Yes. Life becomes the theme also. M-4691109:18-109:22 So tomorrow is Saturday. It means that tomorrow perhaps you

truth of expressed proposition. Here is an example of disagreeing found in this study: The teacher previously asked her students the Indonesian word for “play”. One of her students said that “play” means permainan in Indonesian. However, it was not the equivalent word of play in Indonesia since during the lesson they were talking about the elements of story. The equivalent word for “play” here is drama. Thus, the teacher said “no” when one of her students said permainan. She directly said the word “no” to express her disagreement with the student’s response. The word “no” indicates that the teacher performed disagreeing illocutionary force. 8 Correcting The purpose of correcting is to tell or show someone that something is wrong and to make it right. An example of correcting illocutionary force is shown below: The teacher previously asked one of her students about the assignment for the previous lesson. She asked her where she got all the data about her idol. The student told her that she knew her idol by herself and did the assignment T: It is the sequence of events in a story or play. Merupakan urutan peristiwa dalam sebuah cerita atau play. What is play? S: Permainan. Game T: Permainan? Gobak sodor? Game? Gobak sodor? No. M-462915:11-15:13 S: I wrote it in the… di rumah. T: In the di rumah. At home. M-455904:07-04:09 at home. However, the student said “in the home” instead of “at home”. The teacher knew what the student meant by saying that. Thus, she corrected the student’s mistake. She told her that she should say “at home”, not “in the home”. By saying that, the teacher performed the illocutionary force of correcting. It belongs to the representative type of speech acts since it carries what the teacher believed. In this case, the teacher believed that the English word for “di rumah” is “at home”. The teacher also performed another act of correcting which can be seen in the following utterance: The utterance above is included into correcting because the teacher believed that the Indonesian equivalent for play was “drama”, not permainan game. She said so because at that time the class was discussing about story. By performing correcting, she aimed to correct the student’s mistake. The act of correcting is also illustrated below: The teacher asked one of her students to listen to the recording and repeat the speaker’s words. The student was able to catch the words but the structure T: It is the sequence of events in a story or play. Merupakan urutan peristiwa dalam sebuah cerita atau play. What is play? S: Permainan. Game. T: Permainan? Gobak sodor? No.Game? Gobak sodor?No.

T: Play means drama.

M-463015:14-15:15 S: I’m afraid I have to do something. T: Kebalik. It’s reversed. T: I have something to do that time. M-242169:44-69:47