SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Situs Resmi PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 302 Lahir di Cianjur tanggal 26 Desember 1960, menempuh pendidikan S1 Jurusan Geodesi, ITB Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1986, dan mengambil gelar S2 Transportasi ITB tahun 1997. Mengawali karir di PT. KAI Persero tahun 1988 hingga 1989 sebagai staf yang membantu pelaksanaan pekerjaan Pempro Prasarana KA wilayah Barat Jakarta. Tahun 1997 diangkat menjadi tenaga ahli senior kelompok kerja pengembangan angkutan KA analisis sistem transportasi. Tahun 2007 diangkat sebagai Kepala Daerah Operasi 3 Cirebon. Tahun 2009 diangkat sebagai Vice Passenger Transport Marketing Customer Care. Dan menjadi Executive Vice President Corporate Secretary sejak tahun 2012. 1. Struktur Organisasi Sekretaris Perusahaan Sesuai Keputusan Direksi No. KEP.UOT.003VI5KA- 2012 tanggal 26 Juni 2012 tentang Perubahan atas lampiran I dan II Keputusan Direksi No. KEP.UOT.003 VI3KA-2010 tanggal 15 Juni 2010 tentang organisasi dan tata laksana sekretaris perusahaan di lingkungan kantor pusat PT. KAI persero, bahwa sekretaris perusahaan dipimpin oleh seorang EVP Executivr Vice President Corporate Secretary yang bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi No. KEP.UOT.003XII12KA-2013 tanggal 17 Desember 2013 menetapkan EVP Corporate Secretary membawahi lima VP Vice President, yaitu: a. VP Corporate Document Management and Files. b. VP Corporate Social Responsibilty. c. VP Public Relations. d. VP General Affairs. e. VP Quality Assurance and Good Corporate Governance. Was born in Cianjur 26 December 1960, graduated from S1 Geodesy, ITB Institut Teknologi Bandung 1986, and took master degree S2 Transportation ITB 1997. Started his career in PT KAI Persero 1988 until 1989, to assist the project of Pempro Prasarana KA in West Jakarta. In 1997, he is promoted as the expert of senior working team of the development analisys train transportation system. In 2007, he is promoted as the leader of opera- tional district 3 Cirebon. in 2009, he is promoted as Vice Passenger Transport Marketing Customer Care, and become Executive Vice President Corporate Secretary since 2012. 1. The organization structure of corporate secretary In accordance to the director decree No. KEP.U OT.003VI5KA-2012 dated 26 Juni 2012 about the changing of attachment 1 and II of directors’ decree No. KEP.UOT.003VI3KA-2010 in 15 June 2010 about the organization and the governance of the corporate secretary in PT KAI persero head office, that the corporate secretary is leaded by EVP Executive Vice President Corporate Secretary who is responsible to directors. Based on the decree No. KEP.UOT.003XII12KA-2013 in 17 December 2013 states that EVP Corporate Secretary supervises five VP Vice President: a. VP Corporate Document Management and Files. b. VP Corporate Social Responsibilty. c. VP Public Relations. d. VP General Affairs. e. VP Quality Assurance and Good Corporate Governance Profil Yayat Rustandi