PROTECTION OF WHISTLEBLOWER Situs Resmi PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 351 Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion Supporting Business Report b. Penyelenggara WBS memberikan hak kepada pelapor untuk melakukan pemantauan monitoring dan tanggapan respon mengenai tindak lanjut atas laporan dugaan pelanggaran yang disampaikan pelapor. 4. a. Penanggung jawab setelah mempertimbangkan hasil telaahan dan sumber informasi lainnya, menetapkan tindak lanjut atas laporan dugaan pelanggaran, dengan antara lain memberikan sanksi kepada terlapor apabila laporan yang diterima terbukti benar atau rehabilitasi jika laporan yang diterima dari pelapor terbukti salahpalsu fitnah. b. Penanggung jawab setelah mempertimbangkan hasil telaahan dan sumber informasi lainnya, memberikan perlindungan dan menetapkan pemberian penghargaan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku kepada pelapor, apabila laporan yang diterima terbukti benar atau sanksi jika laporan yang diterima dari pelapor terbukti salahpalsufitnah. 5. a. Penanggung jawab setelah mempertimbangkan hasil telaahan dan sumber informasi lainnya, memerintahkanmenugaskan Kepala SPI dan atau menunjuk Auditor Independen lain untuk melakukan investigasi atas laporan pelanggaran yang patut diduga mengandung tindak pidana. b. Kepala SPI danatau Auditor Independen melakukan tugas investigasi, antara lain melalui pengumpulan bukti, wawancara dengan pihak- pihak yang terkait termasuk penyelenggara WBS dan pelapor, serta interogasi kepada terlapor sesuai dengan batas kewenangan dan ketentuan yang berlaku. c. Kepala SPI danatau Auditor Independen melaporkan hasil audit investigatif kepada penanggung jawab, berikut rekomendasi tindak lanjutnya. 6. a. Penanggung jawab dapat meneruskan laporan dugaan pelanggaran kepada Aparat Penegak Hukum APH : Kepolisian atau Kejaksaan atau Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, berdasarkan laporan hasil telaahan penyelenggaran WBS sebagaimana butir 3.a. danatau laporan hasil audit investigatif dari Kepala SPI atau Auditor Independen yang ditunjuk sebagaimana butir 5 tersebut di atas. b. APH melakukan pemeriksaan atas bukti-bukti awal yang disampaikan perusahaan, serta melakukan penyelidikan dan penyidikan lebih lanjut sesuai batas kewenangan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. b. WBS organizers entitles the complainant to perform monitoring monitoring and responses response of the follow-up to report alleged violations of the reporting submitted. 4. a. Having considered the results of the analysis and other resources, organizers set a follow- up to report alleged violations - to impose sanctions if the report received is proved to be correct, or to provide rehabilitation if the report received is proved to be false fake slander. b. Having considered the results of the analysis and other resources, organizers provide protections and set the appropriate award provisions applicable to the complainant if the report is proved to be true, or to provide sanctions if the report received is proved to be false fake slander. 5. a. Having considered the results of the analysis and other resources, organizers order commission the Head of Internal Audit and or appoint another independent auditor to conduct an investigation into reports of violations that may contain criminal offense. b. Head of Internal Audit and or the Independent Auditors perform investigative duties, among others, through the collection of evidence, interviews with relevant parties including the organizers of the WBS and the reporting, as well as questioning the authority reported in accordance with the limits of authority and conditions in force. c. Head of Internal Audit and or the Independent Auditor will report the results of the investigative audit to the organizers, including recommendations for follow-up. 6. a. Organizers continue to report alleged violations to Law Enforcement Authorities LEA: Police or the Attorney or the Corruption Eradication Commission, based on the delivery of a report on the analysis of the WBS as item 3.a. and or investigative audit report of the Head of Internal Audit or Independent Auditor appointed as mentioned in paragraph 5 above. b. LEA audits the preliminary evidence presented by the company, and conduct further inquiry and investigation within the limits of authority and legislation in force.