They do lots of things depend on their interest.

at home. However, the student said “in the home” instead of “at home”. The teacher knew what the student meant by saying that. Thus, she corrected the student’s mistake. She told her that she should say “at home”, not “in the home”. By saying that, the teacher performed the illocutionary force of correcting. It belongs to the representative type of speech acts since it carries what the teacher believed. In this case, the teacher believed that the English word for “di rumah” is “at home”. The teacher also performed another act of correcting which can be seen in the following utterance: The utterance above is included into correcting because the teacher believed that the Indonesian equivalent for play was “drama”, not permainan game. She said so because at that time the class was discussing about story. By performing correcting, she aimed to correct the student’s mistake. The act of correcting is also illustrated below: The teacher asked one of her students to listen to the recording and repeat the speaker’s words. The student was able to catch the words but the structure T: It is the sequence of events in a story or play. Merupakan urutan peristiwa dalam sebuah cerita atau play. What is play? S: Permainan. Game. T: Permainan? Gobak sodor? No.Game? Gobak sodor?No.

T: Play means drama.

M-463015:14-15:15 S: I’m afraid I have to do something. T: Kebalik. It’s reversed. T: I have something to do that time. M-242169:44-69:47 was reversed. The utterance was supposed to be “I have something to do that time”. Thus, the utterance corrected his mistake and told him the right one. The teacher’s utterance belongs to representative with the illocutionary force of correcting because it committed the teacher to something is being the case.

b. Directives

Directives are those kinds of speech acts used by the speaker to get the hearer to do something. During the English teaching and learning process, out of 701data, directives appeared in as many as 440 acts. They were expressed in the form of asking or questioning, requesting, suggesting, ordering, reminding, and warning. The teacher was found to produce more directive type of speech acts compared to the other types of speech acts during the four meetings. In line with the function of directives, she used them to get the addressee, i.e. the students to take some actions for her. It is clearly understandable since in the instructional setting, the teacher had the privilege of becoming the one who holds the power over her students. Moreover, it seemed that she was quite aware that the asymmetrical relation between her and her students did exist. The asymmetrical relation shows that the use of directives by the teacher shows how powerful she was over her students during the teaching and learning activities. The power to control and determine the teaching and learning activity was in her favor. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of directives is to make the addressee do things for the addressor. In classroom setting, the teacher produced directives to get the students do something for her such as responding to her questions.