Differences Between Emotional Intelligence Group Provided Storytelling Method of Differences in Emotional Intelligence Based Child Parenting Style The Authoritative,

506 Table 2. The Summary of Results of Calculation Variant Analysis ANOVA Two The level Strip At α = 0.05 significance Sumber Variansi JK db RJK F hitung F tabel α = 0,05 α = 0,01 Between Columns A1 A2 2587,94 1 2587,94 18,03 4,16 7,52 Between the Lines B1 B2 B3 B4 2339,97 3 779,99 5,43 2,91 4,49 Interaction of A x B 2225,17 3 741,72 5,17 2,91 4,49 Within 4450,36 31 143,56 Total 11603,44 38 Remarks: db = degrees of freedom, JK = Sum of Squares, RJK = Mean Sum of Squares, α = Level of Significance, A = Method Storytelling, B = Parenting, Significant, Highly Significant Based on the calculation results of the ANOVA-2 line above, obtained some of the findings related to the research hypotheses and can be summarized as follows:

1. Differences Between Emotional Intelligence Group Provided Storytelling Method of

Treatment Using Hand Puppet With a Given Group Method of Treatment Storytelling Using Book A1A2 Based on the calculation above table Anova two paths to a source of variance between A1A2 column of F hitung obtained at 18.03 and F tabel of 4.16 at the significance level α of 0.05 is seen that of F hitung is greater than F tabel F h F t this means null hypothesis H o is rejected and the alternative hypothesis H 1 is accepted. Concluded that there are differences in emotional intelligence between group provided storytelling method of treatment using hand puppet with a given group method of treatment storytelling using book. The differences are also apparent when viewed from the average where μ A1 = 104.35 and μ A2 = 88.05, which means μ A1 μ A2. This suggests that emotional intelligence group treated with the method of storytelling using hand puppets significantly higher emotional intelligence than the group treated with the method of storytelling using the book.

2. Differences in Emotional Intelligence Based Child Parenting Style The Authoritative,

Authoritarian, Permissive Indulgent, and Permissive Indifferent B1B2B3B4 Based on the calculation above table Anova two paths to a source of variance between lines obtained B1B2B3B4 by F hitung 5.43 and F tabel 2.91 at the significance level α of 0.05 is seen that of F hitung is greater than F tabel F h F t this means that the null hypothesis H o is rejected and the alternative hypothesis H 1 is accepted. Concluded that there are differences in childrens emotional intelligence based parenting style were authoritative, authoritarian, permissive indulgent, and permissive indifferent. The differences are also apparent when seen from the mean number of group emotional intelligence before treated with storytelling using hand puppets and that before treated with storytelling using books where μ B1 = 154.2, μ B2= 152.67, μ B3 = 153.5 and μ B4 = 144 which means that μ B1 μ B2, μ B3, and μ B4. This shows that a group of authoritative parenting style significantly influence the emotional intelligence of children than parenting style authoritarian, permissive indulgent, and permissive indifferent. 507

3. There Effect of Interaction Between Storytelling Learning Method With The

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