Basis of preparation of the consolidated financial statements continued

are in Indonesian language. PT BANK NEGARA INDONESIA PERSERO Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2007 dan 2006 Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali data per saham PT BANK NEGARA INDONESIA PERSERO Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 Expressed in million Rupiah, except per share data 27 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI lanjutan 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES continued g. Surat-surat berharga yang dibelidijual dengan janji dijualdibeli kembali g. Securities purchasedsold under agreement to resellrepurchase Surat-surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji untuk dijual kembali disajikan sebagai aktiva dalam neraca konsolidasian sebesar jumlah penjualan kembali dikurangi dengan bunga yang belum diamortisasi dan penyisihan kerugian. Selisih antara harga beli dan harga jual kembali diperlakukan sebagai pendapatan bunga yang ditangguhkan belum diamortisasi, dan diakui sebagai pendapatan selama periode sejak surat-surat berharga tersebut dibeli hingga dijual kembali. Securities purchased under agreement to resell are presented as assets in the consolidated balance sheet, at the selling price net of unamortized interest and net of allowance for losses. The difference between the purchase price and the resell price is treated as unearned interest income prior to amortization, and recognized as income over the period of when those securities are purchased until they are resold. Surat-surat berharga yang dijual dengan janji untuk dibeli kembali disajikan sebagai kewajiban dalam neraca konsolidasian sebesar jumlah pembelian kembali, dikurangi dengan bunga dibayar dimuka yang belum diamortisasi. Selisih antara harga jual dan harga beli kembali diperlakukan sebagai biaya dibayar dimuka dan diakui sebagai beban selama jangka waktu sejak surat-surat berharga tersebut dijual hingga dibeli kembali. Securities sold under agreement to repurchase are presented as liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet, at the repurchase price, net of unamortized prepaid interest. The difference between the selling price and the repurchase price is treated as prepaid expenses and recognized as expense over the period of when those securities are sold until they are repurchased. h. Wesel ekspor dan tagihan lainnya h. Bills and other receivables Wesel ekspor dan tagihan lainnya terdiri atas tagihan dari letters of credit dan dokumen- dokumen kepada importir dan eksportir. Bills and other receivables consist of receivables from importers and exporters in relation to letters of credit and documents. Wesel ekspor dan tagihan lainnya dinyatakan sebesar saldonya dikurangi penyisihan kerugian. Bills and other receivables are stated at their outstanding balance less allowance for losses.

i. Instrumen keuangan derivatif

i. Derivative financial instruments

Dalam melakukan usaha bisnisnya, BNI melakukan transaksi instrumen keuangan derivatif seperti kontrak berjangka mata uang asing, foreign currency swaps dan interest rate swaps. In the normal course of business, BNI enters into transactions involving derivative financial instruments such as foreign currency forward contracts, foreign currency swaps and interest rate swaps. Instrumen keuangan derivatif dinilai dan diakui di neraca pada nilai wajar dikurangi penyisihan kerugian. Setiap kontrak derivatif dicatat sebagai aktiva apabila memiliki nilai wajar positif dan sebagai kewajiban apabila memiliki nilai wajar negatif. Derivative instruments are valued and recognized in the balance sheet at fair value less allowances for losses. Each derivative contract is carried as asset when the fair value is positive and as liability when the fair value is negative.