An Overview of Child Social Competence kindergarten in District Sukasari Bandung

497 teach social skills in a planned manner. The condition occurs because the focus of learning in kindergarten is generally dominated by the activities of writing, reading and arithmetic. Accordance with the opinion expressed by Hamid 2005 which states that the conditions of early childhood education is now more oriented to the model of reading, writing and arithmetic. Research conducted by Lensen-Botter 2011 to study kegiaan kindergarten children in Indonesia also revealed similar results that kindergarten teachers spend more of their time to their classroom education and little daam take the time to set the childs behavior. Likewise Rahmayani 2011 that the method of teaching is done in kindergarten less varied, more teacher-centered resulting in the child less able to express their emotions freely. Further Rahmayani stated playtime in kindergarten children have a very narrow because the time is dominated by the task LKS so that children are less able to interact properly. The above phenomenon is theoretically not allow the child to develop social competence as well as social competence will not grow well if it does not receive support both from the school and teachers. Hurlock 2006 in this case states that one of the conditions that are less supportive school environment can hinder the childs development of social skills to the fullest. Hurlock further stated that the provision of social experience and social skills will influence the social behavior of children. Therefore, the condition of schools that do not provide an opportunity to teach and practice social skills are much less likely for children to develop social skills well. The above conditions are increasingly becoming worse due kindergarten teacher education qualifications are still low. Kindergarten Teachers generally only have a high school education qualifications or D2 with salaries too low. Hamid 2011 stated that of the 402 493 early childhood teachers, as much as 84.28 or as many as 339 209 kindergarten teachers not qualified S1 D4. In fact as many as 284 475 of which have not been touched in any training in the field of early childhood education. Lensen-Botter 2011 stated that in some Asian Countries kindergarten teachers generally do not have a degree and earn a low income that causes difficult for teachers to develop effective educational programs. Therefore, the research findings indicate that generally the kindergarten children in the District of Bandung Sukasari who have high social competence with school krang phenomenon provides an opportunity to develop a childs social competence in interpreting the results of this study should be done carefully. Keep in mind that the studys data diperleh through an assessment of social competence conducted by teachers so it is possible that the data is only just isaptif describes the condition of the high and low social competence among children in the class itself.

2. An Overview of Child Social Competence kindergarten in District Sukasari Bandung

Year 2010-2011 Based on Gender Based on the results obtained data summary picture of the childs level of social competence based on gender. The results indicate that social competence girls who are very good at developing category more than in boys. The number of girls who are very good at developing category as many as 58 children, or 66.67, while the number of male naka 48 children, or 45.28. In the category is well developed as many as 27 children, or 31.03, and as many as 48 children in males or 45.28. Within the limits of normal or average of two girls, or 2.30, while the boys of seven children, or 6.60. To be more clear on the above data is presented in the form of bar charts as presented in Figure 2. 498 Figure 2 An Overview of Child Social Competence Level Kindergarten in the District of Bandung Sukasari year period 2010-2011 by Gender The results of the study mentioned above shows that the number of children who have high levels of social competence in highly-developed category is dominated by girls reinforce the results of previous studies which revealed the results of the same study. Among them is a study conducted by Wilde.J. 2001 examined the relationship between social understanding and social competence in pre-school children were also seen from sex. One of the research results suggest that there is a significant relationship between social understanding with sex where girls are more social understanding than boys. The study, which has the result that serup the researchers also conducted by Walker 2005 with the subject sample was 111 children aged three to five years which consists of 48 boys and 63 girls. Walker examines how the influence of the theory of mind of boys and girls. One of the results of the research showed that boys showed more aggression and destructive than in girls. Likewise, research conducted by Torres, et al 2003 showed that males had lower empathy than girls, whereas boys being more impulsive than girls. 3. An Overview of Child Social Competence kindergarten in District Sukasari Bandung Year 2010-2011 Based on type TK Based on the results obtained data summary results of a general overview of the social competence of kindergarten children in the District of Bandung Sukasari year period 2010- 2011 based on the type of school is as follows. The amount of the percentage of children with social competence in the category is growing in both the kindergarten and kindergarten core is almost the same impact as many as 26 children, or 52, and for children in kindergarten Induced by 83 children or 58.04. While the number of children who are in the category of well developed in the core kindergarten with 22 children or 44 and in the impact as much as 53 kindergarten children, or 37.06. The number of children who are in the appropriate category of normal or average in kindergarten core as much as two people or as much as 4 and as many as seven children kindergarten fallout or by 4.90. More details of data presented in a bar chart as presented in Figure 3. 499 Figure 3 An Overview of Child Social Competence Level Kindergarten in District Sukasari Bandung Year 2010-2011 by Type of Kindergarten The results showed that the social competence of children from kindergarten and kindergarten core impact is not too much different circumstances. This happens because most of learning in kindergarten less giving children the opportunity to develop social competence. The focus of learning is generally directed at learning to write, read and count. The activities mentioned above are very much different and even contrary to the activities of learning activities for children in Japan. Andriana 2010 compared the kindergarten children in Japan and Indonesia. Learning in Japan is more focused on building motivation to learn, self-confidence, creativity, honesty, self-reliance, cooperation, empathy, sharing, working in groups. While learning activities such as math, writing and reading done incidental and through habituation. For example, each day the teacher will write the name of the day, month and date so that over time the child will recognize letters and numbers, or if the teacher walked up the stairs with the children, the teacher will calculate rung out loud so that the students could hear and learn to recognize numbers. Likewise with kindergarten childrens education in Korea is not much different from those in Japan. According to Kim 2011 in his lecture as a guest lecturer at the FIP PGTK UPI states that kindergarten children in Korea focused on character formation so that they can become a global leader with the characteristics of honest, hardworking, skilled, able to get along and can work hard. Given the above description should be continuity between academic learning and the development of social competence of children. Efforts to membelajarkan teachers and provide experiences for children to implement social competence is very important for children to have high self-confidence, able bertemana with children varied, responsible and respect other people and so forth. Developing social competence also be very important given the high social competence has an important role in childrens development, especially in terms of social acceptance Fabes and Eisenber in Papalia et al, 2002. And as supporting academic success Leafgran, 1989. 500 Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the results of this study concluded that the level of social competence of kindergarten children in the District of Bandung Sukasari year period 2010-2011 are generally located in the category is growing well and developing well. However datatersebut need to be interpreted with caution given the virgin child social competence was obtained from only one source, namely teachers. So it is likely that the data is isaptif not describe whether or not the conditions of social competence among children in the class itself. In addition, conditions that are less members of the school children the opportunity to develop social competence is also one of the reasons why the data from these studies should be interpreted with caution. The study also produced findings that the number of children who have social competence in the categories very well developed more owned by girls than boys. However, if viewed from the type of school that school and impact essence there is no difference is too big. Based on the conclusion there are some suggestions that can be presented as follows. 1. For further research is expected to capture data on the social competence of children not only from one source. So that the data obtained are expected to be more objective. 2. For the portion of the school should be allocated time to develop social competence be reproduced again. 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It occurs because the parents do not guide their children in a right track and teachers use the conventional or traditional method in teaching them in which teachers as the centre of teaching and learning process. Based on that problems, this research is aimed to find out the influences of storytelling method and parenting style to children‟s emotio nal intellegence. The research desain was a factorial 2x4 experimental study. The technique of sampling was a purposive sampling. The sample was all kindergarten students in grade B at Al – Hidayah and Daarul Qur‟an School in South Semarang. There were 20 children taught using storytelling with a hand puppet and there were 19 children taught using a story telling with a story book. The instruments consisted 30 questions about the parenting style and 29 questions about a listed observation regarding with emotional intellegence. Technique of data analysis was an two way ANAVA accelerated by hypotesis t-Dunnet. The findings is storytelling method using a hand puppet was more effective in developing the children „s emotional intellegence compared to a story telling using a book with a df value α=0,05. Then, the children‟s emotional intellegence by the parenting style using authoritative method was much higher compared to the parents‟ using authoritarian, permissive indulgent and permissive indifferent. Finally, the parenting style using authoritative method really influences significantlly to the level of children‟s emotional intellegence. key words : emotional intellegence, storytelling methode, parenting style, authoritatian, authoritatif, permissive indulgent, permissive indifferent INTRODUCTION Intelligence could be a determining factor in achieving learning achievement or success in ones life. According of Goleman view 1995: 35 the success of ones life at this time is not only determined by intellectual intelligence IQ, but also by emotional intelligence EI. Goleman in Kuryati 2007: 4 also states that many people who fail in life not because of low intelligence, but because they lack of emotional intelligence. This makes the emotional intelligence should be understood, owned and cared for in its development because the given state of todays increasingly complex life. Increasingly complex life is a very bad impact on the emotional life of the individual constellations. Therefore, efforts to improve emotional intelligence; because according to Golemans intellect can not work as well as 503 possible, with no emotional intelligence. And that effort is more effective, since the children still must be developed in early age. The importance of developing emotional intelligence from an early age is supported by the fact that in its development are still many children who find it difficult to manage his emotions. Based on the results of preliminary observations made at Al-Hidayah Semarang kindergarten, many children who show behavior of different emotions. There seems to be some kid who is upset and crying, aggressive to his friends and more impulsive. In addition, there are also some children who tend to be more silent, shy, does not want to interact with friends and some children were also seen to have an excessive attachment to parents, such as not wanting to be left by his mother while in school, and showed anxiety behavior redundant if their wishes are not obeyed. Based on the above conditions then it is very important for young children to develop emotional intelligence and the ability to adapt, through parenting stlye given, which not only meet the physical needs or physical, but also the fulfillment of optimizing the development of others such as emotion, social, language, motor and cognitive. In addition to parenting style factors supposed to influence the childs emotional intelligence, learning methods are less varied in instituted early childhood education are also factors that cause children emotional intelligence optimization not become maximum. Based on this background, this study aims to look at the influence of story telling and parenting style parents to a childs emotional intelligence. The term emotional intelligence, or Emotional Intellegence EI is defined Salovey and Mayer 1997: 10 as: ― Emotional Intellegence involves the ability to perceive accurately,appraise, and express emotion; the ability to understand emotion; the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Furthermore, Goleman 1995: 43 says that: Emotional intelligence refers to an ability to understand the feelings of each self and feelings of others, the ability to motivate themselves, and organize well the emotions that arise in him, and in dealing with others. Another definition is expressed by L. Melita Pratty et all 2003: 41 which states: Emotional Intellegences as the subset of social intellegence that involves the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to udse this information to guide ones thinking and action. From some of the above it can be concluded that emotional intelligence in early childhood is the ability of an individual in developing the potential of emotional and social skills that include the ability to recognize the emotional self, the ability to manage the emotional ability to motivate yourself, and the ability to empathize with others and be able to establish social relationships with other people. The next factor that allegedly helped influence the childs emotional intelligence is the method of storytelling. Moeslichatoen 1999: 157 describes the method of storytelling is how to speak the word and telling the story or provide an explanation to the child verbally. Jalongo 2009: 22 defines storytelling as follows: Storytelling is valued over literacy with print. Research suggests that storytelling is a strategy that is particularly effective with children who come from cultures with rich oral traditions Au, 1993. In the young children literacy project Kinzer Leu, 1997, children viewed a video story and then used multimedia technology to retell their own version of the tale, illustrate it, add music, and post it on the World Wide Web. 504 More Brewer 2010. 318 states: Storytelling For children with little expression in listening to stories being read aloud, storytelling can serve as a bridge to storybook reading. Storytelling can be adapted on the spot in term of story length, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Based on some of the definitions above it can be concluded that the method of storytelling is a method of learning by giving a story to the child either by using a tool or not, which can develop emotional and language abilities of children, because there are aspects of storytelling is fun entertainment for children and storytelling also be a method of learning that is not patronizing and flexible, which children find exciting atmosphere as the atmosphere of play. In addition to methods of learning, parenting style to their children to give effect to the childs emotional intelligence Baumrind defines that Parenting style is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that parents use in their child caring. Chodijah 2009: 25 confirms parenting style is an effort of parents to realize the role and function in the family will lead a variety of ways parents in guiding, educating and caring, and nurturing their children in order to develop properly. The way the parents in parenting is then referred to the parenting style. Syaodih 1999: 10 further states that the parenting style is a relatively permanent tendency of parents in providing education, guidance and care to their children. From some of the above parenting style, it can be drawn a conclusion that the parenting style is one way of treatment of parents in caring for, training, guiding, and interact with their children, consists of control dimensions and warmth, done in a relatively consistent with the objectives so that children can live better in the future. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research method used is the experimental method. Based on the research objectives that have been set. This study used a 2x4 factorial design are presented in the following table. Tabel 1. Factorial Research Design 2x4 Storytelling Method Parenting Style A Storytelling Method Storytelling With Hand Puppet A1 Storytelling With Book A2 Authoritative Parenting Style B1 A1B1 A2BI Authoritarian Parenting Style B2 A1B2 A2B2 Permissive Indulgent Parenting Style B3 A1B3 A2B3 Permissive Indifferent Parenting Style B4 A1B4 A2B4 505 The target population of this study was all students in kindergarten Al- Hidayah and Daarul Qur‘an school South Semarang 20122013 school year, consisting of two groups, namely the kindergarten play groups A and B. Population affordable kindergartens in this study are all children of group B amounted to 39 people. Samples were taken through a total sampling technique. Samples of the entire Children Kindergarten B Al Hidayah with a sample size of about 20 children as the experiment group and 19 kindergarten children as a control group B of the Daarul Quran School. Criteria for selection are based on the population: a The problem that arises with regard to the childs lack of emotional intelligence and parenting style that contained in both schools; b Age of the child, the age of 5-6 years; c Gender; d The characteristics of the two schools; and e socioeconomic status background. In addition, the sampling technique is used purposive technique as described by Mohammad Ali that sampling technique with this technique is based on a particular considerations made by the researchers themselves, based on the characteristics or properties of the previously known populations. Meanwhile the considerations underlying done by purposive sampling technique samples in this study, as stated Ali 1993: 57 are: a Maintaining the nature of research using existing classes in line with the research methods used, b Researchers need two class as experimental group and control group as the study sample. Samples taken based on the characteristics or traits are the same or close to that possessed by the two groups, namely the class with the same number of students and has an average similar capabilities; c the scarcity of and costs that can not take a large sample and far; and d Limitations of time owned by the researcher. The instruments used are the observation of emotional intelligence variable Y consisting of early childhood aspects: 1 the ability to recognize the emotions themselves, 2 the ability to manage emotions, 3 the ability to motivate yourself, 4 the ability to empathize with others, and 5 able to establish social relationships with other people. The instrument consists of 29 items that have a value item question the validity of the move from 0.24 to 0.813 0.200 and reliability Cronbach alpha value of 0, 879 and rater reliability value of 0.88. Instruments parenting parents consisting of 30 items item interview guide consisting of the dimensions of warmth and control have validity value moves from 0.241 to 0, 694 0,200 and Cronbach alpha reliability of 0, 945 data analysis techniques used includes descriptive analysis for each treatment group, the test requirements of normality and homogeneity with Liliefors test and Barlett test, and followed by hypothesis testing using Dunnets t-test RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Testing the hypothesis of this research was done by using analysis of variance two lines ANAVA, after calculation if then found an interaction then followed by Dunnets t- test. Analysis of variance of the two lines is an inferential analysis techniques to examine differences in the mean values of two variables: the storytelling method A and parenting style B. The purpose of ANAVA is to investigate the influence of two main lines main effect and the interaction effect interaction effect. The main effect in this study was difference method comprising storytelling using hand puppets and storytelling methods of using the book as well as the effect of different parenting style were divided into authoritative, authoritarian, permissive indulgent, and permissive indifferent. While the interaction effect was between methods of storytelling and the influence of parenting style on a childs emotional intelligence. 506 Table 2. The Summary of Results of Calculation Variant Analysis ANOVA Two The level Strip At α = 0.05 significance Sumber Variansi JK db RJK F hitung F tabel α = 0,05 α = 0,01 Between Columns A1 A2 2587,94 1 2587,94 18,03 4,16 7,52 Between the Lines B1 B2 B3 B4 2339,97 3 779,99 5,43 2,91 4,49 Interaction of A x B 2225,17 3 741,72 5,17 2,91 4,49 Within 4450,36 31 143,56 Total 11603,44 38 Remarks: db = degrees of freedom, JK = Sum of Squares, RJK = Mean Sum of Squares, α = Level of Significance, A = Method Storytelling, B = Parenting, Significant, Highly Significant Based on the calculation results of the ANOVA-2 line above, obtained some of the findings related to the research hypotheses and can be summarized as follows:

1. Differences Between Emotional Intelligence Group Provided Storytelling Method of

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