Take place means terjadi. M-462013:44-13:45 In which means dimana. S: Dimana. In which

question to someone to get an answer. Moreover, asking or questioning is typically marked by the use of interrogative form. The conditions of the utterance also constitute the illocutionary force of questioning. First, the teacher has fulfilled the propositional content condition by asserting proposition in which she believed that the students would answer her questions. Second, the preparatory condition specifies that the teacher lack knowledge whether the proposition was true. The teacher did not know if the students remembered the generic structure or not. Third, the teacher genuinely wanted to get the information from the students. Here, she has satisfied the sincerity condition. Lastly, the essential rule was fulfilled since the teacher’s utterance counted as an attempt to elicit the information or to get the answer from the students. Another example of asking is as follows: At that time, the teacher and the students talked about narrative text. First, the teacher initiated the question to test the students’ knowledge about narrative text. The teacher asked the students about the use of narrative. Her utterance is classified as directives. Directives are the kind of speech acts T: What is the use of narrative? There are many kinds of narrative, is it right? Just mention them. What are they? The first we have for example Kancil dan Buaya The Mouse Deer and the Crocodiles. T: So, what is the use of narrative? To? T: To? S: To retell T: To retell? S: To entertain the readers. M-457307:38-07:47 used to get the hearer to do something. More specifically, her utterance is included into the illocutionary force of asking. It was marked by the use of interrogative form and the purpose of uttering that utterance is to get the answer from the students as the hearer. In this case, the teacher used the WH question by using the word “what” to perform directives. The teacher’s act of questioning can also be found in the following example: In this case, the teacher asked the students about the answer for the question number eight when they had listening activity. Her utterance is categorized as directive with questioning as its illocutionary force since it attempted to get the students do something for her; the students were demanded to provide the answer for question number one. In addition, the device that indicates the illocutionary force of questioning was the structure of the utterance which was presented in the form of interrogative. 2 Requesting The purpose of requesting is to politely ask something or someone to do something. Requesting was produced by the teacher during the teaching and learning process as shown in the following example: T: OK. So, the answer is? Ss: E. M-241362:56-62:57 T: Can you make it into Indonesian? S: Waktu dan tempat. Place and time. M-461713:22-13:23