Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen Angkutan Penumpang dan Angkutan Barang Customer Satisfaction Index for Passenger Transportation and Freight Transportation

Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 137 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Perkembangan Indeks Kepuasaan PelangganTahun 2010-2013 The Progress of Customers Satisfaction Index in the Period of 2009-2013 2010 3.8 2011 3.8 3.8 2012 4.01 4.01 2013 3.9 3.9 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 3.5 4.5 4 5 Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan 3.8 PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 138 Secara umum bisnis kereta api di Indonesia cukup menarik dan menantang. Karena itu Perseroan tetap optimis bahwa dengan semakin membaiknya sarana dan prasarana serta pelayanan kepada penumpang, tidak mustahil jika bisnis kereta api di masa yang akan datang dapat kembali menjadi primadona masyarakat seperti di era kejayaan kereta api tahun 90-an, apalagi saat ini kondisi Perseroan yang sedang bertumbuh. Dalam melakukan strategi pemasaran, Perseroan tentu tidak bisa lepas dari apa yang sudah dicapai di tahun 2013 dan 2012. Apa yang menjadi catatan di tahun lalu tentu menjadi modal utama untuk mengejar pertumbuhan usaha di tahun berikutnya. Selain berpatokan pada pertumbuhan, Perseroan juga melihat profitablitas, prospek pasar, dan segmentasi untuk menyusun strategi realitis yang bisa dicapai di tahun 2014. Selain itu, Perseroan juga melihat kemampuan finansial dan keunggulan-keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh Perseroan agar mampu bersaing dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Berbagai analisis dari sudut pandang pemasaran sangat diperlukan agar upaya pemasaran bisa tepat sasaran. Generally, railway business in Indonesia is still interesting and challenging. Therefore, the Company remain optimistic that with the continuously improved rolling stock, infrastructure, facilities and services to the passengers it is not impossible for the railway business to become the primadona in the future just like just like in the glorious era of railways in the 1990s, especially when the Company is growing now. In implementing its marketing strategy, the Company can not be rid of what had been achieved in 2013 and 2012. What had been recorded in the previous years will surely become the main capital to pursue the business growth in the next year. While referring to the growth, the Company will also consider profitability, market prospect, and segmentation to make a strategy that can realistically be achieved in 2014. In addition, the Company will also consider its financial ability inherent advantages in order to compete with other modes of transportation. Various analyses from the marketing point of view are considered necessary for the effectiveness of its marketing efforts. Tinjauan Pemasaran Marketing Review Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 139 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan usaha dari angkutan penumpang, Perseroan melakukan beberapa strategi sebagai berikut. • Memperbanyak point of sales untuk penjualan tiket bekerjasama dengan mitra eksternal. • Memasang program advertorial di beberapa majalah branded seperti GOLDBANK, Bisnis International, Marketeers, Majalah Jalan-Jalan traveling by train. • Melakukan sosialisasi dan promosi di media nasional Kompas terkait penjualan KA masa lebaran cukup berpengaruh pada penjualan. • Kampanye melalui sosial media seperti twitter KAI121 sejak 6 Juni 2012 dengan penyampaian materi lebih ke informasi konten produk dan layanan mendapatkan respons masyarakat yang besar sebagai saluran informasi selain website. • Meluncurkan program promosi VALENTRAIN, BER4 BAYAR3, Tarif promo KA Malioboro Ekspress, Promo lebaran super murah dan super hemat. • Meluncurkan promo Semangat Pemuda di bulan Oktober dengan program discount 28 untuk KA Komersial kecuali KA Lokal. Pada bulan November 2013 untuk menyambut hari pahlawan dilakukan promo “Paket Pejoeang Bangsa” khusus untuk anggota LVRI Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia. Promo diberlakukan dengan memberikan discount sebesar 50 untuk keberangkatan pada hari Jumat-Minggu, dan discount sampai dengan 90 untuk keberangkatan hari Senin sampai Kamis. Promo berlaku untuk pembelian dan keberangkatan tanggal 1 sampai dengan 30 November 2013. In order to increase the business revenue from passenger train, the Company has developed some strategies as follows: • Increasing the number of point of sales for tickets in collaboration with external partners. • Taking part in advertorial programs in some branded magazines such as GOLDBANK, Bisnis Internasional, Marketeers, Majalah Jalan-Jalan traveling by train. • Conducting socialization and promotion in the national media like Kompas related to ticket selling for Idul Fitri seasons which influences the sales. • Making a campaign through social media such as twitter KAI121 since June 6, 2012 with the information dissemination more about products and services. People give a great response to it as an information channel other than website. • Launching a promotion program such as VALENTRAIN, BER4 BAYAR3 pay 3 for 4 people, Promotion Tariff for KA Malioboro Ekspress, super cheap and super economical promotion for Idul Fitri seasons. • Launching a promotion of Semangat Pemuda youth spirit in October with a 28 discount for commercial trains except local trains To celebrate the Hero Day Hari Pahlawan in November 2013, “Paket Pejoeang Bangsa” special promotion was lauched for the members of LVRI Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia. The promotion was applied by giving 50 discount for for the departure from Friday to Sunday, and discount up to 90 for the departure from Monday to Thursday. The promotion applied for ticket buying and departure in the period of 1-30 November 2013. A.  SRATEGI PEMASARAN ANGKUTAN PENUMPANG A. MARKETING STRATEGY FOR PASSENGER TRAIN PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 140 Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan usaha dari angkutan penumpang, Perseroan melakukan beberapa strategi sebagai berikut. • Melakukan upaya promosi angkutan barang dengan kereta api. • Mengefektifkan fungsi tim task force untuk pengaturan operasional kereta api Batu Bara PT. Bukit Asam dengan penetapan WPG dan SF kereta api yang lebih optimal. • Pengadaan gudang untuk batu bara bukan berasal dari PT Bukit Asam dan peti kemas. • Pembuatan dan perpanjangan spoor untuk bongkarmuat serta penataan lokasiarea dan melengkapi persinyalan di stasiun. • Penyelesaian pembangunan prasarana pendukung double track partial dan stasiun baru, dan usulan percepatan pembangunan: • Double track Tanjungenim Baru – Train Loading System TLS PT. BA. • Pembangunan Emplasemen Stasiun Tanjungenim baru menjadi 9 sepur dan Stasiun Tarahan menjadi 5 sepur. • Pengiriman 5 unit Lok CC 204 dari Jawa ke Sumatera Selatan dan ditukar dengan 8 unit Lok CC 201 dari Sumatera Selatan ke Jawa Proses oleh EVP LogisticEDL informasi terakhir sudah dikapalkan tanggal 20 Oktober 2013. In order to increase the business revenue from freight train, the Company has developed some strategies as follows: • Trying an effort to promote freight train. • Making a promotion effort for freight train by train Making effective the task force function to organize the operation of KA Batubara PT Bukit Asam by determining WPG and SF KA which were more optimum. • Providing a warehouse for the Non-PTBA coal transport services as well as the container. • Siding tracks construction and extension for loadingunloading and setting the locationarea completed with the signals at the station. • Completing the development of supporting infra- structures partial double track and new stations, and a proposal for development acceleration: • Double track Tanjung Enim Baru – Train Loading System TLS PT BA. • Development of siding tracks at Stasiun Tanjung Enim Baru to be 9 tracks and at Tarahan Station to be 5 tracks. • Reallocating 5 units of CC 206 Locomotives from Java to South Sumatra in exchange for 8 units of CC 201 locomotives from South Sumatra to Java the process was handled by EVP LogisticEDL, based on the last information they were already shipped on October 20, 2013. B.  STRATEGI PEMASARAN ANGKUTAN BARANG B. MARKETING STRATEGY FOR FREIGHT TRAIN Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 141 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy • Mempercepat pembangunan atau penyelesaian infrastruktur pendukung stasiun loading-unload- ing berkoordinasi dengan direktorat teknik dan operasi, di antaranya: Stasiun Kalimas, Waru, Sungailagoa, Jakartagudang, Merapi, Banjarsari dan Simpang, track Indro-Pabrik Petro. • Alternatif lokasi loadingunloading sambil menunggu kesiapan loadingunloading yang direncanakan Stasiun Prapatkurung, Stasiun Solobalapan. • Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan angkutan BBM PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero telah menyiapkan saranaarmada sesuai dengan kebutuhan PT Pertamina dan melakukan perbaikan spoor simpang. • Pembentukan tim antara pihak PT Semen Padang dan PT KAI Persero dalam rencana penambahan Silo. • Rencana pengadaaan Kereta B baru sebanyak 33 unit. • Melakukan koordinasi antar-unit untuk memper- cepat bongkaran CPO di Belawan. • Melakukan angkutan jenis kayu gelondongan sudah dilakukan uji coba. • Mengirim 3 unit Lokomotif CC 201 untuk angkutan hasil perkebunan. • Mempercepat penyelesaian double track di lintas utara Jawa. • Penyelesaian spoor luncur stasiun-stasiun tertentu di lintas utara Jawa untuk mendukung angkutan dengan SF 30 GD. • Accelerating the development or completion of the supporting infrastructure station for loading- unloading through a coordination with Directorate of Technique and Operation, such as: Kalimas Station, Waru, Sungailagoa, Jakartagudang, Merapi, Banjarsari and cross, track Indro-Pabrik Petro. • Providing an alternative loadingunloading location while waiting for the readiness of the planned loadingunloading stations and facilities Prapatkurung Station, Solobalapan Station. • To meet the need of fuel transportation, PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero has prepared facilities fleets in accordance with the need of PT Pertamina and repaired the branch line tracks. • Establishing a team representing PT Semen Padang and PT KAI Persero in the planning for Silo additional silo building. • Procurement planning of new Baggage Cars as many as 33 units. • Making an inter-unit coordination to accelerate the unloading process of CPO in Belawan. • Transporting log wood a running test has already been done. • Delivering 3 units of CC 201 locomotives to transport plantation products. • Accelerating the completion of double track in the Java North Line. • Completing the launching emergencyrun-on tracksin certain stations in the Java North Line to support the transportation using trainset of 30 wagons arrangement. PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 142 Laporan Anak Perusahaan Subsidiaries Report PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 143 Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion Supporting Business Report PT Reska Multi Usaha, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PT RMU atau Perusahaan, adalah perusahaan yang dibentuk bersama antara PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero dengan Yayasan Pusaka berdasarkan Akta No. 18 tanggal 2 Juli 2003 oleh Notaris Darwin Ginting, SH, MH di Jakarta. Pemegang saham PT Reska adalah PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero sebesar 95,01 dan Yayasan Pusaka sebesar 4,99. A. MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN PENDIRIAN PERUSAHAAN Sesuai dengan akta No. 1 tanggal 6 November 2009 notaris Darwin Ginting, SH, MH di dalam Pasal 3 Anggaran Perusahaan, maksud dan tujuan perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut. 1. Maksud, untuk melaksanakan dan menunjang kebijakan dan program PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero selaku induk perusahaan di bidang usaha restoran kereta api dan usaha pendukung lainnya. 2. Tujuan, melaksanakan kegiatan usaha di bidang perdagangan, pengangkutan darat, dan jasa: a. menjalankan usaha di bidang perdagangan, termasuk distributor, agen, dan sebagai per wakilan dari badan perusahaan, penyalur bahan bakar SPBU stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum. b. Menjalankan usaha di bidang pengangkutan darat, termasuk ekspedisi dan pergudangan, menjalankan usaha di bidang transportasi. c. Menjalankan usaha di bidang jasa, termasuk ekspedisi, pengepakan dan pergudangan, jasa pengelolaan parkir, jasa penyelenggara acara, jasa rumah makanrestoran dan jasa boga. PT Reska Multi Usaha, called PT RMU, is a company established in mutual by PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero and Yayasan Pusaka based on Act No 18 dated 2nd July 2003 by the Notary Darwin Ginting in Jakarta. The shareholders of PT RMU are PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero as much as 9.01 of the total shares and Yayasan Pusaka as much as 4.99 of the total shares. A. AIM AND PURPOSE OF THE COMPANY ESTABLISHMENT According to the Certificate No. 1, dated 6 November 2009, notarist Darwin Ginting, SH, MH, in the Article 3 of Companys Statute, the aims and purposes of the company are as follows. 1. The aims, to implement and support policies and programs of PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero as the holding company in the field of restaurant on train and other supporting businesses. 2. The objectives is to carry out business activities in the field of trade, land transportation, and services: a. Run business in trading, including distributors, agents, and as representatives of corporate bodies, channel of fuel filling stations fuel stations. b. Run business in the land transportation, including the expedition and warehousing, running a business in the field of transportation. c. Run businesses in services, including expedition, packing and warehousing, parking management services, Event organizers, dinerrestaurant and catering services. Jl. Bengawan No. 25 Bandung - Jawa Barat Telp: 022 7234716 – 7234717 Fax: 022 723 4716 Email: PT RESKA MULTI USAHA PT RESKA MULTI USAHA PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 144 B. MODAL AWAL SESUAI AKTA PENDIRIAN Modal Dasar Perusahaan ini ditetapkan sebesar Rp 10.580.000.000 terbagi atas 10.580 lembar saham, masing-masing saham bernilai nominal Rp 1.000.000. Dari Modal Dasar tersebut telah ditempatkan dan disetor dengan perincian sebagai berikut. 1. PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero, sebanyak 4.987 lembar saham, dengan nilai nominal atau sebesar Rp 4.987.000.000. 2. Yayasan Pusaka sebanyak 262 lembar saham, dengan nilai nominal atau sebesar Rp 262.000.000. Dengan demikian, jumlah saham seluruhnya 5.249 lembar atau senilai Rp C. SUSUNAN DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI 1. Susunan Dewan Komisaris Sesuai putusan pemegang saham yang ditetapkan dalam akta notaris Handy Novianto, SH, MKn. No. 47 tanggal 29 November 2012 susunan dewan komisaris PT RMU adalah sebagai berikut. Komisaris: Joko Margono 2. Susunan Dewan Direksi Berdasarkan Akta Notaris Nomor 47 tanggal 29 November 2012 yang dibuat dihadapan notaris Handy Novianto, SH, MKn. maka susunan dewan direksi PT Reska Multi Usaha adalah sebagai berikut. Direktur utama: Noor Hamidi Direktur Operasional: Hari Sukoco


Jumlah SDM PT RMU Per 31 Desember 2013, mencapai 5.829 orang, terdiri atas 1 orang Dewan Komisaris, 2 orang Direksi, 7 orang General Manager, 6 orang Manager Area, 12 orang Manager, 22 orang Junior Manager, 5 orang PDB, 67 orang Supervisor dan 5.707 orang tenaga pelaksana. Berdasarkan status pekerja, komposisi SDM adalah sebagai berikut: a. Organik PT KAI Persero = 11 orang b. PKWT = 1.033 orang c. PKWTT = 18 orang d. Outsourcing = 4.767 orang Total = 5.829 orang B. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL AS DEFINED IN THE ACT OF ESTABLISHMENT The authorized capital of the Company is defined as much as IDR 10,580,000,000 in terms of 10,580 shares with the nominal IDR 1,000,000 per share.Based on the authorized capital, the shares had been paid with the details as the following. 1. PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero, holding 4,987 shares with the nominal IDR 4,987,000,000. 2. Yayasan Pusaka, holding 262 shares with the nominal IDR 262,000,000. Thus, the total number is 5,249 shares or worth IDR 5,249,000,000. C. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. Board of Commissioners Based on the shareholders decision as defined in the act of notary Handy Novianto, SH, MKn. No. 47 dated 29 November 2012, the Board of Commissioners Structure of PT RMU is as follows: Commissioner: Joko Margono 2. Board of Commissioners Based on the Act of Notary No. 47 dated 29 November 2012 made in front of the notary Handy Novianto, SH, MKn, the Board of Commissioners Structure of PT Reska Multi Usaha is as follows: President Director: Noor Hamidi Operation Director: Hari Sukoco


The number of human resources at PT RMU by 31 December 2013 reached 5.829 people, consisting of 1 Commissioners, 2 Directors, 7 General Managers, 6 Area Managers, 12 Managers, 22 Junior Managers, 5 PDBs, 67 Supervisors, and 5.707 officers. Based on the employment status, the human resources composition is as follows: a. Organic PT KAI Persero = 11 persons b. PKWT = 1,033 persons c. PKWTT = 18 persons d. Outsourcing = 4,767 persons Total = 5,829 persons PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 145 Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion Supporting Business Report


Selama tahun 2013, PT RMU melayani 67 kereta Siap Operasi SO dan mengelola 18 unit dapur darat dapur di luar kereta api. Volume penumpang yang dilayani mencapai 12.656.492 penumpang atau 76 dari program tahun 2013 sebesar 16.563.639 penumpang. Sedangkan volume penumpang yang melakukan pembelian produk free sale sebesar 4.986.293 penumpang atau 46 dari program tahun 2013 sebesar 10.856.544 penumpang. Selama tahun 2013 PT RMU sudah merealisasikan investasi sebesar Rp 7,48 miliar untuk menjalankan proyek sebagai berikut: 1. Pembangunan area kantor senilai Rp 680 juta. 2. Pembangunan Park Ride untuk 17 stasiun sebesar Rp 1,86 miliar. 3. Peralatan Park Ride di 17 stasiun sebesar Rp 4,60 miliar. 4. Mobil dinas dan motor box sebesar Rp 340 juta. Pembangunan dan peralatan tersebut tidak diprogramkan. Biaya investasi terbesar digunakan untuk pengambilalihan pengelolaan parkir di Jabodetabek sebanyak 17 stasiun yang semula dikelola oleh pihak lain.


Pada tahun 2013, laba PT RMU mencapai Rp 8.36 miliar atau mencapai 310 dibanding laba tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 2.70 miliar. Pencapaian laba tersebut dikarenakan adanya peningkatan pendapatan di beberapa sektor berikut ini. 1. Bisnis OutsourcingOTCCuci Kereta meningkat sangat signifikan dengan adanya penambahan pekerjaan dari PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero dengan nilai mencapai Rp 114,5 miliar. 2. Bisnis parkir di wilayah Jabodetabek mengalami peningkatan pendapatan hingga mencapai 159. 3. Bisnis FB free salePDKKLBSR mencapai 133 atau setara dengan Rp 61,51 miliar dari target yang sudah ditetapkan, yaitu sebesar Rp 46,15 miliar. Peningkatan pendapatan sebesar 33 itu akibat penambahan kereta api baru seperti KA Ciremai, KA Pangrango, KA Joko Tingkir, dan meningkatnya order layanan paket KA Wisata dari PT KA Pariwisata.


During the year 2013, PT RMU served 67 Ready-to-Operate SO trains and managed 18 units of main kitchens kitchens outside of the train. The volume of passengers that had been served reached 12,656,492 people or 76 of which was programmed in 2013 as many as 16,563,639 passengers. While the volume of passengers who bought free sale products were as many as 4,986,293 passengers or 46 of which was programmed in 2013 as many as 10,856,544 passengers. During 2013, PT RMU had realized an investment amounted IDR 7.48 billion to carry out the following projects: 1. Developing office area worth IDR 680 million. 2. Developing Park Ride for 17 stations worth IDR 1.86 billion. 3. Equipment of Park Ride at 17 stations worth IDR 4.60 billion. 4. Official cars and box-equipped motorcycle valued IDR 340 million. The above-mentioned development and equipment were not programmed. The biggest expense of investment was used for taking over the parking management at 17 stations in Jabodetabek which were previously managed by other parties. F.  FINANCIAL ASPECT In 2013, PT RMU’s profit reached IDR 8,36 billion or increasing 310 from the profit in 2012 amounting IDR 2,70 billion. This profit achievement was because of the increasing income in some sectors as follows: 1. The business of OutsourcingOTCTrain Wash increased significantly in line with the additional work from PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero with the value reaching IDR 114.5 billion. 2. Parking business in Jabodetabek area increasing in revenue up to 159. 3. FB business free salePDKKLBSR increasing 133 or equaled IDR 61.51 billion of the predetermined target as much as IDR 61.51 billion. The increase of income amounting 33 was due to the addition of new trains such Ciremai, Pangrango, Joko Tingkir, and the increase order from PT KA Pariwisata for package service of Tourism Train.