GCG IMPLEMENTATION PURPOSE Situs Resmi PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 213


Agar supaya organ utama perusahaan khususnya Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta organ pendukung lainnya dapat menjalankan aturan pada tingkat korporat maka manajemen telah menetapkan sejumlah aturan yang mengatur tentang tata kelola perusahaan, dengan uraian sebagai berikut: 1. Pemegang sahamRUPS merupakan kekuasaan tertinggi dari perusahaan. 2. Dewan Komisaris melakukan fungsi pengawasan dan pemberian nasehat kepada Direksi. 3. Direksi melaksanakan kegiatan operasional perusahaan sesuai dengan visi misi perusahaan dan prinsip akuntabilitas dalam GCG. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan operasional, di bawah Direktur Utama dilengkapi dengan struktur setingkat Excecutive Vice President EVP, yaitu : 1. Satuan Pengawasan Intern SPI berfungsi sebagai pengawas. 2. Pusat Manajemen Risiko berfungsi mengkaji risiko dan assessment risiko. 3. Sekretaris Perusahaan, fungsinya sebagai kesekretariatan. 4. Hukum, berfungsi sebagai pengendalian dan bantuan terkait hukum. Manajemen telah menetapkan sejumlah aturan tata kelola perusahaan: 1. Buku Panduan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Board Manual. 2. Pedoman GCG. 3. Pedoman Kode Etik Perusahaan. 4. Whistle Blowing System. 5. Pedoman Tata Kelola Anak Perusahaan. 6. Kebijakan Umum Tata Kelola Informasi Teknologi IT Governance. 7. Kebijakan dan Prosedur Audit Internal Pedoman KMA 2011, Juklak Pemeriksaan Operasional, Buku langkah Kerja Audit Internal 2002, dan Pedoman Kerja SPI. 8. Pedoman KMA Kendali Mutu Audit dan Pedoman QA Quality Assurance.


In order for the BOC and the BOD as well as the other supporting corporate organs to be able to carry out the rules at corporate level, the management has determined a number of rules setting the corporate governance, as illustrated below: 1. ShareholdersGeneral Meeting of Shareholders RUPS is the highest authority holder in the Company. 2. Board of Commissioners carry out the supervisory and advisory functions to Board of Directors. 3. Board of Directors carry out the Company’s operational activities in accordance with the corporat vision and mission and the principle of accountability in GCG. In carrying out operational activities, under the President Director there is a structure at the same level as Excecutive Vice President EVP, i.e: 1. Internal Control Unit SPI, serving as controller. 2. Risk Management Center, functioning to study risk and risk assessment. 3. Corporate Secretary, serving as secretariat. 4. Legal Department, functioning to control and give assistance related to legal matters. The Management has established a set of GCG codes: 1. Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners Manual 2. GCG Manual 3. Code of Corporate Ethic Manual 4. Whistle Blowing System. 5. GCG Manual of Subsidiarys 6. General policy on IT Governance. 7. Policy and Procedures of Internal Audit KMA Manual 2011, Practical Guidance for Operational Audit, Workbook of Internal Audit 2002, and SPI Work Manual. 8. KMA Kendali Mutu Audit Manual and QA Quality Assurance Manual. PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 214


PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero telah memiliki roadmap penerapan GCG sebagai dasar aplikasi GCG. Pada tahun 2013 penerapan GCG berada pada fase Good Compliance Corporation. Fase ini pencapaian roadmap menitik beratkan pada penguatan organ- organ perusahaan terhadap komitmen kepatuhan compliance atas prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Fase ini sangat vital, karena masing-masing organ perusahaan dituntut untuk patuh pada prinsip- prinsip pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance. Good Corporate Governance Good Compliance Corporation Good Sustainability Governance 2011 2012 2013 2014 ROADMAP GCG PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Persero


PT Kereta Api Indonesia Persero has a roadmap of GCG practice as the foundation of GCG practice. In 2013 GCG practice was in the phase of Good Compliance Corporation. This phase of roadmap achievement focused on the enforcement of corporate organs against the commitment to compliance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This phase is very vital since each of the corporate organ is demanded to comply with the principles of Good Corporate Governance.