Jumlah, Komposisi, Kriteria dan Independensi anggota Direksi

50 TATA K E L O L A P E R U S A H A A N recommendations of the Internal Audit Team, the external auditors, Bank Indonesia’s supervisory audit andor the findings of other authorities. h. The Commissioners are required to notify Bank Indonesia, no later than 7 seven working days, upon discovery of findings related to: i. Violation of laws related to banking and finance. ii. Conditions or indicative conditions that hamper BNI’s business activities. i. The Commissioners are required to divulge: i. Their shareholdings, either within BNI or other banks and companies that are based either within or outside of Indonesia. ii. Their financial or family relationships with other Commissioners, Directors andor shareholders of BNI, within the GCG Report as prescribed by Bank Indonesia’s Regulations. j. The Commissioners are restricted from utilizing the bank for personal, family, andor the benefit of other parties in any way that might jeopardize or reduce the bank’s profitability. k. The Commissioners are restricted from taking and or receiving personal benefit from the bank, apart from remuneration and other facilities as determined by the General Shareholders Meeting GSM. l. The Commissioners are required to reveal the remuneration and facilities within the GCG Report as specified within Bank Indonesia’s Regulations. • Komisaris wajib memberitahukan kepada Bank Indonesia paling lambat 7 tujuh hari kerja sejak ditemukannya: i. Pelanggaran peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang keuangan dan perbankan ii. Keadaan atau perkiraan keadaan yang dapat membahayakan kelangsungan usaha BNI. • Anggota Komisaris wajib mengungkapkan: i. Kepemilikan sahamnya, baik pada BNI maupun pada bank dan perusahaan lain, yang berkedudukan di dalam dan di luar negeri. ii. Hubungan keuangan dan hubungan keluarga dengan anggota Komisaris lain, anggota Direksi danatau pemegang saham BNI, dalam laporan pelaksanaan GCG sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia. • Anggota Komisaris dilarang memanfaatkan bank untuk kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, danatau pihak lain yang dapat merugikan atau mengurangi keuntungan bank. • Anggota Komisaris dilarang mengambil danatau menerima keuntungan pribadi dari bank selain remunerasi dan fasilitas lainnya yang ditetapkan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham RUPS. • Anggota Komisaris wajib mengungkapkan remunerasi dan fasilitas pada laporan pelaksanaan GCG sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia. c. Rekomendasi Komisaris Dewan Komisaris aktif memberikan rekomendasi atas beberapa hal yang disampaikan oleh Direksi misalnya mengenai permohonan pemberian kredit. Namun pemberian rekomendasi tersebut tidak menunjukkan adanya keterlibatan Dewan Komisaris dalam pengambilan keputusan kegiatan operasional Bank. 2. Direksi

a. Jumlah, Komposisi, Kriteria dan Independensi anggota Direksi

51 G O O D C O R P O R AT E G O V E R N A N C E c. Commissioners Recommendations The Board of Commissioners actively provide recommendations on a number of aspects that are submitted to the Directors such as those related to loan proposals. However, there are no indications that these recommendations provided by the Board of Commissioners are in any way perceived as involvement by the Commissioners in decisions related to the Bank’s operational activities. 2. Directors a. The Number, Composition, Criteria and Independency of the Board of Directors are as follows: • The number and composition of BNI’s Board of Directors is presented in the table above. • All of BNI’s Directors reside in Indonesia. • BNI’s President Director originate from parties that are deemed independent of the controlling shareholder, which in this case is the Republic of Indonesia, as duly represented by the State Minister of State Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia. • In accordance with the request of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting ESM that was proposed by the majority shareholders on the basis of its letter No. S-851MBU2007 dated 17 December 2007 in which the agenda for this ESM included changes to the Directors and Commissioners of the Company, therefore, • Jumlah dan komposisi anggota Direksi BNI adalah sebagai berikut: • Seluruh anggota Direksi BNI berdomisili di Indonesia. • Direktur Utama BNI berasal dari pihak yang independen terhadap pemegang saham pengendali yaitu Negara Republik Indonesia yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Menteri Negara BUMN R.I. • Sehubungan dengan adanya permintaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa RUPSLB yang diajukan oleh Pemegang Saham mayoritas BNI berdasarkan suratnya No. S-851MBU2007 tanggal 17 Desember 2007 dimana agenda RUPSLB tersebut adalah perubahan Direksi dan Komisaris Perseroan, maka Komite Remunerasi dan Nama Name Jabatan Position Efektif Effective Date Sigit Pramono Direktur Utama President Director 17 Desember December 2003 Gatot M. Suwondo Wakil Direktur Utama Vice President Director 19 Mei May 2005 I. Supomo Direktur Director 4 Agustus August 2003 Achil R. Djajadiningrat Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 Tjahjana Tjakrawinata Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 Kemal Ranadireksa Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 Bien Subiantoro Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 Achmad Baiquni Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 Fero Poerbonegoro Direktur Director 17 Desember December 2003 Suroto Moehadji Direktur Director 15 Desember December 2003 efektif mengundurkan diri efektif pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2007 resign since 1 August 2007 52 TATA K E L O L A P E R U S A H A A N the Remuneration and Nomination Committee submitted the criteria and the proposed members of the Board of Directors to the Commissioners for submission to the Shareholders. • The majority of the members of the Board of Directors have minimum experience of 5 five years in the field of operations as an Executive Official of a Bank. • In accordance with the requirements set within Bank Indonesia’s Regulations concerning Good Corporate Governance, BNI’s Directors do not hold positions as Commissioner, Director, or in an Executive capacity with another bank, company and or institution, including as a Commissioner in a subsidiary of BNI. • None of the Directors, either individually or collectively, have shares amounting to over 25 twenty five percent of paid up capital in a company, as duly verified through the signing of the Acknowledgement Letter that indicated that they do not possess shares of over 25 of paid up capital in any company. • In accordance with the requirements set within the Articles of Association, none of the members of the Board of Directors have family links of up to the second tier with other Directors, andor with other members of the Board of Commissioners. • All of the members of the Board of Directors have passed the Fit and Proper Test, in accordance with the requirements set by Bank Indonesia concerning the Fit and Proper Test. • Throughout 2007, the Directors did not provide any overall delegation of authority to other parties that resulted in the delegation of tasks and functions of the Directors. b. Tasks and Responsibilities of the Directors In the course of performing their tasks and responsibilities, the Directors Nominasi mengajukan kriteria dan usulan nama-nama calon anggota Direksi kepada Komisaris untuk kemudian disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham. • Mayoritas anggota Direksi telah memiliki pengalaman paling sedikit 5 lima tahun di bidang operasional sebagai Pejabat Eksekutif Bank. • Sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang Good Corporate Governance, Direksi BNI tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan sebagai Komisaris, Direksi atau Pejabat Eksekutif pada bank, perusahaan dan atau lembaga lain termasuk menjadi Komisaris pada perusahaan anak BNI. • Seluruh anggota Direksi baik secara sendiri-sendiri atau bersama-sama tidak memiliki saham melebihi 25 dua puluh lima perseratus dari modal disetor pada suatu perusahaan lain yang dibuktikan dengan penandatanganan Surat Pernyataan tidak memiliki saham melebihi 25 dari modal disetor pada suatu perusahaan. • Sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar, seluruh anggota Direksi tidak saling memiliki hubungan keluarga sampai dengan derajat kedua dengan sesama anggota Direksi, danatau dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris. • Seluruh anggota Direksi telah lulus Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan Fit and Proper Test sesuai dengan ketentuan Bank Indonesia tentang Penilaian Kemampuan dan Kepatutan Fit and Proper Test. • Selama tahun 2007, Direksi tidak memberikan kuasa umum kepada pihak lain yang mengakibatkan pengalihan tugas dan fungsi Direksi. b. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Direksi Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Direksi senantiasa berpegang dan berpedoman pada Anggaran Dasar. Tugas-tugas pokok Direksi yang tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar terdiri dari: • Memimpin dan mengelola Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan dan senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas. • Menguasai dan memelihara dan mengurus kekayaan Perseroan. 53 G O O D C O R P O R AT E G O V E R N A N C E constantly adhere to and are guided by the Articles of Association. The main tasks of the Directors as specified within the Articles of Association: • Lead and manage the Company in accordance with the intent and purposes of the Company and constantly strive to improve the Company’s efficiency and effectiveness. • Control, maintain, and manage the Company’s assets. In addition to this, the Directors are fully responsible for implementing their task in the interest of achieving the Company’s intent and purposes. The Directors also have the right to represent the Company within and outside a Court of Law and have the right to implement all necessary action with both good intentions and to be fully responsible for management and ownership, and in respect to binding the Company with other parties and other parties with the Company with a certain degree of limitations. The Directors are required to implement the principles of Good Corporate Governance in every business activity and at all organization levels and structure of the Company. The Director’s responsibilities which are related to the implementation of Good Corporate Governance are specified within the Standard Operating Procedures of the Commissioners and Directors and include: • The Directors are restricted from using BNI for personal, family andor any other party’s benefit or gain that might potentially hamper or reduce BNI’s profitability. • The Directors are restricted from taking andor gaining personal profit from BNI, other than the remuneration and other facilities determined by the GSM. The Directors constantly strive to act and follow up on the audit findings and recommendations from: the Internal Audit Team and the Public Accounting Firm Selain itu Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya untuk kepentingan Perseroan dalam mencapai maksud dan tujuannya. Direksi juga berhak mewakili Perseroan di dalam dan di luar Pengadilan dan berhak melakukan segala tindakan dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab mengenai pengurusan maupun mengenai pemilikan serta mengikat Perseroan dengan pihak lain dan pihak lain dengan Perseroan dengan pembatasan-pembatasan tertentu. Direksi wajib melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance dalam setiap usaha perusahaan di seluruh tingkatan dan jenjang organisasi. Tanggung jawab Direksi terkait dengan pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance tersebut tertuang dalam Tata Tertib dan Pedoman Kerja Komisaris dan Direksi yang meliputi: • Direksi dilarang memanfaatkan BNI untuk keuntungan pribadi, keluarga danatau pihak lain yang dapat merugikan atau mengurangi keuntungan BNI. • Direksi dilarang mengambil danatau menerima keuntungan pribadi dari BNI, selain renumerasi dan fasilitas lainnya yang ditetapkan berdasarkan keputusan RUPS. Direksi senantiasa menindaklanjuti temuan audit dan rekomendasi dari Satuan Pengendalian Intern dan Kantor Akuntan Publik EY, hasil pengawasan Bank Indonesia danatau hasil pengawasan otoritas lainnya seperti Bapepam, dan lain-lain. B . K E L E N G K A PA N DA N P E L A K S A N A A N T U G A S KO M I T E - KO M I T E Dalam rangka mendukung efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Komisaris BNI membentuk: 1. Komite Audit. 2. Komite Pemantau Risiko. 3. Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi. 54 TATA K E L O L A P E R U S A H A A N of EY, Bank Indonesia’s supervisory audit andor other findings of other authorities such as Bapepam, etc. B . T H E C O M P L E T E N E S S A N D I M P L E M E N TAT I O N O F T H E C O M M I T T E E ’ S TA S K S To support the effectiveness of its tasks and responsibilities, BNI’s Commissioners formed: 1. The Audit Committee. 2. The Risk Monitoring Committee. 3. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee. 1. The Audit Committee a. Structure, composition, expertise, and independency of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee’s Structure is comprised of: 1. Chairman: Suwarsono Independent Commissioner 2. Members: • Effendi Commissioner • Teuku Radja Sjahnan Independent Member • Alexander Zulkarnain Independent Member • henrajaya Independent Member 3. Secretary: Hasan Mas’ud Independent The Audit Committee is headed by an Independent Commissioner and comprises of independent members that possess expertise in finance or accounting as well as audit. In fulfillment of Bank Indonesia’s requirements that stress that one of the members of the Audit Committee must be one deemed independent, possessing adequate expertise in the field of law or banking, the Commissioners are currently processing candidates for the Audit Committee, including ones who possess legal expertise. In addition to this, the members of the Audit Committee are also deemed to possess required integrity, good character and morals. None of the independent members of the Audit Committee possess relations in terms of financial, management, shareholding andor family connections with the Board of Commissioners, Directors, andor Controlling Shareholders or with the Bank, that may affect their ability to act independently. 1. Komite Audit

a. Struktur, keanggotaan, keahlian dan independensi Komite Audit Struktur Komite Audit terdiri dari: