EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Metal Based Composite Brake Blocks Containing Lead and Asbestos

134 The series of this research are expected to answer the challenges of technological process of making motorcycle brake made from natural cellulose fiber empty fruit bunch. The combination of optimal composition of various materials can reduce the component of imported materials currently used. Progressively in accordance with the process of running the motor vehicle brake pads made from a mixture of pulp biomechanical mechanical oil- palm empty fruit bunches or wood low mass species can be produced in Indonesia. Method of manufacturing technology and research results can then be applied to small-medium industries SMI and the production of reference materials that have been tested through the technical and economic studies.

1.1. Non-asbestos brake lining

Brake lining made from non asbestos material usually consists of 4 to 5 types of fiber such as Kevlar, steel fiber, rock wool, cellulose and carbon fiber which has a long fiber. Asbestos brake material has only 1 type of asbestos fiber which is a component that can cause carcinogenic fibers. Due to this difference of asbestos-containing brake has a disadvantage in wet conditions. Asbestos consists of only 1 type of fibers, on wet conditions the material will experience the effects of slippery like swiping a finger on the wet glass slipperyno grip. Non-asbestos brake lining material that has some kind of fiber is slick effects can be resolved. Given the asbestos brake use only raw materials up to 6 types of non asbestos material and using more than 12 types of material, asbestos can only be maintained until the temperature of 200 o C. Medium non-asbestos material can withstand temperatures up to 360oC. This means that the asbestos will be free from tension brake fading at temperatures of 250oC, while the non-asbestos tends to be stable no tension. Asbestos brake lining prices are relatively cheap, because it only consists of 6 kinds of materials and with low quality. Brake dust contains asbestos tend to be mild and easily attached to the rim and cleaned hard non- asbestos dust is heavy so do not tend to stick to the rim and easy to clean. The weightlessness of asbestos dust is what causes asbestos dust easily inhaled, and easy to stick to the hands so easily fit in our digestive tract with food, hence the non-asbestos brake known as environmentally friendly.

1.2. Metal Based Composite Brake Blocks Containing Lead and Asbestos

On the use of composite products in industry, Safety issues are often received less attention both from users and management of the company due to limited knowledge of the dangers in its use. One example of canvas brake metal-based composite had a researcher check the composition of the field and found the content of Lead, Chromium, and Zinc, where the technical specifications during the tender material should be free of the compound Cr, Pb, and Zn. Levels of Pb contained in metal-based composite brake blocks containing more than 100 ppm Pb. It is very dangerous for passengers and people who happened to be passing by around the train when braking performed by railway train drivers Canvas-based metal composite brake lining contain heavy metals and asbestos since the main raw materials fillers are made in the form of mineral fibers and asbestos-containing material follow-ferrous inert and in the form of metal oxide-containing compounds PbO2, and Cr2O3 and ZnO.


The research was conducted in three places institutions competent in their field i.e.: the Center for Pulp and Paper CPP Bandung for biomechanical pulping process, PT. Inti Bagas Perkasa for the process of making and printing specimens brakes lining, and other testing agencies that support such as the Indonesian Institute of Science LIPI, Institute of Technology Bandung ITB, Center for Material and Technical Products B4T and others. The research is planned for 2 years starting from January 2008, while research scope includes the process stages of the suitable biomechanical pulping, and seeking for mixing 135 variations in accordance with the physical properties. The work includes the binding of materials, resin and the pulp as filler on canvas brakes are carried out as follows: o Selection of mechanical pulp fiber reconditioning o Selection of material mixing o Tests for chemical properties and other materials o Pulp and composite blending technique o Evaluation and improvement of the mixing method o Report progress pulp manufacture brake Canvas Tests on the parameters observed using ASTM standard equipment available in research institutions, such as: disintegrator, chemical analysis equipment, test equipment fracture strength, tensile strength tester, wear test, hardness test and test the grip of moving objects. The procedures for the testing of test samples made with a method applicable standards such as: SCAN Scandinavian, ASTM United States, SNI Indonesian National Standard. Data quality test results are compared to national international standard brake canvas quality as well as of commercial materials on the market that has the cheapest price to the most expensive. From the data comparison results can be evaluated by considering the best and optimum product quality control. Analysis of research data for each parameter is carried out by testing the relationship between one parameter with other parameters using correlation research design, such as: o composition of the pulp mixture to a standard power brake canvas o type of pulp used to quality canvas brakes o relationships with other filler materials of pulp on the quality of brake canvas

2.1. Materials