Cement Transport Angkutan KA Penumpang

Analysis and Managerial Discussion PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2013 127 Supporting Business Report Business Prospects and Corporate Strategy Pendapatan tahun 2013 meningkat dari 2012, namun volume barang di bawah pencapaian 2012. Kenaikan pendapatan disebabkan oleh adanya kenaikan tarif angkutan semen PT Holcim sebesar 4,3 terhitung mulai 1 Februari 2013, dan adanya sistem paletisasi. Sementara itu, volume angkutan semen lebih rendah dari 2012 karena daya tarik lokomotif yang menyebabkan stamformasi tidak maksimal serta kapasitas silo yang terbatas di pabrik Semen Padang. Selain itu, kondisi infrastruktur di beberapa stasiun masih belum maksimal untuk mendukung proses bongkar muat.

e. Angkutan Curah dan Perkebunan

Realisasi volume angkutan curah dan perkebunan sepanjang 2013 mencapai 1,09 juta ton, naik 25,77 dibandingkan tahun 2012 yang mencapai 0,87 juta ton. Realisasi pendapatan dari angkutan barang curah dan perkebunan sepanjang 2013 sebesar Rp 74,42 miliar atau turun 1,83 bila dibandingkan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 75,81 miliar. Uraian 2013 2012 Pertumbuhan Description 2013 2012 Growth Volume juta ton 3,14 3,47 9,42 Volume million ton 3.14 3.47 9.42 Pendapatan Rp 000.000 164.193 106.655 53,95 Income IDR 000,000 164,193 106,655 53.95 Realisasi Volume dan Pendapatan Angkutan Semen 2012 dan 2013 Volume and Revenue Realization of Cement Transportation in 2012 and 2013 The realization of revenue 2013 increasing from 2012, but the volume of goods was below the achievement 2012. The increasing revenue was caused by a raise of tariff for transporting PT Holcim’s cement by 4.3 effective from February 1, 2013 and palletization system. Meanwhile, a volume of cement transport is lower than 2012 due to insufficient locomotive traction causing sub- optimal train arrangements and the limitation of the silo capacity at the Semen Padang production center. Moreover, the infrastructure conditions at some of the railway stations were not yet sufficient to support the needed loading-unloading process.

e. Bulk Cargo and Plantation Products Transport

The volume of bulk cargo and plantation products transport realization along 2013 reaches 1.09 million of tons, an inrease of 25.77 compared to 2012 that reacheds 0.87 million of tons. The revenue realization from transportation of bulk cargo and plantation products transport along 2013 is of IDR 74.42 billion, a decrease of 1.83 when compared to the year 2012 that was IDR 75.81 billion. PT KERETA API INDONESIA PERSERO 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 128 Uraian 2013 2012 Pertumbuhan Description 2013 2012 Growth Volume juta ton 1,09 0,87 25,77 Volume million ton 1.09 0.87 25.77 PendapatanRp 000.000 74.421 75.808 1,83 Income IDR 000,000 74,421 75,808 1.83 Uraian 2013 2012 Pertumbuhan Description 2013 2012 Growth Volume juta ton 0,34 0,33 2,39 Volume million ton 0.34 0.33 2.39 Pendapatan Rp 000.000 90.821 88.269 2,89 Income IDR 000,000 90,821 88,269 2.89 Realisasi Volume dan Pendapatan Angkutan Curah dan Perkebunan 2012 dan 2013 Realisasi Volume dan Pendapatan Angkutan General Cargo dan BHP 2012 dan 2013 Volume and Revenue Realization of Bulk and Plantation Transportation in 2012 and 2013 Volume and Revenue Realization of General Cargo Parcel Delivery in 2012 and 2013

f. General Cargo dan BHP

Realisasi volume angkutan General Cargo dan BHP sepanjang 2013 mencapai 0,34 juta ton, naik 2,39 bila dibandingkan tahun 2012 sebesar 0,33 juta ton. Realisasi pendapatan sepanjang 2013 sebesar Rp 90,82 miliar atau naik 2,89 bila dibandingkan tahun 2012 sebesar Rp 88,27 miliar.

f. General Cargo and Parcel Delivery

The volume realization of General Cargo and Parcel Delivery along 2013 reached 0.34 million tons, increasing 2.39 if compared to that of 2012 which was 0.33 million tons. The revenue realization along 2013 was IDR 90.82 billion, increasing 2.89 if compared with the revenue in 2012 which was amounted IDR 88.27 billion.