Jabodetabek AC Economy Class Passenger Transport


i. PT KA Pariwisata

Realisasi pendapatan sepanjang 2013 sebesar Rp 18,73 miliar atau naik 78,66 bila dibandingkan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 10,48 miliar.

I.  PT KA Pariwisata

The realization of revenue along 2013 was IDR 18.73 billion, increasing 78.66 compared to the revenue in 2012 as much as IDR 10.48 billion. Uraian 2013 2012 Pertumbuhan Description 2013 2012 Growth Pendapatan Rp juta 18.727 10.482 78,66 Income IDR 000,000 18,727 10,482 78.66 Realisasi Pendapatan KA Pariwisata Revenue Realization of KA Pariwisata KA Pariwisata merupakan produk baru yang dikelola oleh anak perusahaan. Melalui upaya pemasaran yang intensif, jasa ini mulai diminati masayarakat, 2.  Angkutan KA Barang Volume angkutan barang mulai mengalami per- tumbuhan sejak tahun 2011. Pada 2009 volume barang yang diangkut mencapai 19,01 juta ton. Pada 2010 pencapaian naik menjadi 18,95 juta ton. Sejak 2011 hingga 2013, volume angkutan barang tumbuh rata- rata 7. Tahun 2013 volume barang yang diangkut mencapai 24,71 juta ton atau naik 12 dari pencapaian 2012 sebesar 22,09 juta ton. Realisasi pendapatan Angkutan KA Barang 2013 sebesar Rp 3,09 triliun atau naik 21,90 dari tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 2,54 triliun. Jumlah tersebut berasal dari angkutan batu bara, peti kemas, BBM, semen, curah dan perkebunan, general cargo dan BHP serta lainnya. Adapun uraian realisasi pendapatan sepanjang 2013 adalah sebagai berikut. KA Pariwisata is a new product managed by a subsidiary. Through intensive marketing efforts, this service starts to make people interested, 2. Freight Transport The volume of freight transport began to grow since 2011. In 2009, the volume of freight transport reached 19.01 million tons. In 2010, the achievement slightly decreased to 18.95 million tons. From 2011 to 2013 the volume of freight transport grew by 7 on the average. In 2013 the volume of freight transport reached 24.71 million tons, increasing 12 from 2012 achievement as many as 22.09 million tons. The revenue realization of freight transport in 2013 was IDR 3.09 trillion increasing 21.90 from 2012 as much as IDR 2.54 trillion.. The total freight transport was coming from coal, container, fuel, cement, bulk and plantation, general cargo and general cargo, parcels and others. and others. The description of revenue realization along 2013 is as follows. Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 123 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Batu Bara 11,02 11.15 12.01 13.22 14.89 BBM 2,44 1.83 1.68 1.78 1.98 Peti Kemas 0,62 0,77 1.22 1.81 2.53 Parcel ONS 0,08 0,11 0,25 0,33 0,34 Semen 2,70 2.84 3.01 3.47 3.14 Lainnya 2,15 2.26 1.17 1.47 1,84 Total 19.01 18.95 19.34 22.08 24.71 Realisasi Volume Angkutan Barang 2009-20013 Volume Realization of Freight Transport In 2009-2013 2009 19.011 2010 18.950 19.340 22.079 24.714 2011 2012 2013 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000 Juta T on

a. Batu Bara

Volume batu bara sepanjang 2013 mencapai 14,89 juta ton, naik 12,62 bila dibandingkan pencapaian 2012 sebanyak 13,22 juta ton. Realisasi pendapatan sepanjang 2013 sebesar Rp 2,09 triliun atau naik 13,28 bila dibandingkan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 1,84 triliun.

a. Coals Transport

The volume of coal along 2013 reached 14.89 million tons, inreasing 12 compared to the achievement in 2012 as many as 13.22 million tons. The realization of income along 2013 was IDR 2.09 trillion, incresing 13.28 compared to the income in 2012 that amounted to IDR 1.84 trillion.