Izzy, Izzy, when did you come to the private On Monday? Setting: On Thursday, November Oh, so you were sick in Surabaya?

No. Code Data Context Types of Speech Acts Rep Dir Exp Com Dec I mean? c 81 M- 28106:06 -06:07 T: Yes or no? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher had previously asked whether the students understood what she said or not. She asked it again because to make sure that they understood. Topic: Understanding what the teacher said asking 82 M- 28206:09 -06:11 T: Honestly, who couldn’t understand what I say? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The students kept silent. She asked them again to honestly answer if they did not understand what she meant. Topic: Who did not understand what the teacher said asking 83 M- 28306:12 -06:14 T: Understand? Dimas, do you understand ? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher had previously asked whether the students understood what she said or not. She asked it again because the students kept silent. Then, she asked one of her students, Dimas asking No. Code Data Context Types of Speech Acts Rep Dir Exp Com Dec whether he understood or not. Topic: Understanding what the teacher said 84 M- 28406:15 -06:17 T: Or should I change into Indonesian? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The students still kept silent. She offered them to change her utterances into Indonesian. Topic: Translating into Indonesian offering 85 M- 28506:19 -06:20 T: Yes or no? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The students still kept silent. The teacher asked them again bout the offer. Topic: Translating into Indonesian offering 86 M- 28606:21 -06:22

T: Oh, I see. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The students finally raised their voice. They wanted the teacher to translate what she said into Indonesian and the teacher understood about it. Topic: Translating into Indonesian. stating 87 M- 28707:05 -07:37

T: And then, the next, there are some pictures. There

are some pictures. a Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher explained to a informing b warning c asking