PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 363 Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Analysis and Managerial Discussion Supporting Business Report Manajemen Risiko Risk Management PT. KAI Persero telah melakukan upaya secara berkesinambungan agar manajemen risiko menjadi bagian integral dari proses bisnis perusahaan dan pengambilan keputusan oleh manajemen, serta tumbuh menjadi budaya bagi seluruh personil perusahaan. Sesuai Keputusan Menteri Negara BUMN Republik Indonesia No.KEP-117M-MBU2002 Tentang Penerapan Good Corporate Governance pada BUMN, khususnya Pasal 22, Direksi PT. KAI telah menetapkan suatu Sistem Pengendalian Internal yang efektif untuk mengamankan investasi dan aset perusahaan. Cakupannya meliputi pengkajian dan pengelolaan risiko usaha, yaitu keseluruhan proses mulai dari mengidentifikasi, menganalisa, menilaimengevaluasi, merespon, dan mengendalikan risiko usaha yang relevan hingga pelaporannya. Selain itu, langkah ini juga dilakukan guna mematuhi ketentuan Pasal 28 ayat 2, yang mengharuskan setiap BUMN mengambil inisiatif untuk mengungkapkan tidak hanya masalah yang diisyaratkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan, namun juga hal penting untuk pengambilan keputusan oleh pemodal, pemegang saham pemilik modal, kreditur, serta stakeholders termasuk di dalamnya faktor risiko dan penilaian manajemen atas faktor risiko tersebut. PT KAI Persero has done continuous efforts to make risk management to be an integrated part of the company business process and management decision making as well as developing it to be the custom of all company personnel. In line with the decree of Ministry of State- owned Company of The Republic of Indonesia number KEP-117M-MBU2002 about the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Ministry of State-owned Company, especially article 22, the director of PT KAI has set an internal controlling system which is effective to secure company investment and asset. The system covers the analysis and the management of business risk, i.e. entire process starting from identifying, analyzing, assessingevaluating, responding, controlling relevant business risk, and making report. Besides, these steps are taken to meet article 28 verse 2 which oblige each state-owned company to reveal not only problems which are indicated by amendment regulation, but also important factors to be considered by investor, share holder, creditor, and stakeholder in making decision, including risk factor and management assessment on that risk factor.