Background Problem Formulation Literature Review

32 SCHOOLING ORGANIZATION BASED ON SOCIO-CULTURAL IN RA Al-AMANAH BUAH BATU KOTA BANDUNG By Djem Bangun Mulya, Drs., MP ABSTRACT The number of developing local values are determined by the Local Government Mayor and the values that have been implemented in other schools, positive impact on the improvement of the childs character. Therefore, it is necessary to find the results of the implementation of the management of socio-cultural environment of the school-based character PLSBSBK in RA Al-Amanah. The main problem studied in this research is the implementation strategy PLSBSBK, efforts to prepare teachers, indicators of success PLSBSBK, program design, implementation and evaluation strategies PLSBSBK. The results of this study, characterized by a high school principal loyalty to the mayors policy to apply social values and Sundanese culture at school, and apply expert discovery and early childhood practitioners. The results showed: 1 there is a lack of analysis of needs, ideas, abilities, goals, and values that will be developed teacher; 2 the program is less systematic and less thorough and has not been prepared based on the results of a needs analysis; 3 the lack of guidance given to the head teacher of the school; 4 the lack of an increase in discipline, motivation, responsibility, initiative and creative. This research has been conducted using a qualitative approach and case study method in RA Al-Amanah Buah Batu Bandung. Subjects were principals and teachers. The research data was collected using interviews, observation and documentation. Keywords: socio-cultural and character

A. Background

Management of social and cultural environment of the school is not only integrated in the learning process alone but in the entire socio-cultural environment management activities of the school, school performance, teacher performance, education, and all learning activities. Schools often the object of the main charges of character education community if the child has not develop optimally. Therefore, the management of socio-cultural environment would be right if grounded in character values, norms that exist in schools, according to the cultural values and religious laws, leading to the noble values and local wisdom, creativity, and independence of students. The atmosphere of the school environment as it will support the realization of the formation of character through active learning, innovative, creative, effective, and fun PAIKEM. The results of the initial survey research team, shows that the condition of RA Al- Amanah Buah Batu Bandung has advantages, such as: having a vision and mission, the existence of a high school principal loyalty to the mayor to implement a policy of social values and Sundanese culture in schools, and applying the discoveries of early childhood experts and practitioners. These conditions have a positive impact on the character of the child. Thus, the researchers are interested in uncovering how the implementation of environmental management social character-based school culture PLSBSBK in RA Al- Amanah Buah Batu Bandung. 33

B. Problem Formulation

This research is centered on the implementation PLSBSBK, ie the overall management of the school socio-cultural environment in the process of education in accordance with the objectives and functions as well as educational purposes. The purpose of this PLSBSBK, to improve the achievement of the demands of the national education goals. The problems of this research is how the implementation of RA PLSBSBK in Al-Amanah Buah Batu Bandung. Reader Review 1. Definition of Socio-Cultural Environmental Management School PLSBS Nana Fattah 2004: 9 argues that the school is a place that is not just a gathering place for students and teachers, but are in the order of the system is complicated and intertwined, therefore, the school is seen as an organization that is in need of management. Thus the school was in charge of managing human resources is expected to produce high quality graduates, according to the school culture and the needs of society . School culture is the atmosphere of the school where the school community to interact, which consists of patterns of interaction between culture, technology and social organization. Tilaar 2002: 6 argues that ... .the organization must be dynamic, flexible, so it can absorb the rapid changes, among others, due to the development of science and technology, changes in society leads to an increasingly democratic society and respect for human rights . Thus, the teachers interact with the school community. School culture and system interactions of individuals who are in school will give birth to a social climate that will affect teachers in interacting with other teachers. Schools also provide a considerable influence on the communities within and outside of social institutions. Social and cultural environment of the school is the atmosphere of the ways individuals think, act, and be creative in touch and interact with the environment that can result in norms, values , beliefs, and behaviors are learned and possessed by every individual. In accordance with this statement, Saphier and King 1983 suggests that: ... Culture with norms and expectations that support change and improvement: collegiality, experimentation, high expectations, trust and confidence, tangiblesupport, reaching out to the knowledge base, appreciation and recognition, celebration and humor caring, involvement indecision making, protection of what s important, hones open communication, traditions. Based on the above opinion, the PLSBS characteristics are: 1 kesejawatan, 2 experimentation, 3 expectations, 4 trust, 5 support, 6 the development of basic capabilities, 7 awards and recognition, 8 caring, celebration, and humor, 9 involvement in decision making, 10 protection, 11 traditions 12 honesty and open communication. Handbook of Culture and Character Education 2010 from the Ministry of Education states that the description of the basic character values are: religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, a sense of pride, love of the homeland, appreciate the achievements, friends communicative, fond of reading, environmental care, and social care. Some conclusions about the characteristics of the above opinion is kesejawatan PLSBS, creative, responsibility, honesty, curiosity, hard work, respect for achievement, social care, democratic, and friendlycommunicative.

2. Basic Concepts PLSBS

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