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Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar | 370 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Committe in the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics CUPM. 2004. Six General Recommendations . [Online]. Tersedia: http:www.maa.org cupmcupm2004.pdf [23 Maret 2012]. NCTM. 2000. Using the NCTM 2000 Principles and Standards with The Learning from Assessmentmaterials . [Online]. Tersedia: http:www.wested.org lfa NCTM2000.PDF [2 Januari 2012]. New Jersey Mathematics Curriculum Framework. 1997. Standard 7 — Geometry and Spatial Sense . [Online]. Tersedia: http:www.state.nj.useducationframeworks mathmath5.pdf [2 Januari 2013]. Bennie, K. dan Smit, S. 2005. “Spatial Sense”: Translating Curriculum Inovation Into Classroom Practice. [Online]. Tersedia: http:academic.sun.ac.zamathedmalatiFilesGeometry992. pdf .[2 Januari 2013]. Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta. Suherman, E. dan Kusumah, Y.S. 1990. Petunjuk Praktis untuk Melaksanakan EvaluasiPendidikan Matematika . Bandung: Wijayakusumah 157. Suherman, E. 2003. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika. Bandung: JICA UPI Bandung. To, K. 1996. Mengenal Analisis Tes Pengantar ke Program Komputer ANATES . Bandung: FIP IKIP Bandung. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar | 371 PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN DAN BAHAN AJAR BERBASIS DIDACTICAL DESIGN RESEARCH UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR DAN DISPOSISI INVESTIGATIF MATEMATIS CALON GURU SEKOLAH DASAR M a u l a n a Email: ae.maulanagmail.com Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abstract The existence of teaching materials at all levels of education, from elementary school through college, has a very important role. In general, in implementing learning activities in class, educators so dependent upon the teaching materials used. However, based on the results of preliminary studies that have been done, it is known that the teaching materials used does not try to consider a variety of possible responses of learners, nor anticipate learning obstacles that may arise during the learning. Teaching materials that exist only limited collection of materials and a series of exercises that are very dry, not in context, does not encourage students to think critically, creatively, and investigative, nor seek the growth of high mathematical disposition. Impossible we are able to embody a good mathematical competence, if the condition of the learning of mathematics itself does not develop students potentials optimally. Therefore, the authors were interested in developing a teaching material is based on didactical design research DDR in an effort to anticipate barriers to learners, who can develop mathematical investigative thinking skills and dispositions of student of elementary school preservice teacher program. Keywords: teaching materials, didactical design research, investigative thinking skills and dispositions.


Proses berpikir seorang pendidik dalam konteks pembelajaran, terjadi pada tiga fase, yakni: 1 sebelum pembelajaran, 2 saat pembelajaran berlangsung, dan 3 setelah pembelajaran. Proses berpikir sebelum pembelajaran yang lebih berorientasi pada penjabaran tujuan, tentu akan sangat berdampak pada proses penyiapan bahan ajar serta minimnya antisipasi yang bersifat didaktis. Kurangnya antisipasi didaktis pada bahan ajar akan berdampak pula pada kurang optimalnya proses belajar bagi setiap peserta didik Suryadi, 2013.