Design Professional Teacher Education

267 personnel, both held by the government and society, and are set by the government. Third, educator certification for prospective teachers should be done in an objective, transparent, and accountable. Fourth, the number of students each year professional training program specified by the Minister. Fifth, the program ends with the professional education competency test educators. Sixth, educator competency test is done through a written test and a performance test in accordance with the standards of competence. Seventh, implemented in a comprehensive written exam that includes mastery: 1 insight or educational foundation, understanding of learners, developing curriculum or syllabus, instructional design, and evaluation of learning outcomes; 2 the subject matter is broad and deep in accordance with the standards of the course content, subject groups, and or programs that diampunya; and 3 the concepts of scientific disciplines, technology, or art that is conceptually overshadow the subject matter, a group of subjects, and or program diampunya. Eighth, the performance test carried out in a holistic manner in the form of practice exams.

2. Design Professional Teacher Education

Kartadinata, S 2014: 202 argues that the frame of Professional Teacher Education as the professionalization of educators spirit is characterized by a unique field of expert services, which are recognized by the public and the government, the education required a relatively long and earnestly to master the scientific basis of the arts of the unique services, systematic training and supervised practice in the process of implementing a non regular arts and contextual under professional supervision, reasonable compensation, followed by an increase in professional responsibilities in a sustainable manner. Based On Teacher Education International Conference held in April 2010 at the University of Indonesia is no longer question of concurrent and consecutive approach but emphasizes conceptual coherence-structural approach in teacher education programs and implementation. Thinking about the whole organization of Teachers Professional Education in which squash the juridical issues-academic and teacher education approaches in protracted debate UPI embodied in the concept of re-design of Teacher Education. Teacher Professional Education is a process integrity, ranging from the recruitment of prospective students to the competency test. As affirmed that the Professional Teacher Education includes academic education and professional education as a whole. Some reasons for doing Importance Re-Design Professional guru.Pertama education, meeting the demands of the Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, which confirms the teacher as a profession with a number of competencies and their dipersyaratkannya rights attached to the disabling. Second, to meet the demands of the need for teachers through strengthened peningkatankualitas content knowledge is done by strengthening pedagogical knowledge as well as providing practical teaching experience in an authentic setting. Contrary to the assumption that being a professional teacher is a continuous process that refers to the basic standard with continuous performance assessment. The process of becoming a professional teacher pursued through academic education and professional education. The process leads to increased knowledge and skills taught through the following three things: 1 the transfer of teaching experience in an authentic setting, 2 the integration of theory and practice of learning to teach in the context of practice in practice and 3 takes place collaboratively in a professional community . 268

3. Draft Competency PPG PAUD UPI

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