visits, interviews, research and the information that you provide, the architecht will produce a report that describes the center‘s physical space for early chilhoods requirements including : - The type of program it will house. - The number of children it will serve. - The amount of square feet needed for each room inside the building as well as outdoors for the playground, parking, etc. Here are some key pointers for how to build a good client-architect relationship : - Be the program expert. - Be up to date on best practice. - Learn together. - Be candid. - Demand good performance Table 1 There is theory about the Growth of Space Conception based on Stage by Age Stage Age Space Conception Sensory motor Pre- Operational 0 - 24 month 1 – 5 year In this stage, a child begins to understand about sequent and route, but this ability has not yet completely grown up. In this stage further is exist, the growth of typology relationship, encompass: 1. Proximity or nearness. 2. Separation. 3. Order or spatial succession. 4. Enclosure or surrounding. 5. Continuity Concrete Operational 5 – 12 year In this stage a child begins to understand the meaning of projective space in which they : 1. Able to understanding as well as to operate properly whole of situation in sequent and object. For example: linkage between the way to school and home. 2. Understanding alternative of space and that‘s of choices than arrange relation of space that quiet new for them. Formal Operational 12 – maturity Getting ability to think. In this stage, child begins to draw space clearly as well as logically euclidean space, in which children can abstract the linkage among whole of spaces. Source: Irwin Altman Daniel Stokols Handbook of Environment Psychology Vol 1, 1992 484 Therefore, related with these Mac 2006, stated implication for designers : - Learning environment must be responsive and enabling to the needs of children as well as to the intention of the eductors. - Environment that support children to explore using all their senses and develop dispositions for learning such as curiousity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, persistence and imagination are important. - Indoor and outdoor space must be flexible and responsive to the interest and right of individual children and this include acces, to quite spaces for thinking and wondering and more active spaces for sharing, laughing, building, climbing, digging, gardening, creating, dancing and being active. - There needs to be opportunity for children to make choices and develop autonomy and independence being encouraged and supported to make more complex decision and follow through on their interests and ideas. - The indoor and outdoor learning environment must provide a range of space and opportunity for exploration through play and the investigation of meaningful ideas including investigation with a range of technological resources and being able to problem solve, inquire experiment, hypothesise research and investigate. - Children need a range of spaces to be able to fully engage in all forms of the arts. - Educators need a quite and private spaces to meet, discuss, reflect, and plan for children learning. On Emilia 2000, to be concluded that research, regarding environments lists the following aspects as being important in the development of learning environment for children, they are: aesthetics, active learning, collaboration, bringing the outdoors in, flexibility, relationship, reciprocity. Picture 1 Diagram of Process, Pressure, Person and Product The design of a center can either promote or discourage contact between child and caregiver. It can create a pleasant work environment that ease the task of caregiving and make caregivers want to stay or it can add to staf burdens, burn out, and turn over Anita : 2006. A good architect will be able to translate your program for process to implementing needs into square feet and other specific physical characteristics that will help you find the most 485 appropriate site and guide the overall design of the center. This physical description of your needs is generally referred to as a ―space program‖, ― architectural program ‖ or ― design program ‖. Table 2 Character of Surfacing Material for Playground Surfacing Material Pros Cons Organic Loose Fill Wood chips, bark, mulch, engineerettrd wood fiber - Low cost. - Easy installation - Good drainage - Will compress and to be monitored for correct depth. - Can be flammable. - Required Sand - Low Cost - Early instalation - Attractive to bug and animal. - Hard to keep contained within fall zone needs lots of sweeping and raking. - Slippery on surface outside of fall zone. - Not ADA approved Pea Stone - Low cost - Often thrown by children can be dangerous. - Children may place small stone in ears, nose, etc. Shredded Rubber - ADA approved - Lower cost than other synthetic materials. - Easy instalation - Will compress and need to be monitored for correct depth. - Reports of black rubbing off on children‘s clothes, hands, etc. Synthetic Unitary rubber mats or tiles, pour-in- place surfaces - ADA approved. - Provide permanent surfacing solution. - Very low maintenance. - High level of safety. - High cost. - More complex installation. There are several kinds of playing for earlychilhood : slides, swing, riding toys, bouncing and balancing, dramatic play, art, games, gardening and nature and sand and water. Natural play space is very important place for children because children are connected to and contribute to their world. This outcame requires educators to help children to develop an awareness of the impact of human activity on the environment and the independence of living things. Natural environment and the interdependen children of living things. Natural environments within children‘s services are the arena in which children learn these things Mac : 2006.

4. Analysis

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