Objective of the Study Significance of the Study

temporal deixis. The psychological basis of spatial deixis seems to be at work to mark temporal deixis. Temporal events can be treated as objects that move toward the speaker into view or away from the out of view. For example, the speaker tends to treat the near future as being close to utterance time by using the proximal deictic ‘this’ such as in ‘this weekend’ or ‘this Sunday’. Temporal deixis can also be recognized by the choice of verb tense. For example: a I study linguistics. b I studied linguistics. The present tense designates the use of the proximal form whereas the past tense marks the opposite.

b. Cooperative Principle

Generally, there are some principles that guide people in conversation as the basis for cooperative and helpful communication. These principles are described by Grice 1975: 45 as cited in Wardhaugh2006: 291 as cooperative principle: ‘Make your conversational contribution such is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.’ Grice as cited in Cutting2002: 34-35 elaborates cooperative principle into four maxims; maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. 1 Maxim of Quantity Maxim of quantity deals with the amount of information that should be delivered by the speaker. The amount of information should be neither too little nor too much. If the speaker only provides little information, the listener may be left in confusion since he or she will not likely be able to identify what he or she is talking about. On the other hand, it is redundant to provide too much information than is required as it probably will bore the listener. Example: a This is my boyfriend, Dane. b This is my boyfriend, Dane. He is 23 years old. He graduated from Cambridge University with a bachelor degree in arts. His works will be on exhibition until the end of the month. The utterances above show that the speaker is trying to introduce her boyfriend to her friend in an occasion. In utterance a, the speaker already followed the maxim of quantity. She provides adequate information by mentioning her boyfriend’s name in the attempt of introducing her boyfriend. Meanwhile, the utterance b disobeys the maxim of quantity. In this case, the speaker goes further by mentioning her boyfriend’s age, alma mater, and exhibition. It can be interpreted that the speaker not only attempts to introduce her boyfriend but also to invite her friend to her boyfriend’s exhibition. The speaker may also intend to show off by providing that information. Thus, it is not recommended to use the pattern in utterance b. 2 Maxim of Quality Maxim of quality emphasizes the truth. It requires the speakers to say what is true. It is not recommended to say something that the speaker believes to be false if they lack adequate evidence. For example: Erm, I’ll be there in the evening as far as I know.