The teacher and the students had been talking about the elements of story. They had arrived to talk about one of the elements of story, setting. She asked the meaning of setting to her students. However, the students kept silent. Then, the teacher asked them to make it into Indonesian. Based on the data, the teacher performed directive with the illocutionary force of requesting. Requesting is included into directives because it is performed when the speaker wants the hearer to do something. In this case, the teacher tried to ask the students to translate the word “setting” into Indonesian. In performing the request, the teacher employed the conventionally indirect level strategy with reference to preparatory condition. In simple words, she deployed the request indirectly. This strategy is mostly used based on the assumption that the hearer is able to do what the speaker instructed. It is typically marked by the use modal can, could, will, would followed by pronoun ‘you’ and the desired actions. Based on the example, the teacher applied this formulaic structure of requesting with the use of modal ‘can’ followed by the pronoun ‘you’ which refer to the students and the actions that is to translate something into Indonesian. By performing requesting, the teacher attempted to minimize the imposition, hence, her utterances sound more polite. Another example of requesting is presented below: T: Who? You will go to the library? S: No. T: Leo, will you go to the library? S: No. M-16419:22-19:23 The teacher’s utterance above was not merely a question but also a request. The teacher performed the request indirectly; she communicated her intention to the student as the hearers more than she actually said. She relied on their mutually shared background information. The strategy used by the teacher was based on the teacher’s wish or want that the student as the hearer would do the action for her. In this case, the teacher wanted Leo to go to the library to borrow some dictionaries. The formulaic structure of requesting was also applied here; the modal “will” followed by pronoun “you” and the desired action going to the library and closed with question mark. The teacher also performed another requesting as can be seen in the following utterance: Similar to the first example, the teacher employed the conventionally indirect level strategy with reference to preparatory condition in which she believed that the student was able to do what she instructed. The conventional way of making a request was also applied here. The modal “can” was followed by the pronoun “you” and the preferred action getting the class attention. The use of indirect speech act by the teacher was to minimize the imposition. In this case, the teacher wanted one of her students, Dimas to take particular action for her; getting the class attention. T: The time is over. So, for the next group seven: Jody’s father was a garbage man. T: Dimas, can you get the attention of the class? S: Attention, please. Let’s pray. M-4695120:04-120:09 3 Suggesting The aim of suggesting is to give or mention an idea, possible plan, and action for other people to consider. Here is an example of suggesting: The teacher and the students were going to have listening activity. She had informed the students that there were four parts in the listening section and the hardest part was part four. Part four would be in the form of monologue or short reading text spoken by the speaker. Thus, teacher gave tips to her students to write down the questions if it was possible for them. She used the phrase “if it is possible” in giving suggestion to her students. Based on the context, the teacher’s utterance is classified as directives and the illocutionary force performed is suggesting. It is clear since the teacher proposed a tip to her students to help them answer the questions of listening easily. The teacher performed another act of suggesting in the following example: T: OK. And the hardest is part 4. The hardest thing is part 4. Why? Because there will be a monologue, short reading text that is spoken and one...There will be two questions. If it is possible for you on the first reading, sorry, on the first listening, you write down the questions. If it is possible. And then, the second one, you make sure that the answer is correct. Ss: Yes. M-29307:43-08:15 S: Ma’am, can we use dictionary? Ss: No. T: Yes. For now you can but your own dictionary. T: OK. Listen to me. If you need any dictionary, you can go to the library and then borrow some dictionaries. M-16119: 05-19:10