ASSESSMENT GCG Situs Resmi PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 217 Assesment GCG tahun 2012 dilakukan oleh pihak independen yaitu BPKP Provinsi Jawa Barat. Indikator dan parameter yang digunakan berpedoman pada Surat Keputusan Sekretaris Kementrian BUMN no. SK- 16S.MBU2012 tentang indikatorparameter penilaian dan evaluasi atas penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik pada BUMN. Nilai assesment GCG tahun 2012 yang diperoleh PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero mencapai 70,16 dengan predikat Cukup Baik, nilai Self Assessment 2013 mencapai 83,91 dengan predikat Baik. Hasil Asesmen Pelaksanaan GCG PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero Tahun 2012 dan Self Assessment 2013 Aspek Bobot Skor Capaian Penjelasan Aspect Weight Score Achievements Explanation 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 Komitmen 7,0 4,36 5,90 63,26 84,34 Cukup Baik Baik Commitment Good Enough Good Pemegang Saham 9,0 7,16 8,23 79,58 91,50 Baik Sangat Baik Shareholders Good Very Good Dewan Komisaris 35,0 26,28 27,54 75,09 78,70 Baik Baik Board of Commis- sioners Good Good Direksi 35,0 25,43 29,04 72,67 82,96 Cukup Baik Baik Director Good Enough Good Informasi dan Transparansi 9,0 6,92 8,19 76,91 91,04 Baik Sangat Baik Information and Transparency Good Very Good Aspek Lainnya 0,0 0,00 5,00 100,0 - Sangat Baik Other Aspects - Very Good Skor 100,0 70,16 83,91 70,16 83,91 Cukup Baik Baik Score Good Enough Good GCG Assessment in 2012 was conducted by independent party, namely BPKP West Java Province. The Indicators and parameters used are based on the Decree of the Secretary of SOE Ministry No. SK-16S.MBU2012 concerning the Indicatorsparameters of assessment and evaluation on Good Corporate Governance Practice in SOE. The score of GCG assesment for 2012 obtained by PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero reached 70.16 with the predicate Fairly Good, and the score of Self Assessment for 2013 reached 83,91 with the predicate Good. Results of Assessment on GCG practice in PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero on 2012 and Self Assessment 2013