Do by yourself. Do by yourself. Don’t cheat. Why? I need to pick the score.

been?” Hence, the teacher apologized to Leo for mishearing the utterances he said. The teacher produced another apology in the following example: The act of apologizing expressed by the teacher involved the word “sorry”. It is understandable since the word “sorry” is generally used to signal an apology. The teacher’s act of apologizing was also marked by the reference of sincerity condition. In this case, the teacher genuinely regretted for having played the wrong recording. There is another example of apologizing expressed by the teacher: Based on the example above, the teacher also used the word “sorry” as an indicator of expressing an apology. Sincerity condition was also applied here in which the teacher felt sorry for having forgotten one of her student’s name. 3 Stating Anger Stating anger is used to express anger toward someone or something. Here is one example of expressing anger: T: Next, we go for Amaliana. The teacher played the recording

T: Sorry. M-241663:22-63:23

T: And then… Sorry, I forget your name. Ss: Hanifa, bu. Hanifa, Ma’am. M-221832:54-32:59 The example above shows that the teacher was angry at one of her students, Gita. She was angry upon knowing that Gita had not finished writing the assignment given by the teacher on the previous lesson. Thus, she did not pay attention to the teacher. The teacher felt disgusted and she got angry with the student. She did not want her student to do anything else, in this case finishing the assignment given on the previous lesson, during the teaching and learning process but keep paying attention to the activity they were going to have. She expressed her anger in a loud voice. Her facial expression also showed that she was disgusted and angry with the student. Based on the context, the teacher employed expressive speech act with the illocutionary force of stating anger. It is obvious since the teacher expressed what heshe felt at the moment that was caused by something that the student did. She continued her act of stating anger as can be seen in the following utterances: T: So, what do you do with the internet connection? S: The biography. T: The biography. What about the others? There are many papers there and your friends have finished writing it and then why do you need the connection? So, what biography that you need to finish Pak Eko’s assignment? M-455002:29-02:45 S: Idol. T: Oh, idol, your idol. So, the idol of Gita needs internet connection. M-455102:53-03:03 Like the previous utterances, she felt irritated by Gita’s action in which she used internet to finish her task. It can be seen from her tone of voice and facial expression. 4 Stating Surprise Stating surprise is used to express feeling caused by something unexpected happening. Here is an example of statement of surprise or shock performed by the teacher: Gita, one of the students of IBB class argued that she had not finished her assignment because she needed internet connection. The teacher was surprised because Gita used the internet to help her finish her assignment. Apparently, it was not allowed to use internet during the teaching and learning process. In this case, the teacher used expressive speech act with the illocutionary force of stating shock or surprise. She expressed her surprise in the form of interrogative with rising intonation. It is included into expressive because the teacher performed the utterance to express her feeling toward Gita’s reason of why she had not finish writing her assignment for the previous lesson. T: Two hours. Two hours. Why didn’t you finish Gita? S: I need internet. T: Oh. Did you need the internet connection? M-454902:15-02:20