Available? Setting: On Thursday, November Khofifah. Setting: On Thursday, November

No. Code Data Context Types of Speech Acts Rep Dir Exp Com Dec 373 M- 237361:0 5-61:07 T: Uhuh. When will the party be held? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: Dio caught the words correctly. The teacher confirmed it. Topic: The words that the speaker said confirmin g 374 M- 237461:1 4-61:15 T: Ya. This weekend? Setting: On Thursday, November 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher asked the student about the next sentence said by the speaker. Topic: The words that the speaker said Asking 375 M- 237561:2 3-61:24

T: Good. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher complimented the student for correctly catching the words. Topic: Complimenting Complime nting 376 M- 237661:3 4-61:35

T: Indri. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher asked Indri to listen to the recording and catch the words. Topic: An order to catch the words ordering 377 M- T: I don’t think so. Setting: On Thursday, November confirmin g No. Code Data Context Types of Speech Acts Rep Dir Exp Com Dec 237761:4 0-61:41 20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher confirmed the words said by the speaker. Topic: The word said by the speaker 378 M- 237861:4 3-61:44

T: Amalia. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher asked Amalia to listen to the recording and catch the words. Topic: An order to catch the words Ordering 379 M- 237961:4 6-61:47

T: Oh, Alfiani. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher called the wrong name. The students told the teacher that it is Alfiani’s turn. Topic: An order to catch the words ordering 380 M- 238061:5 3-61:54

T: OK. Dimas. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: The teacher asked Dimas to listen to the recording and catch the words. Topic: An order to catch the words Ordering 381 M- 238162:4 7-62:48

T: OK. Good. Setting: On Thursday, November

20, 2014, in the classroom Situation: Dimas caught the words Complime nting