achu walanerkwa Numbers Ex. 5 –15

5.4 Grammar 49 Example Teacher: Kallin kwagwen ukcha. Student: Kallin kwagwen ukcha. 1. Kallin kwagwen ukcha. ‗He sold one chicken.‘ 2. Kallin kwabo ukcha. ‗He sold two chickens.‘ 3. Kallin kwapá ukcha. ‗He sold three chickens.‘ 4. Kallin kwabake ukcha. ‗He sold four chickens.‘ 5. Kallin kwaatal ukcha. ‗He sold five chickens.‘ 6. Kallin kwanerkwa ukcha. ‗He sold six chickens.‘ 7. Kallin kwakugle ukcha. ‗He sold seven chickens.‘ 8. Kallin kwapabak ukcha. ‗He sold eight chickens.‘ 9. Kallin kwabakebak ukcha. ‗He sold nine chickens.‘ 10. Kallin kwaambe ukcha. ‗He sold ten chickens.‘ d Mata- Mata - is used to describe flat and laminated objects such as boards, sheets of paper, and books; it is also used for bead necklaces or a set of wrist beads. Examples 1. karta matabo ‗two books‘

2. ulgo matabo

‗two boards‘

3. wini matabake

‗four bead necklaces‘ Exercise 7 . Drilling numerals substitution frame drill Using the frame, the teacher counts one and the student repeats one. The teacher and student count two through ten in unison. This exercise should be repeated several times. Example Teacher: Kwaderno matagwen pakpi. Student: Kwaderno matagwen pakpi. Teacher and Student in unison: Kwaderno matagwen pakpi. 1. Kwaderno matagwen pakpi. ‗He wants to buy one notebook.‘ 2. Kwaderno matabo pakpi. ‗He wants to buy two notebooks.‘ 3. Kwaderno matapá pakpi. ‗He wants to buy three notebooks.‘ 4. Kwaderno matabake pakpi. ‗He wants to buy four notebooks.‘ 5. Kwaderno mataatal pakpi. ‗He wants to buy five notebooks.‘ 6. Kwaderno matanerkwa pakpi. ‗He wants to buy six notebooks.‘ 7. Kwaderno matakugle pakpi. ‗He wants to buy seven notebooks.‘ 8. Kwaderno matapabak pakpi. ‗He wants to buy eight notebooks.‘ 9. Kwaderno matabakebak pakpi. ‗He wants to buy nine notebooks.‘ 10. Kwaderno mataambe pakpi. ‗He wants to buy ten notebooks.‘ e Koa-ko- Koa -ko- applies to articles viewed in fixed lengths such as skirts, hammocks, blouses and shirts. Portions of meat are also counted with the prefix koa-ko-. The short form ko- is used for items numbering between one and three. The long form koa- is used to describe items numbering four or more. Examples 1a. sabured kogwen ‗one skirt‘

b. sabured koanerkwa

‗six skirts‘ 2a. kachi kobo ‗two hammocks‘

b. kachi koakugle

‗seven hammocks‘