Average Train Punctuality Accident

Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 135 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Peningkatan keselamatan operasi KA diupayakan dengan menargetkan turunnya toleransi kejadian kecelakaan dari waktu ke waktu. Secara keseluruhan, kinerja tingkat keselamatan operasi KA mengalami perbaikan dengan penurunan tingkat kecelakaan dari 102 kejadian di tahun 2009 menjadi 56 kejadian pada tahun 2013. The improvement of train operational safety was conducted by targeting a gradually reduced tolerance of accidents from day to day. Over all, the performance of train operational safety improved with the declining number of accidents from 102 occurences in 2009 to 56 occurences in 2013. 2009 7 KA VS KA ANJLOG 95 2010 3 70 2011 2 52 2012 3 54 2013 56 20 40 60 80 100 120 K ejadian Perkembangan Jumlah Angka Kecelakaan PLH Tahun 2009-2013 The Reducing Numbers of Accidents in the Period of 2009-2013 Dari data statistik kecelakaan, frekuensi anjlok menun- jukkan besaran yang paling dominan. Kinerjanya secara umum terus membaik dengan frekuensi kecelakaan terus menurun. Kejadian tabrakan antar-KA walaupun jarang terjadi, tetapi penting untuk diperhatikan karena mengakibatkan kerugian nonmaterial dan material yang sangat besar. Frekuensi tabrakan antar-KA menurun dari tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2013 mencapai zero accident. From the statistical data of accidents, the frequency of derailments shows the most dominant. The performance in general is getting better with declining frequency of accidents. The statistics of trains collision or train crash is important to be paid attention although infrequently happening, because it causes huge material and non- material losses. The frequency of collision or train crash during the period of 2009-2013 reached to zero accident. PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 136 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20 40 60 80 120 100 140 180 160 200 K orban Selama periode Tahun 2013 terjadi 56 kali kejadian PLH. Untuk kejadian PLH tabrakan KA dengan KA adalah nihil. Kejadian anjlok sebanyak 56 kali. Kejadian tersebut mengakibatkan 20 kali rintangan jalan rinja dan 36 kali bukan rinja, namun tidak ada korban luka maupun korban jiwa.

4. Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen Angkutan Penumpang dan Angkutan Barang

Salah satu parameter yang digunakan Perseroan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan berbagai program layanan yang telah diupayakan adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran tingkat kepuasan pelanggan.Hasil survei berikut menunjukkan bahwa secara umum terjadi peningkatan kepuasaan pelanggan pada periode 2010- 2013. Hal ini harus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan seiring dengan sasaran strategis Perseroan untuk mewujudkan pelayanan jasa angkutan perkeretaapian berbasiskan customer oriented. During the period of 2013, there were 56 occurences of accident events. The extraordinary event of inter-train crash were null. While the occurences of drop were 56 times. The occurences caused 20 times of way barrier and 36 times of non- way barrier, however there was no dead victim.

4. Customer Satisfaction Index for Passenger Transportation and Freight Transportation

One of the parameters used by the Company to measure the success level of various service programs that had been done was obtained by measuring the customers satisfaction level. From the following survey, it is shown that in general there was an increase of customers satisfaction in the period of 2010-2013. This must be maintained and improved in line with the Company’s strategic objectives to establish a customer-oriented railway transportation service. Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 137 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Perkembangan Indeks Kepuasaan PelangganTahun 2010-2013 The Progress of Customers Satisfaction Index in the Period of 2009-2013 2010 3.8 2011 3.8 3.8 2012 4.01 4.01 2013 3.9 3.9 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 3.5 4.5 4 5 Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan 3.8