bjb precious Serang 4. bjb precious Cirebon

annual report 2016 203 Growing Together with new expanding opportunities Rencana dan Strategi 2017 Dalam rangka membuat layanan bjb precious semakin optimal dan memiliki positioning yang kuat di masyarakat, serta untuk meningkatkan persaingan dengan layanan prioritas bank lain, maka bjb precious akan melakukan beberapa inisiatif sebagai berikut.

1. Memenuhi kebutuhan SDM bjb precious baik dari segi

kuantitas maupun kualitas 2. Standarisasi sertifikasi Waperd dan AAJI bagi tenaga pemasar bjb precious 3. Melakukan penambahan kerja sama dengan pihak ketiga Merchant untuk menambah benefit kartu bjb precious. 4. Pengembangan jaringan outlet bjb precious. 5. Melakukan Customer Gathering berupa big event dan small gathering, dengan tujuan sosialisasi dan penjualan produk Wealth maupun Produk Funding. 6. Program Member Get Member untuk menambah NOA new Customer. 7. Membuat Standarisasi Outlet bjb precious. 8. Training untuk team sales dan supporting unit untuk menambah kemampuan dalam pelayanan dan penjualan serta pengembangan program. 9. Membuat program-program untuk akuisisi maupun loyalty program.

10. Memberikan fasilitas member bjb precious kepada kepala

daerah dan CEO perusahaan. 11. Pengembangan system IT untuk sales tracking dan portofolio outlet bjb precious dan portofolio nasabah. Wealth Management Produk yang ditawarkan oleh Layanan Wealth Management terdiri dari produk bancassurance dan reksa dana. Perolehan Premi Bancassurance di tahun 2016 mengalami penurunan dari Rp32,64 miliar di tahun 2015 menjadi Rp31,32 miliar di tahun 2016. Di sisi lain, pertumbuhan asset under management Reksa Dana mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan yaitu dari Rp41,28 miliar di tahun 2015 menjadi Rp79,60 miliar di 2016. Rincian terkait Pertumbuhan asset under Management Reksa dana dan Premi Bancassurance selama 5lima tahun terakhir diuraikan sebagai berikut. Tabel Pertumbuhan asset Under management reksa Dana dan Premi bancassurance Table of growth of mutual fund under asset management and bancassurance Premium dalam Rupiah penuh | in full Rupiah Tahun Year Premi bancassurance bancassurance Premium aUm reksa Dana aUm mutual funds 2012 6,531,600,000 24,940,639,742 2013 7,798,737,820 26,441,889,935 2014 21,004,579,781 33,229,788,655 2015 32,644,435,489 41,283,056,667 2016 31,321,716,565 79,604,154,788 TINJAUAN OPERASIONAL oPeRaTional RevieW The Strategy and Plan 2017 In order to further optimize bjb precious service and to have a strong positioning in the marketamongst its customer, and to enhance its competitiveness against other Banks priority services, bjb precious will conduct the following initiatives. 1. Meet bjb precious HR needs both in terms of quantity or quality.

2. Standardize Waperd and AAJI certification for bjb precious

marketing staffs. 3. Increase collaboration with third parties Merchant to increase benefits of bjb precious card 4. Expand bjb precious outlet networks. 5. Conduct customer gatherings such as big events and small gatherings with the aim to promote and sell Wealth or Funding products. 6. Promote Member Get Member program to increase new customer NOA. 7. Create standardized bjb precious outlet 8. Provide training to sales team and supporting units to increase service and sales competence, and program development. 9. Create new programs such as acquisition and loyalty programs.

10. Provide bjb precious member facility to Regional Heads

and CEOs. 11. Develop IT system to track sales and develop outlet portfolio of bjb precious outlets and customers. Wealth Management Products offered by Wealth Management services consist of bancassurance and mutual fund. Bancassurance Premium earnings in 2016 suffered a decrease from IDR32.64 billion in 2015 to IDR31,32 billion in 2016. On the other hand, the growth of Mutual Fund under asset management experienced a significant increase from IDR41,28 billion in 2015 to IDR79,60 billion in 2016. Details related on the growth of Mutual Fund under asset management and Bancassurance Premium for the last 5 five years are elaborated as follow: