And then what about the others? Why didn’t you need the internet connection like Gita?

study, the teacher performed leave-taking by utilizing the expression “see you”. Here is an example of saying goodbye communicated by the teacher: After the last group presented the result of their discussion in front of the class, the bell rang that indicated that the time for activity was over. After giving some feedbacks to her students, the teacher bid her farewell to the students. Based on the example, she performed the illocutionary act of stating farewell or leave-taking which functions to close the lesson. The teacher’s utterance belongs to expressive since it shows her feeling or emotion toward the proposed proposition. She tried to make the word fit her feeling. The teacher’s utterance was also typified by the use of the expression “see you” which is a sign of stating goodbye. 11 Stating disappointment The purpose of stating disappointment is to show that someone is disappointed toward something. An example of stating disappointment is exemplified below: S: Let’s pray. Pray begin. the students and the teacher were praying S: Amen. T: See you next week. Ss: See you. M-250680:00-80:03 T: Well, students, at that time I waited for you to ask the questions you have prepared well but actually only Kintan asking or raising the questions. S: And Mega. T: Oh and Mega. M-456605:00-05:16 The teacher was disappointed because there was only one student who asked a question during the audience. She actually expected her students to ask many questions to the speakers of the audience because they are from language department. In the example above, the teacher performed expressive. The illocutionary force she exerted was stating disappointment. It belongs to expressive because it shows her feeling or emotional response. Her disappointed tone of voice signaled that she felt disappointed with her students conduct. The teacher continued her feeling of disappointment by saying these utterances: From the utterances above, it can be seen that the teacher was really disappointed with her students. Her disappointed tone of voice manifested her expressive act of stating disappointment. Her gesture of shaking head also indicated that she was dissatisfied with what her students did by not raising questions during the audience. T: And then what about the others? Pak Bagyo raised many questions but the others just kept silent. S: Sudah ditanyakan. It’s already been asked. M-457006:04-06:18 T: Ashamed, Ma’am. Malu. Gak berani, bu. We have no confidence, Ma’am. Remember you are the language class. The language class and language is your word. Just ignore your shame. M-457106:29-06:55